The M+G+R Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions About Us


Although we have answered all of the following questions through different documents over the more than twenty years of our Internet presence, we felt that it would be appropriate to publish a FAQ Page in The M+G+R Foundation Domains.

We will add questions/responses as it becomes necessary based on feedback.


Q. What is your position about the Catholic Faith?

A. Click Here for the full answer.

Q. What is your position regarding the Roman Catholic Church Administration?

A. Click Here for the full answer.

Q. What changes do you think are possible in the Roman Catholic Church and/or Faith?

A. Click Here for a detailed response.

Q. What is your position about Islam?

A. Click Here for the full answer.

Q. What is your position about the Second Vatican Council?

A. Click Here and Here for the full answer.

Q. What is your position about the Orthodox Church?

A. Click Here for the full answer.

Q. What is your position about blaming the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus?

A. Click Here for the full answer.

Q. Is there a difference between the Anti Christ and the False Christ?

A. Yes, there is. The purpose of the Anti Christ is to prepare the way for the False Christ.

Q. What is your position regarding the alleged error of Millenarianism?

A. Click Here for the full answer.

Q. What actually is the purpose of The M+G+R Foundation pages?

A. The fulfillment of the Will of God through miguel de Portugal.

Q. What is the methodology through which The M+G+R Foundation achieves such fulfillment?

A. Click Here for a comprehensive answer

Q. What is your position regarding the Successor of Peter?

A. This has been amply covered in a document discussing the true Petrine Ministry.

Q. What is your position regarding Marian Apparitions?

A. We have extensively covered that in an on-line booklet, which will leave no doubt our position.

Q. What is your position regarding the reality of the Eucharistic presence of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ?

A. It could not be any clearer than we have already stated.

Q. Is there a real justification for the dissolution of a marriage?

A. Blessedly, there is.

Q. Is there Salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church?

A. Of course there is!

Q. What is the basic difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church?

A. This is the difference - in a nutshell.

Q. What is your position regarding Benedict XVI?

A. Click Here for the full answer, and be ready for a shock.

Q. What is your position regarding homosexuality?

A. Click Here for the full answer, and be also ready for a Biblical surprise.

Q. What is your position about the Marian Movement of Priests?

A. We have summarized it in on this document.

Q. Do you think that the Roman Catholic Church handled the Fatima events in the best possible way?

A. Click Here and you can judge for yourself.

Q. Is the Opus Dei truly the Work of God?

A. It all depends what one defines as "god".

Q. Have all Biblical prophecies been fulfilled already?

A. Those pertaining to the First Coming of Christ have been fulfilled, and those pertaining to the Second Coming of Christ are being fulfilled right now.

Q. What is your position regarding the much invoked "obedience" to Ecclesiastical authorities?

A. Jesus addressed that very issue and we have addressed it in this document.

Q. Should we take what the Holy Scriptures teach us, literally or symbolically?

A. It all depends on the circumstances and passages. Biblical Literalism Part I and Part II.

Related Document

About The M+G+R Foundation - Our Purpose and Our Position regarding The Catholic Faith

En Español:  Preguntas Frecuentes sobre The M+G+R Foundation

Published on September 8th, 2011 - Feast of the Birth of Mary • Updated on November 11th, 2011

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2011 - 2025 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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