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[ Ecclesiastical Masonry - Section 20 ]

The Opus Dei according to Maria del Carmen Tapia

Former Head of the Women's Branch of Opus Dei

Their "Reality" could not be any clearer


The following Post was brought to our attention recently [as of 2001]:

Opus Dei is the organization of the Council, and in fact Msgr Escriva is by far more the "man of the Council" than John Paul II. The Holy Father is much more grounded in tradition than Opus Dei.

... I would suggest that anyone interested in Opus Dei read "Beyond the Threshold", which is written by Maria del Carmen Tapia, who was the head of the women's branch. She has been severely maligned since the publication of the book.

We chose to investigate Mrs. Tapia's book to see how closely it agreed with what we have already exposed about The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.


miguel de Portugal set out to find the book in a major educational and intellectual center in Spain. The quest was short and the results were mixed.

The book was not available but we found out why, which in itself, tells the whole story.

The largest bookstore in the city was first visited. After much stumbling we were informed that the book, which was dubbed a novel, was out of print.

A second and well established bookstore, a husband and wife operation, was visited. At first he could not remember anything about the book, then, suddenly all came back to him and pouring out of his mouth in a torrent!

He said that he had featured the book in the window of the store. Shortly thereafter, a gentleman, who identified himself as a physician of the area, came into the store and asked the owner to step aside with him for a chat. The visitor informed the shopkeeper that he belonged to a large group of professionals in this particular city and that, if he did not remove Mrs. Tapia's book from the window, they would boycott his bookstore.

Later on the shopkeeper wanted to get additional copies. He called the publisher in Spain and was told that it was out of print, never to be printed again by them. Upon inquiring, the shopkeeper was informed by the publishing house that, after the original publication of the book, they received a call (or visit - we do not know for certain) informing them that a number of authors who were having their books published by said publishing house would take them elsewhere if they ever printed Mrs. Tapia's book again.

Thus... the Spanish original version of Maria del Carmen Tapia's book "Tras el Umbral" [Beyond the Threshold] was killed.

We Thank God for being able to bring to you, at a worldwide level, this information as well as a sample of Mrs. Tapia's book (1).

We encourage you to obtain it and review it. Having been the head of the Women's Branch of the Opus Dei, we are confident that Mrs. Tapia will give you all the background that you could possibly need so that, in conjunction with what we have published in the Name of God, you will be able to appreciate the gravity and danger that The Prelature of the Opus Dei presents to the Roman Catholic Church and the world at large.

For those who are having difficulty in believing what Ms. Tapia reported and wish to ascribe it to the "ranting of a hysterical woman", there are volumes of supporting and enhancing her revelations from individuals and clergy of greater stature than Ms. Tapia. Just take a look at this brief Index (2).

We take this opportunity to remind the reader that the former FBI Director (3), Mr. Louis Freeh, is associated with such organization. This is also the case with members of other key U.S. Intelligence agencies, like the CIA (4).

We entreat our friends to keep The M+G+R Foundation and its work in your prayers - obviously, we have many enemies..

NOTE Added April 17, 2001  (after original publication)

These same bookstores, in this particular city and throughout Spain, carry and display books covering subjects from Satanism, New Age, Tarot Card Readings to merciless criticism of prominent figures from the Roman Catholic Church: from H.H. John Paul II on down. However, no one complains about it and much less coerce the bookstores to discontinue displaying and selling them.

We saw the same "syndrome" when the Portuguese magazine VISAO (5) published a critical cover story on the Opus Dei. In this occasion, Opus Deites did not tire of writing to VISAO in defense of their group - whereas any attack of the Catholic Faith published by VISAO goes unchallenged.

Curiously enough, the offices of VISAO went up in flames shortly thereafter and since then VISAO has lost their appetite to criticize the Opus Dei.

They only defend their own... and obviously God and His servants are not counted amongst them.

NOTE Added October  6, 2005  (after original publication)

On October 2002, the The Catholic Weekly (Sydney, Australia), published what they claimed were statements made by Maria del Carmen Tapia, in essence, denying everything that she had written in her book about Escrivá and Opus Dei, published under her authority in both English and Spanish.

Statements as "she supports the canonisation of Opus Dei's founder and has never doubted the group's 'divine origin'" and  "To me, a saint is the person who fulfills and carries out God's will to the end of his or her life", she said. "And faith was, in my opinion, the most relevant feature in the life of Mons Escriva - his unshakeable confidence in God."

We thank and Praise God for placing these gems of disinformation in our hands; as we have said many times, even satan has to serve God! Of course, for those who do not have eyes to see and ears to hear, Ms. Tapia alleged retraction will be a vindication for what they want to believe. This in turn, using the same reasoning that Jesus used when explaining to His disciples why He spoke if parables [Matthew 13: 9-17], will prevent them form conversion since they do not belong to the Father.

Of course, those who indeed have eyes to see and ears to hear (6), will immediately see through the disinformation sham and, even if they were temporarily misled by the false piety of Opus Dei, return to the true Way, Jesus Christ and His Gospel, and not the falsified "Way" published by Jose María Escrivá.

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(1) A sample of Mrs. Tapia's book "Beyond the Threshold, A Life in Opus Dei"

(2) The referred brief index is now part of Documents Regarding the Opus Dei Sect (in Spanish) - see Section "Testimonios personales"

(3) The United States of America Is Betrayed by FBI Special Agent Robert Philip Hanssen, A Member of Opus Dei

(4) Index of documents linking Opus Dei with Intelligence Services [This document has been withdrawn and is no longer online; confirmed April 2023]

(5) The Opus Dei - The Secret Army of the Pope

(6) Eyes to See and Ears to Hear. Who Are Those Who Possess Them?

En Español:  El Opus Dei según María del Carmen Tapia

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