The M+G+R Foundation


FROM:        The M+G+R Foundation
TO:              Our Readership
SUBJECT:    Decision about The M+G+R Foundation Domains

March 5th, 2005

May the Peace of God be upon each and every one of you!

On February 25th we published a communiqué on our Board wherein we shared with you the very real possibility of shutting down the Domains of The M+G+R Foundation. In said communiqué it was made clear that it was God Who would have the last word about it. He already did and we wish to share the process and conclusions with you.

First some background:

Of all who read the Announcement we posted on February 25th about the future of The M+G+R Foundation Domains, only 5% acknowledged it.

Of those who read it, 3.5% had very positive feedback and offered financial assistance and 1.5% had very positive feedback, however, offered no assistance.

Then God spoke:

Paraphrasing Abraham's conversation with God: "Let not my Lord grow impatient if I go on. What if only ten innocent people are found in Sodom, would you wipe out the place? God replied, "I will forbear doing it if I can find but ten there." [Genesis 18: 16-33]

Furthermore, Jesus taught us by word: "If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray?" [Matthew 18:12]

In addition, Jesus taught us by action: As He walked up to Calvary weighed down with our sins - it appeared that all that He had done was in vain. After all, He had resurrected Lazarus barely a week before at the gates of Jerusalem; He was greeted in Jerusalem as a King, yet, that same cheering mob from Jerusalem had turned into a jeering mob.

Thanks be to God, He did not go by appearances but by the reality that if He did the Father's Will it would not be in vain - for it never is.

It is the above Theo-logic that God used to inform us that the Domains are to remain on-line until He - one way or another and without m de P's input - causes them to be shut down.

In conclusion:

We will strive to stream line the maintenance of the Domains so that m de P may be able to spend more time discharging his primary functions for the common end.

To those who so generously offered financial assistance and requested instructions on how to provide it, we have advised as follows:

In keeping with our desire to have God as the Pontiff for the financial assistance, please, extend such financial offerings:

(a) To worthy charities - preferably for the homeless and the marginalized (the Lazarus' of the world); and

(b) For Masses for the deceased who have no one praying for their release from Purgatory.

When you make such offerings, ask God to ascribe to The M+G+R Foundation and m de P the merits associated with such offerings so that He, in the manner He deems most appropriate, will then provide us with necessary assistance.

We know this works without a doubt and in this manner all passes through His Most Holy Hands and is in accordance to His Will.

To those who so generously offered other assistance since their finances would not allow you to make a contribution: (*)

Please, extend your offerings of prayers and fasting for the same intentions as above plus the fulfillment of the requests of Our Heavenly Mother and then ask God to ascribe to The M+G+R Foundation and m de P the merits associated with such offerings so that He, in the ways He deems most appropriate, will then provide us with necessary assistance.

(*) These intentions have been incremented from those listed in a private communiqué to those who contacted us and, thus, supersede them.

To the many others who, for one reason or another, chose to ignore or passed severe judgment on our Announcement:

You may be assured that you will be specially kept in our prayers just as Jesus taught us.

For those who were so thankful for the assistance provided through The M+G+R Foundation Domains, please offer prayers of Thanksgiving to God this coming March 19 for, in that day, twenty years ago, in an instantaneous flash, God changed the life of the individual who become miguel de Portugal.

You may be assured of our prayers.

May God continue to Bless and Keep you!

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2005 - 2024 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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