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  All Posts For March 2013

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Published on March 30th, 2013 [Holy Saturday]

From miguel de Portugal

It seems that the Bishop of Rome (1), Francis, is confused about several issues. His carefully staged "spontaneous" behavior, although makes great copy for the "Holy Pope" image, transgress a fundamental Divine directive: Woe to the world because of scandals. For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh. [Matthew 18:7]

The first issue he does not seem to get a grasp of is: humility

When an individual occupying the position the world think he occupies, blows his trumpet when he is doing what he must do, that is false humility and such behavior is not of Christ.

One young man .... asked why he had come to visit them. Francis responded that it was to "help me to be humble, as a bishop should be."

The gesture, he said, came "from my heart. Things from the heart don't have an explanation." (2)

A truly humble answer woud have been: "Why not? You are all children of God; a God Whom I strive to serve."

What next? Riding the metro in Rome.

He made a reputation for being a humble man for riding the metro in Buenos Aires and, frankly, that would be impressive if he had little else to do with his time. Therefore, when an individual - Archbishop or Cardinal - in charge of an area as Buenos Aires - rides public transporation, it is for show because his work and prayer agenda must be overflowing. I know that from very personal experience.

The second issue he has had confused for many years is: the washing of the feet on the Last Passover Meal (3).

The intent of such event is to recreate the scene that took place over 2,000 years ago and, unless someone can come up with solid proof that women were at the Last Passover Meal, the feet to be washed should be those of seminarians or of other priests and bishops - symbolizing the Apostles.

The kissing of the feet seems more of a promotion of the foot fetish disorder than a recreation of the example that Jesus gave us. The only example that we have in the New Testament regarding kissing feet is: And standing behind at his feet, she began to wash his feet, with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment. [Luke 7:38]

The third issue has to do with including a Muslim in the staunchly Christian tradition of replicating the washing of the feet at the Last Passover Meal. Anyone who is familiar with us knows our very positive position regarding Islam (4) (5), however, most of the very unEvangelized Catholic world cannot digest that behavior without being scandalized.

As the crowning blow to Francis' display of staged humility at the detention center, we read (2): Francis had a simple message for the young inmates, whom he greeted one-by-one after the Mass, giving each an Easter egg.

An easter egg! My God!

I "patrolled" the alleged "sin centers" of Houston giving away Blessed crucifixes, miraculous medals, rosaries and other religious symbols/reminders - all of which were accepted with great respect and appreciation - and this man is passing out Easter eggs as a reminder of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?

What next? Chocolate bunnies?

Even though Easter Eggs, traditionally (6), are supposed to symbolize the empty tomb of Christ, we venture to guess that 99+ % of Christians are not familiar with such symbolism, much less the youth in detention centers.  Furthermore, even in Francis had stated such symbolism in the Homily, an appropriate sacramental would have been preferable - and practical. How many people have you seen wearing an Easter Egg dangling from a  neck chain? or Using it as an object of devotion at prayer time?  When most of the residents of the Western World see Easter Eggs and Easter Bunnies, the last thing they think of is the Resurrection of Christ. They are the equivalent of  Santa Claus, who has stolen the true meaning of Christmas.

As the saying goes - "charity starts at home".... and so does humility. It was far more important to have properly handled the sexual abuse cases in Argentina (7) than to be washing and kissing the feet of young men and women and passing out eggs.

May God have Mercy on His Elect!
(1) Bishop of Rome, he is. Pope, of course, he is not.
(2) News Report
(3) The Last Passover Meal
(4) The Muslim Corner
(5) The Foundation of Faith
(6) Traditionally - but not known by many Christians - Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime. As such, Easter eggs are common during the season of Eastertide. In Christianity, they symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus - though an egg appears to be like the stone of a tomb, a bird hatches from it with life; similarly, the Easter egg, for Christians, is a reminder that Jesus rose from the grave, and that those who believe will also experience eternal life.
(7) Details on the handling of sexual abuse cases in Argentina

Have you ever noticed..... what the following particular verses from the Gospel of John reveal?

And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple. And that disciple was known to the high priest, and went in with Jesus into the court of the high priest.  But Peter stood at the door without. The other disciple therefore, who was known to the high priest, went out, and spoke to the portress, and brought in Peter. [John 18:15-16]

How could a poor ex-fisherman nobody like John have such pull with the High Priest that he got into the court of the high priest and was obeyed by the portress who allowed Peter in?

Think about it. Meditate on it. You will soon realize how little we know/understand the treasures hidden within the Holy Scriptures.

 No; it is not a mistake nor we are implying an illicit relationship between the High Priest and said disciple.

Key Religious Holidays for April 2013

5th    First Friday of the Month

6th    First Saturday of the Month

7th    Divine Mercy Sunday

25th   St. Mark the Evangelist

26th   Mary, Mother of Good Counsel

Published on March 28th, 2013 [Holy Thursday - 1st Day of the Triduum (1)]

From miguel de Portugal

Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would begin on Good Friday.  He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena, saving for the last day the most difficult intention of all, the lukewarm and indifferent of whom He said:

"These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by.' The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy."

In her diary, St. Faustina wrote that Jesus told her:

"On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy ... On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls."

The Novena

(1) The Paschal Triduum

From (Mrs.) LC @ US

There is a newly released movie titled "Olympus Has Fallen" (1) which my husband and I saw this past weekend.

"Olympus" is the code name for the White House.

The movie deals with the White House being attacked by a fanatical North Korean group.  The President and his staff are kidnapped.

The movie is action packed and riveting.  As I watched it, I couldn't rid myself of the very uneasy feeling that aspects of the fiction I was watching could very well become fact in the not-too-distant future.      

In Jesus and Mary,


Thank you for sharing the information about a movie release we were not aware of. This brings to mind a movie which "coincidentally" premiered at the height of the Clinton-Lewinski scandal and which dealt with a similar White House scandal.

If the general public were really aware of what it takes to produce a movie, they would realize that these "coincidences" are not just coincidences. Statistically, it would be next to impossible. Our situation with North Korea is at its worst right now - and more dangerous now that they are "nuclear" -.... then, "Presto!" just the right movie premieres on March 22nd. Yes, they are our enemies, but we have so many..... Iran would have been a logical one. The movie, with Iran taking the role of the "bad guy", would have been a logical one especially after Ben Affleck's "Argo".

There was also Chavez - with his Castro "godparents". By the way, in 1957, the Presidential Palace in Cuba was attacked by a commando of Castro's University chums with the intent of taking the President hostage - therefore, that would have also been a logical "bad guy" for the movie

Therefore, we should take this as a Heavenly reminder that the only thing left to do is: Pray, and then, Pray Some More!

That is the best way to spend this Triduum.
Once again, Thank you!

(1) About the movie

From (Mrs.) IW @ US

To date, the only problems I had pertaining to interference with your correspondence, dealt with the “Divine Encouragement” messages being forwarded to my SPAM folder.  There had never been any issues with the FYI&R and News Commentary pages.

That has changed.

At the top of the FYI&R edition (pertaining to ecclesial movements by LP), as well as at the top of the News Commentary "hot off the press" addition (pertaining to North Korea's latest maneuvers), both dated 3/26/2013, there was a peach-colored, blinking  message which read:            

"This is a phishing message and is potentially unsafe.  Links and other functionality have been disabled.  Click here to enable functionality (not recommended)".

Attempts to click on to those two sites were unsuccessful.  Everything was “jammed”.

My initial reaction was to obey what the message indicated; that is, leave it alone.  Then I got perturbed.  Enough already!!  After saying a fervent prayer to St. Gabriel, I clicked on the “not recommended” part of the message.  Instantly, everything cleared up.  Those annoying, blinking messages disappeared and I have not had any further issues. 

This Archangel is proving to be consistently powerful in his role as Patron Saint of telecommunications.  Thank God for him!


Thank for a most valuable testimonial AND recommendation - Fervent Prayer!

Published on March 26th, 2013 [First Day of the Jewish Passover observance]

From (Mr.) LP

In reference to our exchange regarding Communion and Liberation (C&L) Movement, I decided to review False Dawn and my Opus Dei articles in SCP, to see what I have already written about them. Attached is what I found back in 2004 - 2006.
Based on that, I would tend to call C&L a mass movement, lighter-intensity OD. This impression is subject to correction with new information.

Thank you for your work.

Considering that:

Benedict will also depend upon the generosity of women in another sense. His brother, 89-year-old Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, has confirmed that the four consecrated laywomen who belong to Memores Domini, part of the Communion and Liberation movement, who currently run his papal household will follow him to his new residence. (1)

We feel that it is important that as many of the Faithful as possible are aware of this information. Therefore, we are reproducing below what you have sent.

As a result of formatting problems we are listing all the sources that you sent at the end of the post without indicating the corresponding location they refer to within the text.
(1) Source

References to Communion and Liberation

From False Dawn:

Should American bishops open the door as requested, they may be letting a large and aggressive camel into the tent. As John Allen reported in 2003, "Spain is something of a laboratory for a redefinition of parish and diocesan structures. One staggering statistic from [Opus Dei priest] de la Hoz: Of Spanish Catholics who attend Mass at least once a month (roughly 18 percent of Spain’s 37 million Catholics, or around 6.6 million people), more than 40 percent come from the movements. In other words, almost half of the practicing Catholics in Spain, some 3 million, belong to a movement. As this number continues to rise, I wondered, what will the impact be on parish life? Extrapolating from what Gordon and Munoz said, it seems one scenario is that the parish will not disappear, but it will play a very different role. Instead of being the center of Catholic life, the crucible in which one’s spirituality is forged, it will function as a meeting place for the movements.

The parish would become a sort of ecclesiastical piazza, in which adherents of the Neocatechumenate, Opus Dei, Regnum Cristi [sic], Catholic Action, Communion and Liberation, etc., meet to share experiences, to work on joint projects, and at least sometimes to worship together, before moving back down their different avenues. Under this scenario, the pastor becomes a facilitator rather than a shepherd in the traditional sense, someone whose task is to bring the movements into conversation and collaboration. The parish becomes the guarantor of communion, but the focus of Christian living will be inside the movements.

A related question is what happens to bishops. When the primary identity of Catholics is defined in geographic terms, i.e., as a member of such-and-such as parish, the diocesan bishop is the key authority. But once Catholics understand themselves in terms of a charism or spirituality, one that crosses geographic boundaries, they become analogous to members of a religious order in the sense that they take their cues more from leadership of the group rather than bishops. Already one sees this process at work in Spain, where Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez, co-founders of the Neocatechumenate, are higher-profile and more powerful figures than most Spanish bishops. Though Pope John Paul II has encouraged the movements, to what extent the institutional Church is prepared for the long-term implications of a shift from geography to charism as the locus of Catholic identity is an open question. Spain seems the place where this will be worked out first, and hence it bears watching."

A section from my SCP article on Opus Dei:

Opus Dei is not the only new religious movement within the Catholic Church with cultist overtones. Other organizations have become prominent with the aid of new teachings from a charismatic founder, a new organizational form, new spirituality, and zealous recruits. These include:

  • the Legionaries of Christ, founded in 1941 by Fr. Marcial Maciel, in Mexico. It has 600 priests and 2,500 seminarians. Regnum Christi, an allied movement for clergy and laity, was founded in 1959. It has 80,000 members in 30 countries.

  • Focolare, founded in 1943 by Chiara Lubich, in Italy. It has 87,000 members in "more than 180 countries."

  • Communion and Liberation, founded in 1954 by Msgr. Luigi Guissani, in Italy. It now has 100,000 members in 70 countries. According to Vittorio Messori, Guissani told him over a decade ago, "we are the guerrillas, the irregulars, the rock-throwers. We do our part, and sometimes really stir something up. But those people in the Work [Opus Dei], they have the tanks: they are well armored with rubber-coated treads. Nobody has heard of them yet, but they’re here, believe me. And we’ll be talking more and more about them, you’ll see."

  • the Neocatechumenal Way, founded in 1964 by Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández, in Spain. It is active in 100 countries, and claims 1 million who "adhere to the Way."

  • the charismatic "cursillo" movement, founded in the 1940s in Spain, and brought to the US in 1957 by Eduardo Bonnin.

These movements profess loyalty to the Pope and to the teachings of the Catholic Church. A scholarly observer of new religious movements says, "Each, from its own point of view, is promoting true spirituality, religious orthodoxy, and conservative morality." In 2002, Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) said, "Even now we witness this ‘new evangelization’ through many ecclesial lay movements such as Opus Dei, the Neocatechumenate, Focolare, Regnum Christi, Communion and Liberation."

Reporter Gordon Urquhart says, "If it was John Paul who gave these groups authority through his enthusiastic backing, Cardinal Ratzinger was the architect of their permanent place in the Church, both by justifying them theologically and by ensuring that they received Vatican approval." In 2000, Cardinal Stafford, a conservative, hailed the movements as "among the most beautiful fruits of the [Second Vatican] Council." On the eve of Pentecost 2004, Pope John Paul II said, "The ecclesial movements and new communities are a providential answer, inspired by the Holy Spirit given the present need of new evangelization."

Upon the rock of these movements, the Catholic authorities propose to build a new Church for the Third Millennium.

The new ecclesial movements "are in practice largely autonomous from the local Churches." An article published in 2004 by La Civiltà Cattolica – a paper whose contents are reviewed by the Vatican’s secretariat of state before going to press – warns of three dangers: "The first danger: ‘The tendency to make absolute their own Christian experience, holding it to be the only valid one, for which reason the ‘true’ Christians would be those who are part of their own movement.’ The second: ‘The tendency to close themselves off; that is, to follow their own pastoral plans and methods of formation for the members of the movement, to carry out their own apostolic activities, refusing to collaborate with other ecclesial organizations, or seeking to occupy all the territory themselves, leaving scarce resources for the activities of other associations.’ The third: ‘The tendency to cut themselves off from the local Church, making reference in their apostolic activity more to the methods of the movement and the directives of its leaders than to the directives and pastoral programs of the dioceses and parishes. From this arises the sometimes bitter tensions that can be created between the ecclesial movements and the bishops and pastors.’"

In 2003, Vatican reporter John Allen forecast the emerging structure of the Catholic Church, based on what he learned from two Opus Dei leaders in Spain: "the parish will not disappear, but it will play a very different role. Instead of being the center of Catholic life, the crucible in which one’s spirituality is forged, it will function as a meeting place for the movements. The parish would become a sort of ecclesiastical piazza, in which adherents of the Neocatechumenate, Opus Dei, Regnum Christi, Catholic Action, Communion and Liberation, etc., meet to share experiences, to work on joint projects, and at least sometimes to worship together, before moving back down their different avenues." As an Italian Catholic journalist noted in 2003, the new ecclesial movements "refer directly to the pope as their one connection to the Church. To different degrees they bear the distinctive features of a sect. The risk is that they will transform the Catholic Church into a body of memberships in juxtaposed groups that don’t communicate with each other: each movement with its own liturgy, its own discipline, its own system of authority and beliefs." Catholic parishes and dioceses would cease to embody the unity of the faithful. They would instead become recruiting grounds for competing authoritarian, politicized sects.

A former member of Focolare warned, "It is ironic that the most pernicious and inhuman idea of the twentieth century, the deification of the collective, has found its last refuge and most passionate proponents in the very Catholics who fought communism so fiercely." It should be a red flag that most of these "new ecclesial movements" have spawned groups of bruised and disillusioned survivors (organizations such as the Opus Dei Awareness Network and REGAIN), and that these new ecclesial movements have a place on standard anti-cult web sites – an "honor" not shared by traditional Catholic religious orders such as Benedictines, Dominicans, and Franciscans.

As Opus Dei and the other new ecclesial movements grow, the Catholic Church is likely to change in ways more radical than Call to Action, We Are Church, and other leftist dissenters would have ever dreamed.


  John Allen, “The Word From Rome,” “New Movements changing Spain,” National Catholic Reporter, May 9, 2003,, viewed 06/09/04.
  Tom Hoopes, “Groundswell: The Pope, the New Movements, and the Church,” Crisis Magazine, December 2004,, printed 09/02/05.
  Tom Hoopes, “Groundswell: The Pope, the New Movements, and the Church,” Crisis Magazine, December 2004,, printed 09/02/05.
  Tom Hoopes, “Groundswell: The Pope, the New Movements, and the Church,” Crisis Magazine, December 2004,, printed 09/02/05.
  Vittorio Messori, Opus Dei: Leadership and Vision in Today’s Catholic Church, Regnery Publishing, 1994, p. 6.
  Roxanne King, “Neocatechumenal Way flourishing in Denver,” Denver Catholic Register, July 17, 2002,, printed 09/23/05.
  David V. Barrett, The New Believers: A Survey of Sects, Cults, and Alternative Religions, Cassell & Co., 2001, p. 203.
  Sen. Rick Santorum, “Fishers of Men,” Catholic Online, July 12, 2002,, printed 07/20/05.
  Gordon Urquhart, “All aboard the lean, clean, missionary machine,” London Times, May 7, 2005,,,3933-1600989_1,00.html, printed 08/25/05.
  ZENIT, “26,000 attend Communion and Liberation Retreat,” May 26, 2000,, printed 08/13/04.
  ZENIT, “Pope Calls New Movements a ‘Providential Answer,” May 30, 2004,, printed 05/31/04.
  Sandro Magister, “Church or Little Churches? The Sectarian Threat of Catholic Movements,” L’espresso, www.Chiesa,,2393,41797,00.html, viewed 06/09/04.
  Sandro Magister, “The Seven Capital Vices of the Movements, According to ‘La Civiltà Cattolica,’” L’espresso, www.Chiesa,,2393,42202,00.html, printed 07/16/04.
  John Allen, “The Word From Rome,” “New Movements changing Spain,” National Catholic Reporter, May 9, 2003,, viewed 06/09/04.
  Sandro Magister, “Church or Little Churches? The Sectarian Threat of Catholic Movements,” L’espresso, www.Chiesa,,2393,41797,00.html, viewed 06/09/04.
  Gordon Urquhart, The Pope’s Armada: Unlocking the Secrets of Mysterious and Powerful New Sects in the Church, Prometheus Books, 1999, p. 413.
  Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN), “ODAN Home,”, printed 06/08/04.
  Religious Groups Awareness International Network, home page,, printed 06/08/04.  They say, “We have been able to assist many in their post legionary experience and inform others of the dangers that the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi pose to the Church and those who wish to be faithful to Her.”
  Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN), “Links,”, printed 06/08/04; this web page contains a list of ten anti-cult web sites.

Published on March 23rd,

From miguel de Portugal

Today we will reveal a dimension hidden in a very important teaching from Jesus Christ. He said, in no uncertain terms:

....thou say to thy brother: Brother, let me pull the mote out of thy eye, when thou thyself seest not the beam in thy own eye? Hypocrite, cast first the beam out of thy own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to take out the mote from thy brother's eye. [Luke 6:42]

To reveal the hidden dimension, we will tell you a story which is circulated as a joke, with wife put-down overtones.

A young couple moves into a new neighborhood.

The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hanging the Wash outside.

"That laundry is not very clean", she said. "She doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."

Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:

"Look, she has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this."

The husband said, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life. What we see when observing others depends on the purity of "the window" through which we look; and that "purity" hinges on what we have allowed others to place in our mind.  Stained our "window", so to speak.  (Others being parents, friends and most specially, the Media.)

So, dear ones, even if you remove the "beam out of your eye", you must make absolutely sure that you are not filtering the "image" through a distorted (dirty, in the case of the story) "window".

No matter how beam free our eyes are,  we will err when judging a situation that is viewed through a distorted, that is, stained "window".

Published on March 21st, 2013

From miguel de Portugal

In a recent note that was temporarily posted on the Divine Encouragement web page, we stated:

Based on Cardinal Bergoglio's initial statements which we have read (up to now), we could not have chosen a more (apparently) perfect individual to head, not only the Roman Catholic Church, but all of Christendom.

His professed position has no parallel in the history of the papacy - a call  for a "poor Church and a Church which serves the poor"  would have almost been classified as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church establishment.

In here lies the great mystery, incoherence (humanly speaking), of this election.

Obviously God has "something up His sleeve"; something of which I am beginning to get some glimpses already, but which remain still unclear. When the glimpses coalesce into a clear picture, were it the Will of God, we will publish the details.

After placing my request for clarification at the foot of the Divine Throne, viewing not more than ten minutes of news clips covering Cardinal Bergoglio's enthronement as Francis, and reading about his simple gold-plated silver Fisherman's Ring and the very simple miter he chose to use, the "glimpses" (cited above) coalesced in a flash.

Recall the alleged "Holy King" and "Holy Pope" prophecies, which have permeated the Catholic world for at least two centuries. Regarding these "prophecies," we wrote the following in January 2012:

Even though most of what we have been announcing since 1992 - 1993 is being manifested, there is one item which the Faithful, and others, find hard to believe: that there is an effort under way to establish (impose) a Catholic Kingdom on Earth, led by a "Holy King" and a "Holy Pope."

Most people will discount that notion as just medieval lore or the product of hysterical visionaries. Thanks be to God, and due to the alertness of a close cooperator of The M+G+R Foundation, we can bring to you ample, concrete proof that this insanity is real, and is in progress now.

It has become crystal clear that if I were in charge of casting to stage a theater production illustrating the fulfillment of that "prophecy," Francis would be given the role of the "Holy Pope" without question. Who could do it better? All of the actual and imaginable endearing and holy characteristics of John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul I have been rolled into one and multiplied by 100 in the creation of "Pope" Francis.

With that in place, and the world past the edge of the abyss of catastrophe (that is - it is already falling into the abyss), the "Holy King" must already be well groomed and awaiting his cue to come onto the world stage.

Whether Bergoglio is conscious of this or not is immaterial. The Master Conspirator is satan and some time ago we realized - with ample confirmation - that many times the key players in the Apocalyptic drama are not aware of the roles that they are playing.

What about the other Savior of the World groups? satan, the Master Conspirator, will get them ready too, and will use whatever option is best - when all is said and done - so that the world population will finally fall at his feet.

We strongly suggest the prayerful review of the following documents, published one year and a few days before the staged abdication of Maledict.

The Catholic King Syndrome

The Catholic King Syndrome - Part II

Published on March 19th, 2013 [Feast of St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church]

Have you heard that....

....according to a South Africa cardinal, pedophilia not a crime? (1)

A South African cardinal who helped elect Pope Francis this week has told the BBC pedophilia is an illness and not a crime. Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, the Catholic Archbishop of Durban, told BBC Radio 5 on Saturday that pedophilia was a "disorder" that needed to be treated.
"From my experience, pedophilia is actually an illness. It's not a criminal condition, it's an illness," he said.
Napier said he knew of at least two priests who became pedophiles after they were abused as children.
"Now don't tell me that those people are criminally responsible like somebody who chooses to do something like that. I don't think you can really take the position and say that person deserves to be punished. He was himself damaged."
The Catholic Church has had its image deeply tarnished by a widespread child sex abuse scandal.

miguel de Portugal comments: Most antisocial behavior has its roots in physical (sexual or non sexual) and psychological abuse in the formative years of the individual in question. Therefore, by Mr. Napier's standards and definitions, we live in an essentially criminal free world. In addition, in accordance to his logic, and without having to stretch his standards and definitions, we should empty all jails in the world.

But let us, for discussion purposes, take his "theories" as truths. In that case, the criminals would be those, Religious Order Superiors, Bishops, Cardinals and Popes, who cover up the dysfunctional behavior of those clerics with the pedophilia "disorder".

And to think that this man is another "Prince" of the Church. Lord have Mercy!
(1)  News Reports

It seems that....

....Maledict's successor, while underscoring over and over again that God forgives as many times as it is necessary during his first Angelus, forgot to mention that "some conditions do apply". Conditions which are clearly stated in the Gospel reading of the day [John 8: 1-11] from which he was quoting.

The point overlooked was:

[10] Then Jesus lifting up himself, said to her: Woman, where are they that accused thee? Hath no man condemned thee? [11] Who said: No man, Lord. And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee. Go, and now sin no more. [John 8]

That is, we must sincerely strive to "go and sin no more" before we can count on a limitless number of acts of Divine Forgiveness.

In addition - the Faithful MUST be aware that even after the forgiveness, there are payments due as the result of our actions outside Divine Law. Such payments can only be reduced by Divine Mercy. The level of such reduction is directly related to the effort we place into our effort to "go and sin no more", the extent of which God knows as He reads our soul as an open book.

Published on March 16th, 2013

From (Mr.) WO @ US

The following are some random tidbits I picked up over the past few days online and on tv. I hope that some of these may be of use to you:

1. It would seem that the Vatican wants to posit Bergoglio as a new John Paul I. Their plan fails in the extreme. John Paul I had a 100% spotless record; he was truly at unity with the poor in deeds. Not just in cheap theatrics. Bergoglio has some serious issues in his past with apparent connivance with Fascist regimes and 'disappearances' of priests.

...along with 30,000 other Argentineans 'disappeared' under his watch. And then there is the CIA link in all of this. which spells OD.

2. At first sight (after I stopped laughing...) I noted the broad similarity between his appearance with that of John XXIII or John Paul I, at a quick glance. I wonder how much of that is an attempt at brainwashing? Of course it makes it harder to criticize the Vatican (or drag it to the World Court) if Maledict is replaced (and protected) by a perceived 'man of the people's.... A brilliant 'circle the wagons' maneuver!

3. When Maledict would speak in St. Peter's Square, we could hear his voice clearly. With Francis I noted two odd phenomena:

a) the movement of his lips often did not match the words spoken.
b) The microphone was pushed/pulled from him..... yet the volume of his words did not change.
c) He would continue to "speak" after his mouth was shut and the microphone pulled away.
d) The tone quality of his voice did not 'match' from sentence to sentence, as if dubbed.

...and I know enough Italian to discern these audible differences.


4. Both clerical and lay tv commentators (on EWTN and networks) have all made the allusion (as if on cue) to John Paul 1st. That seems to be the 'company song'. One of the priest 'experts' interviewed on MSNBC/CNN spoke of Francis as follows:

"....he shall show us the face of Jesus..."

I interpret that as a 'cue' that his job is to assist in introducing the False Christ. As his other function was cited as (in re the name Francis of Assisi):

"..will follow Jesus' command to 'repair my church'..."

5. Some anonymous commenters in online forums have noted:

"He has the smile of a Bond villain down pat..."

6. He is a member of Communion and Liberation - the evil stepson of OD. Painting him as somewhat 'Liberal' is a joke. Because - as Opus Dei 'owns' Latin America - if he truly a Liberal and/or in any way opposed to the agenda of OD, he would be like Archbishop Oscar Romero: Dead.

7. 85% of the population of Argentina are Catholic; 10% of those Catholics actually go to Sunday mass.


You were born and grew up in the theater world. We believe that you are more than qualified to make those observations.

We thank you for sharing them with our readership.

From (Mr.) SF @ US

Two thoughts for you:

Could Pope Francis be Ratzinger's "Golem"? (1)

Anne Emmerich saw a future Church with "two popes": (2)

"I saw also the relationship between two popes ... I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city of Rome. The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness...

"I had another vision of the great tribulation. It seems to me that a concession was demanded from the clergy which could not be granted. I saw many older priests, especially one, who wept bitterly. A few younger ones were also weeping. But others, and the lukewarm among them, readily did what was demanded. It was as if people were splitting into two camps.
"I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, strange, and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of every description. Such was to be the new Church ... But God had other designs. "


(1) What is a Golem?
(2) The Emmerich Vision in question may be found through This Link

Published on March 14th, 2013 - The Day After the "Conclave"

From miguel de Portugal

As if God wanted to underscore yesterday's post, regarding the successor of Maledict, Cardinal Bergoglio, a complete "unknown" to us:

(a) Is a Jesuit (which brings to mind the much talked about "Black Pope" legends (1a)(1b)); and
(b) Assumes the name of Francis. The first claimant to the Papacy to use that name.

Being a Jesuit, one would have expected him to chose, as the assumed name: Ignatius - the name of the founder of the Jesuits - and not Francis - the name of the founder of the Franciscans.

Regarding the seagulls flying about the Sistine Chapel chimney on the day before (3), two images immediately came to mind:

(a) The image of seagulls hovering over the wake of fishing vessels to feed themselves on the dead fish thrown overboard; and
(b) Alfred Hitchcock's movie: The Birds

We shall see how all that is to be manifested takes place. We jus pray that is quick.

(1a) About the mythical Black Pope
(1b) Nickname given to Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan
(2)  The Birds
(3) Seagulls Flying About Sistine Chapel Chimney

We wish to strongly recommend.... a prayerful review of:

Miracles and Prophecies - Are they from God or from Man?

Exposing the Errors of Those Who Try to Explain Away or Deny Miracles

It will help save much grief and confusion.

Published on March 13th, 2013 - A Special Edition

From miguel de Portugal

Yesterday we received the following from a close cooperator. We have never seen or heard about this prophecy but it certainly is in keeping with what God has revealed to me. On this special occasion we wish to share it with our readership.

Part V, "Some prophecies of the holy father St. Francis," XIII (1)

The Saint Prophesies great Schisms and Tribulations in the Church

A short time before the holy Father's death, he called together his Children and warned them of the coming troubles, saying:
[our highlights]

"Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase. The devils will have unusual power, the immaculate purity of our Order, and of others, will be so much  obscured that there will be  very few Christians who will obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with loyal hearts and perfect charity. At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death. Then scandals will be multiplied, our Order will be divided, and many others will be entirely destroyed, because they will consent to error instead of opposing it.

There will be such diversity of opinions and schisms among the people, the religious and the clergy, that, except those days were shortened, according to the words of the Gospel, even the elect would be led into error, were they not spiritually guided, amid such great confusion, by the immense mercy of  God. Then our Rule and manner of life will be violently opposed by some, and terrible trials will come upon us. Those who are found faithful will receive the crown of life; but woe to those who, trusting solely in their Order, shall fall into tepidity, for they will not be able to support the temptations permitted for the proving of the elect.

Those who preserve their fervour and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for the truth, will suffer injuries and persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering a great service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth.  But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted, and will save all who trust in Him. And in order to be like their Head, these, the elect, will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for themselves eternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man, they will fear nothing, and they will prefer to perish rather than consent to falsehood and perfidy. Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it.

Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer."

(1) Works of the seraphic father St. Francis  of Assisi, translated by a religious of the order, pub. R. Washbourne, 18 Paternoster Row, London, 1882, pp. 248-250; on-line as a Google e-book

Published on March 12th, 2013 [Nisan 1st, First Day of the First Month of the Jewish Biblical Calendar Year]

From miguel de Portugal
[our highlights]

It seems that Ratzinger, when speaking on a German radio program in 1969, had a better grasp of reality than when he became an Opus Dei "Pope".

In 1969, a 42-year-old Catholic theologian uttered what seems to be a 'prophecy' (on its way to its complete fulfillment) on a German radio station on a day when violent rioting broke out between Catholic nationalists and the Protestant population in Northern Island.

That day, barricades were constructed at the borders between Catholic and Protestant neighborhoods, and the area was rocked by intense rioting. In this broadcast, the priest envisaged a post-imperial papacy, shorn of wealth and pretenses of earthly power. Then he added these remarkable words:

"From today's crisis [in Belfast], a church will emerge tomorrow that will have lost a great deal. She will be small and, to a large extent, will have to start from the beginning. She will no longer be able to fill many of the buildings created in her period of great splendor. Because of the small number of her followers, she will lose many of her privileges in society. Contrary to what has happened until now, she will present herself much more as a community of volunteers ... As a small community she will demand much more from the initiative of each of her members and she will certainly also acknowledge new forms of ministry and will raise up to the priesthood proven Christians who have other jobs ... It will make her poor and a church of the little people ... All this will require time. The process will be slow and painful". (1)

What you read above will be what institutionalized Christianity will look like once God cuts  Imperial Christianity down to size  (after fulfillment of the "applicable conditions" required for the Gates of Hell not to prevail. (2))

It seems that "somewhere on his way to the Chair of Peter" Ratzinger forgot what he so accurately prophesied. Power blinds.


Today we also wish to point out that God also moved Ratzinger to publicly admit, for the second time that we know of, the results of the pounding that we gave the Vatican regarding the lie that Peter is "the Rock". (3)

On page 85 of his Jesus of Nazareth - The Infancy Narratives we read:

....there are echoes of a prophecy from Is 8:14 (4), in which God himself is designated as a rock against which men stumble and fall.

Before anyone gets "misty eyed" and nostalgic about Ratzinger, do not forget that even satan must serve God!


(1) TIME Magazine’, by Jeff Israely and Howard Chua-Eoan, May 27th, 2010
(2) The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail - But Some Conditions Do Apply
(3) The True Petrine Ministry
(4) [14] And he shall be a sanctification to you. But for a stone or stumbling, and for a rock of offence to the two houses of Israel, for a snare and a ruin to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. [15] And very many of them shall stumble and fall, and shall be broken in pieces, and shall be snared, and taken. 


The World waits with bated breath to see what the Holy Spirit allows the Conclavists to "get away with".

What will it be - (a) A black Cardinal from Africa; or (b) A Cardinal from the U.S.; or (c) One of those surprises that God reserves to awaken the slumbering Elect?

In cases (a) or (b) the symbolism would be the same: The U.S. will symbolize the body of Babylon and the Vatican will symbolize the spirit of Babylon.

It is all the same to us. Our vote has been cast and the outcome will be the Will of God. The Opus Dei is "Out" and Straight into the Chastisement is "In".

The only mystery remaining is how long the "Princes" will play in the Conclave before announcing what they decided before the Conclave, where the only rule was not to talk to the press, but all else was "fair game".

But, since you occupy.....

Front row seats to the "Show of the Apocalypse" we will connect some dots for you.

+ The Virgin Mary starts appearing in the early 19th century (1) in the hopes of moving the Roman Catholic Administration out of their decadent lethargy (into which they started  falling after 400 AD).
+ Of course - not much happened, since the "prudent" Roman Catholic Administrations were not about to do anything to jeopardize their comfortable status.
+ The world was plunged into World War I.
+ Jesus sends His Mother again. This time with very simple instructions and an ample timetable (2) to act and avoid Hitler's rise (and World War II) and to avoid the spread of communism (after World War II).
+ Once again - the lethargic Administration of Pius XI do nothing about the requests.
+ The world was plunged into another bloody war - World War II (3) - and, at its end, communism begins to spread throughout the world with a vengeance.

At this point we wish to add that the much maligned Pius XII tried to do something by making some sort of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Too little and too late, but at least he did something, which is more than his predecessors had done (notwithstanding the Miracle of the Sun).

+ God realizes that the only way to avert a Chastisement, which would make Noah's Flood seem like a family Sunday outing, was to reform the "prudent" and very corrupt Catholic Church Administration. This could be done by changing its structure and system, as far as He would allow it (4). Thus.....
+ A man of the caliber and wisdom of John XXIII was hand-picked by God to be the next Pope and to launch the Second Vatican Council (5).
+ John XXIII was followed by Paul VI. Paul VI had been picked by the "politicos", but was sufficiently God-transformed to bring the Second Vatican Council to a successful conclusion.
+ For the implementation of the Second Vatican Council changes, God hand-picked John Paul I.
+ The corrupt and power hungry "politicos", now emboldened by the Escrivites, promptly dispatched John Paul I and elected an unsuspecting John Paul II.

At this point God says: "OK, have it your way! Through My Passive Will (6) I will allow you to go almost to the point of self-destruction."

+ By the time John Paul II realized (7) - around the mid nineties - that he was manipulated into the Papacy for less-than-Holy purposes (8), the race straight toward the Chastisement was already well under way.
+ All that John Paul II could do - without The Keys (9) since the mid nineties - was to travel worldwide holding "Holy Jamborees" in the hopes of rekindling a Faith that had already fallen into rigor mortis.
+ After John Paul II, Ratzinger - a full blown Opus Dei man - assumed the "Key-less" office of the Papacy. The "Escrivites" thought they had made it. "Today the Vatican; tomorrow the World!" (10) they mused.

At this point God says: "OK, children!  This is as far as I will allow you to go before you destroy the world."

+ Maledict is forced to resigned and the Escrivites have lost the Vatican forever - along with all the dreams of Grandeur fostered by a Spanish peasant priest. (12)
+ "Fasten your seat belts" - as the saying goes. Next stop: Hell for most, and a Paradise-like Kingdom of God for a few Elect (11).

(1)   Marian Apparitions and Requests
(2)   The Chronology of Fatima
(3)   World War dates and their connection with Liturgical Dates
(4)   Changes that God would not allow
(5)   The Second Vatican Council
(6)   The Will of God
(7)   John Paul II Trajectory
(8)   In Defense of John Paul II
(9)   The Keys
(10)  Escrivites' Agenda
(11) Who are the Elect?
(12) Opus Power and Its End

Published on March 7th, 2013

From miguel de Portugal

Last December we acquired and reviewed Ratzinger's latest book: Jesus of Nazareth - The Infancy Narratives (1). Our intent was to write a comprehensive review of said book but, as events are rapidly advancing we have decided to just quote a few passages which, on their own, will judge the rest of the book.

The stage is set in the book's Foreword, on page xi, Ratzinger writes:

I have set out here,.... to interpret what Matthew and Luke say about Jesus' infancy at the beginning of their Gospels.


The second question posed by good exegesis must be: is what I read here true?

He intends to "interpret", that is, give the reader a new meaning for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke after sowing the subliminal seed of: "is what I read here true?"

Soon after, on page 16, we read:

I would add that the late emergence, particularly of the Marian traditions, can be similarly explained by the discretion of the Lord's mother and of those around her: the sacred events of her early life could not be made public while she was still alive.

  A position confirmed on page 53, where we read:

It seems natural that after Mary's death could the mystery (the birth of Jesus) be made public and pass into the shared patrimony of early Christianity.

Death and corruption are the consequences of the Original Sin.

16 And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." [Genesis 2 - NIV]

....therefore, Mary never died as we know death. She went into a deep slumber and was ascended into Heaven while Her Holy body was being Glorified in the process of ascension. The Orthodox Church aptly calls Mary's Dormition what the Roman Catholic Faith calls Mary's Assumption.

[In case anyone wonders why did Jesus die?

The answer is straight forward: He died because He assumed our sins. However, being the body which had encased the Spirit of God, it was spared the corruption through an almost immediate Glorification.]

Of course, such demonic pill - the death of Mary - is easier to swallow after having read on page 45 that:

He (Joseph) took Mary home as his wife, but did not "know" her until she had given birth to the Son.

Therefore, according to the alleged "Giant Theologian", Mary was an adulterer since Mary was already the Spouse of the Holy Spirit of God when She "knew" Joseph. No wonder Ratzinger also claims that She died!

It is absolutely unthinkable that after the intimate union between God and Mary, She could give Herself to a man - any man!

After coming across the above texts it became obvious that our time, which belongs to God, is too precious to waste it in preparing a full review of the AntiChrist's latest printed blasphemy.

Maybe we see it that way because we are "simple believers" as Ratzinger calls those who " this day they join in their caroling on the Holy Night

In page 74 of the subject blasphemy-between-two-covers, one reads: It is only natural that simple believers would then hear the shepherds singing too, and to this day they join in their caroling on the Holy Night...

(1) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London. 2012 - ISBN 978 1 4081 9453 9

From (Mr.) TJF @ US

Subject:  Mark Mallett  Possible... or Not?

dear miguel:

I have found great value in your service to God and guidance in matters of utmost importance.  The statements regarding Cardinal Ratzinger /Pope Benedict xvi were "troubling" and I confess that I held my own belief/acceptance "in abeyance" pending future events.

Of all the things that you have written, it is in fact your statements regarding Benedict xvi that have caused doubt... not what you have shared over the years, but rather the possibility that perhaps even YOU could be misled or worse, be an instrument of satan, though unknowingly.

I read the following from Mark Mallet (1) with great interest because I have found much disinformation in the myriad "locutions" and apparitions over the years, assuming that satan was using many of these "seers" as a means to mislead, confuse, etc.

This article by Mallet, whose writings I have found to be of great value as well, clearly points out the danger in believing anything that cannot be tested against Church teachings in matters of faith and morals.


Can you conceive of the possibility that perhaps your identification of  Ratzinger as the false prophet/antichrist is wrong and that somehow your ministry has been "tampered" with by the evil one?

I mean no disrespect, but I felt compelled to forward this article and to put this question to you directly.  I have been and continue to be "on guard" because I believe the level of deception, such that "even the elect will be deceived" grows greater with each passing day and I find that I must "test" everything that purports to come from God, Jesus, Mary, etc.

Peace be with you and I will look forward to your response as/when you you have the time


A. First of all, we thank you for your sincerity and for this excellent opportunity.

Before we provide a brief response to your question, we wish to give our readership a brief background of your interaction with us.

Mr. TJF:

(a) has been in our mailing lists for so long that to establish a starting date would require an in depth search in our dead files.
(b) from time to time has made material contributions to our work.
(b) has consulted with us regarding personal faith/moral related issues.

Now, as you say, TO THE POINT....

We did not take the time to read what Mr. Mallett has written since, in principle, it is the same template-type Roman Catholic Apologetic having been used since the lie about the Donation of Constantine (2) became the reason why all European Kings were kept under the control of the then current occupant of the Chair of Peter. Nonetheless, we are making the link (1) available to our readers should it be the Will of God that they be also deceived with the same old lies.

The point blank answer to your question of: "...somehow your ministry has been 'tampered' with by the evil one?" is "No".

The reason is simple: When Faith is not based on the intellect - as we have called it "Intellectual Faith" - that is, one no longer "believes" in God but "knows" God, the only way such 'tampering' could be possible would be if it were the active Will of God.

God allows confusion, as we have shown elsewhere (3), but God will never, ever, actively deceive anyone even though the English translation of the Lord's Prayer blasphemously teaches "...and do not lead me into temptation..." (4). A translation which was obviously inspired by satan himself.

You are quite right when you, paraphrasing St. Paul, highlight the great importance in the discernment /test of the spirits. Unfortunately, the problem is that what most faithful do is "shop around" until they find the spirits which support/justify/endorse whatever it is that they desperately want to believe. This is another purely human trait which satan exploits with ample results.

If after what we have written about our position, our recommendations regarding living the Faith (and not just talking about it as most do), the Faith which I live to the extent that is humanly possible without being a fanatic, all of which is condensed in our Frequently Asked Questions, you have such doubts, there is really nothing else we can do for you, nor for anyone who may find him/herself in such state, short of prayer.

In any case - in my brief biographical post, which is as valid today as it was from the very beginning to our journey, we state:

Should you believe what miguel de Portugal says through the pages of The M+G+R Foundation?

You do not have to believe it. What is written is only for those who have Eyes to see and who have Ears to hear. Woe to miguel if he does not speak loud and clear. Nothing has changed in the manner in which God has communicated with His children through his prophets throughout recorded history and before.
We will not clarify this issue further, here or elsewhere, for the same reason our Lord Jesus Christ spoke in parables.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity. Know that your confusion has sincerely caused us much sorrow as the result of the consequences it may have for you and others who are in a similar state.

May God Bless... and Help you, since you obviously missed a document we originally published back in 1998 titled So Many Visionaries, So Many Prophets! - Why? - Are They All From God? - Which Are The Authentic Ones?. How many more documents with key information have you missed? Only God knows!

(1) Source
(2) The lie of the Donation of Constantine
(3) God allows confusion
(4) It should say: "...and do not let us fall into temptation..."

Published on March 5th,

From miguel de Portugal

Providentially, we have come across two brief YouTube videos which we recommend because the circumstances of the events that they exemplify illustrate areas of the Supernatural that we have discussed in the past.

Although we do not wish to encourage anyone to get involved in the study of Near Dear Experiences because it is a favorite tool of satan to convince the un Evangelized faithful that there is no hell - just like Dr. E. Alexander (1) in now dedicating his life to - these two experiences, which we are highlighting, are different. First of all - these two cases were as full death experiences as Lazarus had, and secondly, they exemplify what we have known otherwise for some time and wish to underscore it for you now using concrete examples.

I. A Priest, who was sentenced to hell by Jesus, was given another chance by Mary's intercession. (2a)

(a) As he was being judged he agreed with God that he deserved hell.
(b) This is an example of the reality for which we pray in the Hail Mary, "...pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death."
(c) This is the first time that we have heard - in so many words - what we often say and have written about (3) : That there is nothing that the Most Holy Trinity will deny to Mary.

Notice that what She secured for the priest in question was another chance to earn Heaven and not trading Heaven for hell.

II. A seventeen year old girl (telling the story now more than 60 years later) who died of a burst appendix is returned to life by Jesus. (2b)

(a) When she came back to life her body was already in the morgue.
(b) During her quite real death (bodies are not normally placed in the morgue until the person is "very dead") she was going "head first into hell".
(c) She called upon Jesus three times, since she remembered Him being mentioned during her childhood.
(d) He gave her a second chance because of her change upon meeting Him face to face. She never had an opportunity to really know Him before.

Once again - another chance is given. In this case because she really did not know Him during her life. She had not rejected Him - she was not even luke warm about Him. He was just not a consideration in her life as the result of ignorance.

As we have pointed out before - ignorance of Jesus as the result of the lack of Evangelization does not mean hell if one "knows enough" to appeal to Him before final body and soul separation. Those who do not "know enough" to appeal to Him, as this girl did, depend on us to pray for them on their behalf so that our appeal on their behalf is heard and accepted by God. Part of the he merits of every Mass we offer is precisely for that intention. We do so because we have been aware of how it works for a long time and, with this video interview, we can graphically explain it to our readers.

(1)   Dr. E. Alexander's "There is no hell" Ministry
(2a) Case I
(2b) Case II
(3)   On The Infinite Intercessory Power of Mary

Published on March 1st, 2013

Religious Days of Note for MARCH 2013

    First Friday of the Month

  2nd    First Saturday of the Month

 19th   Feast of St. Joseph - Husband of Mary

 22nd  Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary (Friday before Palm Sunday)

 24th   Palm Sunday and Gabriel the Archangel (traditional)

 25th   Annunciation to Mary by Gabriel the Archangel (has been transferred to April 8th, the Monday after Divine Mercy Sunday)

28th   Last Passover Meal

29th   Holy Friday

30th   Holy Saturday

31st   Easter Sunday

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