The Public Forum of The M+G+R Foundation


The purpose of this Public Forum is to publicly respond to correspondence that we may receive from time to time and which is of Universal interest in these very unsettling times.

We reserve the right to choose what questions to address and how to transcribe the question and/or statement from the correspondence received. The identity of the correspondent will be kept confidential except in the case of abusive correspondence which will then be referred to the appropriate responsible entities.

Letters/Questions - Addressed on  September  2005    

From JP  @  USA [Published on September 27th - 2005]

Q.  Is this gal on the right page?

[JP refers to someone who writes under the name Sorcha Faal (SF) and publishes under "WhatDoesItMean.Com" and the particular lengthy article deals with   "North American Plate Begins 'Cracking' ", ball of fire over Florida, and other allegedly End of the World themes.]


A.  Our answer/comment is similar to the answer we gave on September 4th, 2005:

In this particular case - two items stand out as the proverbial "sore thumbs".

SF plays on the End of the World fears, as opposed as the End of These Times hope plus taking aim against the American people. Touching on the second issue. SF writes:

Today we also continue to find that the American people themselves are  not able to understand the true catastrophic totality of the events  occurring in our world as with their Darwinian mindsets they do not view  the events occurring to them as being part of the much larger series of  events occurring not only to our world itself, but indeed to our entire  solar system.

As if the Russian people could understand it - when the state of the Russian society - material and intellectual - has plummeted from the level it was in the Soviet days. As if that were not enough, SF follows that statement with:

But in their (the American people) reading, or even in those rare times their being allowed to  view the images of massive human evacuations, these most strangest of  people still fail to understand, still fail to comprehend, that the  spectacle they are living today has been, is now, and will continue to be  the new 'normal' of the world we all inhabit.

In other words - the function of Sorcha Faal is to drive the people of the US to despair with an: "End of the world" "You Americans are clueless" combo.

But it i not SF alone. Providence had it yesterday that m de P view a History Channel program prepared for the year 2000 entitled The End of the World. The only thing that was missing from that program was the 800 number to call and place an order for a free of charge suicide kit and a commercial for a Funeral Home.
<>If m de P were to list and explain all of the disinformation campaigns that are going on now, and the ones in the recent past which were preparing the stage for today, he could probably publish several books. The same goes with outright conspiracies, conspiracies which outstrip any Hollywood plot in Machiavellian creativity.

So, what to do? First, we must identify "Disinformation Campaigns" and "Conspiracy" hunting as another ploy of satan because he succeeds in shifting the focus of the Faithful from God to deciphering what is hidden. Remember, satan is the father of lies, thus the father of all disinformation campaigns and conspiracies.

We assure you, what is going to take place will take place for it is written and the time is now! However, as we have written many times before, we can empower God - through our cooperation with His designs and requests - to reduce the blows to the minimum required to "Dispense Justice while Prophecy Is Fulfilled". The moment we start "Conspiracy Chasing" we shift our focus away from God and His designs.

Does it really matter if Katrina was a plot of the Kremlin? Or the ace up Cheney's sleeve to cause the oil price to sky rocket? Does it really matter who won the last Vatican round? The Escrivites or the Macielites? Does it really matter whether FEMA is busy preparing concentration camps for New World Order dissidents? Does it really matter how Jack Ruby was induced to shoot Oswald without he himself being aware of it; or, for that matter, the technique used with Oswald to get him (in this case not "induce him" but "get him") to shoot Kennedy - an oft used technique in this type of activity? Etc., etc., etc.

We have highlighted some overall conspiracies for the purpose of alerting the Faithful that yes, they are taking place. The same goes with media control and brainwashing; however, beyond that is pointless to pursue each one as they are sprung on the unsuspecting Faithful. What we have published in that area should be enough to give those who have Eyes to See to identify those that pop up almost daily without effort.

How to prevent from being deceived? Quite simple: Keep in mind that God is above all and even satan must serve Him. satan cannot ensnare anyone unless God allows it. Do you think that God will allow the ensnaring anyone who, minute in and minute out, but without fanaticism, seek to do His Will?

He would allow that only if it is the only way that individual will learn a lesson that needs to be learned and profited from by others... and if He allows it, so be it! Not to worry! Would you want to prevent God from teaching you something that you cannot learn any other way? God forbid!

Now, humans are curious by Divine design, therefore, here is how the faithful can turn the tables on satan. If one is greatly endowed with the spirit of curiosity, make the deciphering of conspiracies and identification of disinformation campaigns a past time - as it should be. When you are sitting right on God's lap no conspiracy or disinformation campaign can possibly have any detrimental effect in you. Just do not let it become an obsession like Video Games, TV Watching, Gambling, etc., etc.

We will give you a very concrete and current example: The rumor mill has it that Katrina was the product of weather engineering. Fine. As an engineer, m de P finds that fascinating and if he had the time he would think about it in scientific terms, on how it could be done or not, the parameters involved, the challenges needed to be overcome, etc., etc. Just like any engineering problem - without allowing it to become a threat to his Faith or physical security or an obsession.

However, regardless of its origin, what we all must do is see what we can learn from it that may benefit the Faithful. One never knows - God allowed it for a reason.

For example: (a) Now it is obvious that the US emergency capabilities are quite stretched, something that makes it very vulnerable to its enemies; (b) The Faithful cannot count on ol' Uncle Sam to bail him/her out in a crisis "lickety-split", thus, the faithful should plan ahead for the many more to come; (c) It is now more obvious that God is far more trustworthy than man - so draw closer to Him; (d) It is obvious that fossil fuel electric generators will be really worthless in the great calamities to come, BUT, solar power will see a family through unless the sky is darkened by the debris of a comet; (e) Even if one does not have personal transportation - if an evacuation order is given - get out! even walking if you have to!; (f) Assist those unable to plan to come up with their own plan before catastrophe knocks at the door; and many more.

In conclusion - Just like suffering can be turned into a very powerful positive force if channeled correctly, learn whatever you can learn for your safety and that of your brothers and sisters from any and all disinformation campaigns and conspiracies and let God worry about how to handle them.

The realization of the Divinity, thus, Omnipotence, of our true Father and the Promises of Jesus, have unmeasurable power - Work on acknowledging that awesome reality and know that All Is Indeed Well!

How else do you think m de P can sleep well every night with the knowledge that could fill books as we mentioned at the beginning of this response?

From ML  @  USA [Published on September 23rd - 2005]

Q.  I have been taught since an early age that when I die or when the world as we know it comes to an end that my life will be played out with all the good and bad that I have done.
About two years ago I started reviewing my life although not by choice!  Almost everyday I am made aware of between 1 and 5 things I have done, good or bad. Some items are very minor, in my eyes, while others are huge.  It is really strange but at the same time illuminating when I reflect on what I have been given for the day.  I feel that I am able to atone for sins I had totally forgotten or never given much thought to and on the good side feel that I have done well on some level.
Do you think that this has been brought on because I could not handle it all in one sitting or when they stop my end is near?  Either way I feel at peace because it has been so enlightening. By the way I  have no wish to die, I just find it a little odd.

Thanks and be in peace.


A.  The answer lies in your statement: "Either way I feel at peace because it has been so enlightening."

Only what is from God on feels that way - even when one gets to see - face to face - past misdeeds. God does not accuse; He gives us an opportunity to make specific amends while at the same time consoles us with memories of all the good that we have done. In some cases He may also remind us of past misdeeds, which have already been forgiven and paid for, because He knows that we are still prone to fall in the same manner and such memory - without guilt, mind you! - is a way of assisting us to avoid the conditions that may precipitate a similar fall.

Apocalyptically speaking - we must also realize that at the Second Coming some souls will still be in the human condition, thus, some of us will have to experience Purgatory without having left the body (died). Therefore, considering where we are at in Time, any acceleration in the settlement of spiritual "accounts pending" -even very minor ones - "I say to thee, thou shalt not go out thence until thou pay the very last mite". [Luke 12:59]

Not long ago m de P was moved to offer a Novena of Masses for the benefit of, and in reparation for, anyone that he may have offended and/or scandalized or harmed in any way, known or unknown, remembered or forgotten, real or perceived - even if all has been taken care of through frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

From Name Witheld  @  USA [Published on September 20th - 2005]

Q. On R P's blog, there was mention of a 19th century hymn to the Pope. How do you feel about it?

A Hymn for the Pope

Long live the Pope!
His praises sound
Again and yet again:
His rule is over space and time:
His throne the heart of men:
All hail! The Shepherd Pope of Rome,
The theme of loving song:
Let all the earth his glory sing
And heav’n the strain prolong.

Beleaguered by
By the foes of earth,
Beset by hosts of hell,
He guards the loyal flock of Christ,
A watchful sentinel:
And yet, amid the din and strife,
The clash of mace and sword,
He bears alone the Shepherd Staff,
The champion of the Lord.

Then raise the chant,
With heart and voice,
In Church & school & home:
"Long live the Shepherd of the Flock!
Long live the Pope of Rome!"
Almighty Father bless his work,
Protect him in his ways,
Receive his prayer, fulfill his hopes,
And grant him length of days!"

Name Witheld

A.  When we read the above, view the condition the world is in today, read about Cardinal Sodano's speech at the United Nations Summit (News Commentary, Post of September 20th) and review their record  - the feeling is only one: Nauseus.

Perhaps the Prophet Isaiah, called by many the Voice of the Holy Spirit of God, can better explain our feelings and the eventual consequences.

From M  @  USA [Published on September 8th - 2005]

Q.  A while back you had a webpage about Miracle of Garabandal happening on April 13, 2006. I have information that indicates that date is wrong. The date I have been shared with matches all criteria/clues given by the Garabandal visionaries.

I am not giving the date to you as I am waiting for confirmation provided through Holy Ghost before I give out the date to anyone.


A.  The webpage that you refer to has been re-posted and may be accessed through our Board. As we stated in the introductory Note that we added before reposting it:

 ...we neither endorse nor reject the date for the Miracle that someone had proposed. We used the alleged Miracle Date, that was being widely circulated, to bring to light all other relevant time frame factors that are found in this document and which underscore how close we are to a conclusion of These Times. Notice that we stated: "....other more critical and related issues..."

What we publish is not to be "speed read" because the real message will be missed and the conclusions reached will be wrong.

All of the Children of God, should only be concerned about two things - and neither have anything to do with the knowledge of dates: (a) As good Boy Scouts - Be Always Ready! ; and (b) Be sure that when the time comes - and as all signposts on the way are reached - all that God intended for each one of you to have accomplished by then has indeed been accomplished.

The knowledge of specific dates (as opposed the time frames) (*), unless God Wills that they be made public (like the October 13 Miracle at Fátima), only interferes with the working of God through His instruments since "humans will be humans" and few can function on  a levelheaded manner when Apocalyptic nature information is known; unless, of course, God has specifically granted that individual the Grace that will sustain him/her. m de P speaks of that not from "book learned" knowledge but from very personal experiences.

In addition - as we have shown, the knowledge and dissemination, even on a limited basis, of specific dates of major Divine Interventions lends itself to be utilized by those who pretend to be at the service of God but whose only objective is to manipulate the masses for their benefit.

(*) Even in Time Frame situations, one must be absolutely sure that God Wills that such Time Frame is divulged as m de P learned.

From TF  @  USA [Published on September 4th - 2005]

Q.  As I have faith that you are inspired by God and doing His will, I submit the article below for your comment.

satan is certainly busy with his lies and deception, and much of what floats on the internet seems to me to be part of what must comprise the great deception leading to the falling away of the faithful in these, the latter days.

As I seek to "watch" and maintain an awareness of all that is ongoing in the secular world that would give evidence of the fulfillment of scripture, I am always concerned for my own discernment, i.e. that I not too, become a victim of the growing evidence that a plan to deceive the entire world is accelerating.

With such a preamble, I hope that you can take five minutes to read the article.... and provide any comment that might shed a hopefully divinely inspired "light" on the scenario presented.

In my heart I know that my only hope is complete submission and faith in God, but who can know how His plan will unfold other than what He has already
provided in scripture.

Thank your for your tireless and thankless (for too many) efforts to guide all of us.


A.  Your question is now, more than ever, of universal interest. We looked at the article, the highlights of similar ones from the post Katrina period and many others before and we have the following to say:

(a) If m de P were to list and explain all of the disinformation campaigns that are going on now, and the ones in the recent past which were preparing the stage for today, he could probably publish several books; and

(b) The same goes with outright conspiracies, conspiracies which outstrip any Hollywood plot in Machiavellian creativity.

So, what to do? First, we must identify "Disinformation Campaigns" and "Conspiracy" hunting as another ploy of satan because he succeeds in shifting the focus of the Faithful from God to deciphering what is hidden. Remember, satan is the father of lies, thus the father of all disinformation campaigns and conspiracies.

We assure you, what is going to take place will take place for it is written and the time is now! However, as we have written many times before, we can empower God - through our cooperation with His designs and requests - to reduce the blows to the minimum required to "Dispense Justice while Prophecy Is Fulfilled". The moment we start "Conspiracy Chasing" we shift our focus away from God and His designs.

Does it really matter if Katrina was a plot of the Kremlin? Or the ace up Cheney's sleeve to cause the oil price to sky rocket? Does it really matter who won the last Vatican round? The Escrivites or the Macielites? Does it really matter whether FEMA is busy preparing concentration camps for New World Order dissidents? Does it really matter how Jack Ruby was induced to shoot Oswald without he himself being aware of it; or, for that matter, the technique used with Oswald to get him (in this case not "induce him" but "get him") to shoot Kennedy - an oft used technique in this type of activity? Etc., etc., etc.

We have highlighted some overall conspiracies for the purpose of alerting the Faithful that yes, they are taking place. The same goes with media control and brainwashing; however, beyond that is pointless to pursue each one as they are sprung on the unsuspecting Faithful. What we have published in that area should be enough to give those who have Eyes to See to identify those that pop up almost daily without effort.

How to prevent from being deceived? Quite simple: Keep in mind that God is above all and even satan must serve Him. satan cannot ensnare anyone unless God allows it. Do you think that God will allow the ensnaring anyone who, minute in and minute out, but without fanaticism, seek to do His Will?

He would allow that only if it is the only way that individual will learn a lesson that needs to be learned and profited from by others... and if He allows it, so be it! Not to worry! Would you want to prevent God from teaching you something that you cannot learn any other way? God forbid!

Now, humans are curious by Divine design, therefore, here is how the faithful can turn the tables on satan. If one is greatly endowed with the spirit of curiosity, make the deciphering of conspiracies and identification of disinformation campaigns a past time - as it should be. When you are sitting right on God's lap no conspiracy or disinformation campaign can possibly have any detrimental effect in you. Just do not let it become an obsession like Video Games, TV Watching, Gambling, etc., etc.

We will give you a very concrete and current example: The rumor mill has it that Katrina was the product of weather engineering. Fine. As an engineer, m de P finds that fascinating and if he had the time he would think about it in scientific terms, on how it could be done or not, the parameters involved, the challenges needed to be overcome, etc., etc. Just like any engineering problem - without allowing it to become a threat to his Faith or physical security or an obsession.

However, regardless of its origin, what we all must do is see what we can learn from it that may benefit the Faithful. One never knows - God allowed it for a reason.

For example: (a) Now it is obvious that the US emergency capabilities are quite stretched, something that makes it very vulnerable to its enemies; (b) The Faithful cannot count on ol' Uncle Sam to bail him/her out in a crisis "lickety-split", thus, the faithful should plan ahead for the many more to come; (c) It is now more obvious that God is far more trustworthy than man - so draw closer to Him; (d) It is obvious that fossil fuel electric generators will be really worthless in the great calamities to come, BUT, solar power will see a family through unless the sky is darkened by the debris of a comet; (e) Even if one does not have personal transportation - if an evacuation order is given - get out! even walking if you have to!; (f) Assist those unable to plan to come up with their own plan before catastrophe knocks at the door; and many more.

In conclusion - Just like suffering can be turned into a very powerful positive force if channeled correctly, learn whatever you can learn for your safety and that of your brothers and sisters from any and all disinformation campaigns and conspiracies and let God worry about how to handle them.

The realization of the Divinity, thus, Omnipotence, of our true Father and the Promises of Jesus, have unmeasurable power - Work on acknowledging that awesome reality and know that All Is Indeed Well!

How else do you think m de P can sleep well every night with the knowledge that could fill books as we mentioned at the beginning of this response?

From JMP  @  USA [Published on September 2nd - 2005]

Q.  I watched today on tv what 's happening with rescue's and descriptions of one worse tragedy than another...

 I agree nuke worse but the fact of no plan  and  those who made it this far may die of thirst, no medications and disease  is so bleak...


A.  Of course, the fact that a nuclear attack would have been more destructive for the level of conversion needed does not take away the right of the citizens to expect the assistance due to them. We just heard - Live - a radio interview with the New Orleans Mayor.

We have not seen nor heard a politician calling a "Spade" a "Spade" with this "damn the torpedoes" attitude as we heard this poor man speak. We have never heard a politician end such a fire and brimstone discourse sobbing like a child either. My heart went to him.

His words will reverberate around the US and the World for some time and will burn like hot coals on the "smoke and mirrors" which make up the Bush Administration to the point that those words may signal  the end of that Administration as we know it. It has become impossible to defend Mr. Bush even if he cannot comprehend what he is being used for.

From BB  @  USA [Published on August 31st - 2005]

Q.  I am afraid that hurricane Katrina IS ONLY THE BEGINNING.  Is it not amazing that we speak about the severity of natural disasters in terms
of DOLLARS, and not human lives??

Our ability to help ourselves and protect ourselves is strained beyond our ability to keep up.  Our troops are deployed overseas when they are SO needed here right now, our economy is so strained with debt that it will not support another major disaster, (the U.S. has asked for overseas help... can you EVER remember us doing that in the past??), and leaders of foreign countries using the disaster to further undermine us politically...

New Orleans and the Gulf Coast was stabbed, deeply.  It was as if they bled for 24 hours rejoicing at how they had yet again avoided catastrophe, only to look down 24 hours later and see that they were bleeding, and dying.

What will happen if we have ANOTHER major "natural disaster" this year??   I TRULY believe that this is the start of a series of events that will
eventually lead to our fall...

The enormity of THIS event is still unrealized. I agree with you that this is somehow a form of "Mercy in Action", although it is very difficult to see that right now.


A.  Right you are. As we keep repeating - the Apocalypse is on schedule. "All the ducks are being lined up" by satan and the enemies of the US are just waiting, while the US Administration manages to make more of them every day, just as the Vatican manages to destroy the little Faith left.

 Time is really running out although even some of our readers think "Yes, yes but it will be later on - who knows? - maybe we can fix things up and God will relent."

Relent? Ask Noah's neighbors, ask the  citizens of Sodom, Gomorra and Capernaum. Chat with the residents of Jerusalem who witnessed that no stone was left upon stone in their Holy Temple. Ask the dead of World War II.

What time is it? Its is that time!


  Public Forum - August 2005 - Edition Files

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