The M+G+R Foundation

Some Universities, Institutions and Centers

Openly Associated to Opus Dei

On a Wordwide Scale


The purpose of this document is to illustrate the level of penetration and control that Opus Dei has in the academic world and in social institutions, thus, in the world at large.


This is by no means an exhaustive list. Only some institutions and universities openly associated to Opus Dei are listed in this document, some of which stand out because of their mention in the two related documents: "Who Is Who in Opus Dei On a Worldwide Scale" (0a) and "Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who are members, supporters or sympathizers of Opus Dei". (0b)


University of Asia and the Pacific, Philippines

According to its page in Wikipedia, "The spiritual and doctrinal formation given in the University is entrusted to Opus Dei" and the mascot of the University is a dragon. (1)

University of Navarra, Spain

"The University of Navarra is a private non-for-profit university located on the southeast border of Pamplona, Spain. It was founded in 1952 by ... Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, the founder of Opus Dei, as a corporate work of the apostolate of Opus Dei." (2)

The following are some bishops who obtained their doctorate in the University of Navarra:  (3)

Antonio Arregui, Archbishop Emeritus in Ecuador
Antônio Dias, Bishop in Brazil
Horacio Gómez, Archbishop in USA
Jaume Pujol, Archbishop in Spain
Juan Antonio Ugarte, Archbishop in Peru (4)
Adolfo Rodríguez, Bishop Emeritus in Chile
Jaime Fuentes, Bishop in Uruguay
Stephen Lee Bun Sang, Bishop in China (5)
Fernando Castro, Bishop in Venezuela
Richard Umbers, Auxiliary Bishop in Australia
Péter Erdő, Archbishop in Hungary - "Doctor Honoris Causa"
Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinal, Germany - "Doctor Honoris Causa" (6)

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome

"Is a Roman Catholic university under the Curial Congregation for Catholic Education, now entrusted to the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, or more commonly called Opus Dei. It was started in 1984 by Opus Dei, with the aim of offering the universal church an effective instrument for formation and research." (7)

The following are some bishops who studied at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross:  (3)

John Barres, Bishop in USA - Doctorate (8)
Juan Ignacio González, Bishop in Chile - Doctorate
Philippe Jourdan, Apostolic Administrator in Estonia - He studied there
Levi Bonatto, Bishop in Brazil - He studied there

University of the Andes, Chile

"The spiritual and doctrinal formation of the University is inspired by Opus Dei, thus the University is under Catholic spiritual assistance by the Prelature of Opus Dei and teaches its students in theology, anthropology and ethics." "The honorary rector of this university is the Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz Braña." (9)

University of Piura, Peru

"It was founded in the city of Piura on April 7, 1969, by initiative of ... Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei. It is a corporate work of apostolate of Opus Dei, which means that it is an institution promoted by Opus Dei people and by many others, Catholic and non-Catholic, where the themes of formation are morally guaranteed by the Opus Dei Prelature." (10)

Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vatican

(Not to be confused with the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas). The president of the Academy until November 2014 was Opus Dei priest Msgr. Lluís Clavell (3) (11). The current president, the Dominican Serge Thomas Bonino, is in good relations with Opus Dei (12).

The following eight university institutions are declared "corporate work of the apostolate of Opus Dei". (13)

University of Montevideo (Uruguay)

IESE Business School (Spain)

University of La Sabana (Colombia)

Higher Institute for Medical Services (Kinshasa, Congo)

Strathmore University (Nairobi, Kenya)

Campus Bio-Medico University (Rome, Italy)

University of the Isthmus (Guatemala)

Austral University (Argentina)

The following eleven university institutions listed above are operated by or linked to Opus Dei. (14)

International University of Catalonia (UiC), Barcelona, Spain

IAE Business School, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Centro de Extensão Universitária (CEU), São Paulo, Brazil

ISE - Instituto Superior de Empresa, São Paulo, Brazil

Panamerican University, Mexico

Campus Bonaterra/Aguascalientes of the Panamerican University, Mexico

Campus Guadalajara of the Panamerican University, Mexico

PanAmerican Institute for High Business Direction (IPADE), Mexico

Lexington College, Chicago, USA

Escuela de Alta Dirección de la Universidad de Piura (PAD), Lima, Peru

Universidad Monteávila, Caracas, Venezuela


Sanctuary of Torreciudad, Aragon, Spain

"Torreciudad is the name of a Marian shrine in Aragon, Spain, built by Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, and consecrated on July 7, 1975, under the title of Our Lady of Torreciudad." "Spiritual activities at the Shrine are entrusted to the Opus Dei Prelature." (15)

Basilica of St. Eugenius, Rome, Italy
"The Basilica of St. Eugene is a church in the city of Rome entrusted by the Pope to the care of priests of Opus Dei in 1981. It is close to the headquarters of Opus Dei." (16) "The church is also regarded as a parish of the Prelature of Opus Dei." (17)

Catholic Information Center, Washington D.C.
"The operation of the Center has been entrusted to priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei since 1993." "One of the status messages on its Facebook page says 'We have the closest Tabernacle to the White House'." (18) "Fr. Charles Trullols is the Director at the Catholic Information Center. ... He was ordained a priest in Rome for the Prelature of Opus Dei in 2006." (19) In their Chapel they have a bronze statue of Escrivá. (20)

The following eight centers or institutions are declared "corporate work of the apostolate of Opus Dei". (13)

Midtown Sports and Cultural Center (Chicago, USA)

Heights School (Washington, USA)

Hospital Monkole (Kinshasa, Congo)

Punlaan School (Manila, Philippines), technical school for hospitality and culinary arts

Old Hacienda of Toshi (Mexico), health care center

Vocational training center ELIS (Roma)

Condoray Rural Training Center for Women (Cañete, Peru)

Institute of the Informal Sector of the Economy (Nairobi, Kenya)

Territorial Prelature of Yauyos, Peru

It is an ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Church entrusted to Opus Dei. (13)

The following eight organizations listed above are linked to Opus Dei. (21)

Miraflores Residence Hall, Zaragoza, Spain

Moncloa Residence Hall, Madrid, Spain

Rialp Publishing House, Madrid, Spain

Panamerican University School of Medicine, Mexico City

Fomento de Centros de Enseñanza, a network with 35 schools in Spain

Austral University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Observador, a daily newspaper, Montevideo, Uruguay

Ilinizas Residence Hall, Ecuador

The twenty one institutions and organizations listed above are linked to the activity of Opus Dei. (22)

Fondazione RUI (for University Residences), Italy

Laguna Hospital, Madrid, Spain

Braval (NGO), Barcelona, Spain

People First Society (NGO), London, United Kingdom

ReachOut (charity for young people), Manchester, United Kingdom

Kimlea (rural training center for women), Kenya

Harambee (development promotion), Kenya

Seido Language Institute, Ashiya, Japan

Escuela Técnica Anihan, Calamba, Philippines

Warrane College, Sidney, Australia

Creston College, Randwick, Australia

Crotona Center (educational foundation for youth), New York, USA

Midtown Sports and Cultural Center, Chicago, USA

Hang Ah Hillside (cultural center), San Francisco, USA

Montefalco School for Agriculture, Morelos, Mexico

Jarales (technological and sports center), Guadalajara, Mexico

Medicine and Social Assistance (MAS) (medical center), Tiapa de Comonfort, Mexico

Sirama-Prusia Center (training for women), Soyapango, El Salvador

Kimal (technical vocational school), Guatemala

Las Gravileas (training for women), Guatemala

Pedreira School, Brazil


The following excerpts are from a book whose author worked in a high position inside Opus Dei for many years. (23)

Nonprofit Organizations

"The first step that Opus Dei takes on arrival in a country is to incorporate a nonprofit cultural association. Opus Dei launches all its apostolic projects from these platforms. They allow Opus Dei to operate more or less unnoticed, give it nontaxable status, and are useful in seeking economic assistance"

Juniors, Clubs, Activity Centers

"Opus Dei recruits young people from schools, all kinds of clubs, centers for extra-curricular activities, and university residences. These centers serve a purpose within their communities, but for Opus Dei they are places to recruit young men and women, adults, servants, workers, and diocesan priests."

Opus Dei Schools

"From the time a little girl (the author speaks from her experience in the Women Branch of Opus Dei) is accepted as a pupil in an Opus Dei school, Opus Dei will always follow her steps through the different levels of her education, regardless of what country she lives in or moves to."

"Her name will remain in Opus Dei archives forever. Even if she never becomes part of Opus Dei, the members of the Work will always try to get her to help in some way, whether as a cooperator or with money, donations, or introductions and recommendations."

University Residences

"Students residences are places where Opus Dei women (the author speaks from her experience in the Women Branch of Opus Dei) primarily do proselytism with female university students between the ages of 18 to 24.

..... There is a usual pattern for recruiting those living in Opus Dei residences: the local council assigns each numerary, including those not officially known as such, a certain number of residents to be 'treated'. ...

..... Opus Dei also has a system of recruiting girls who do not live in a residence. A numerary resident will invite a classmate or even a girl from a different university department to study at the residence. ..."


For other universities and institutions affiliated to Opus Dei, please see Opus Dei-Affiliated Foundations.


The M+G+R Foundation is not affiliated nor linked in any way to Opus Dei nor its related organizations. Once again, please remember the Disclaimer about the information on this web site.


(0a) Who Is Who in Opus Dei On a Worldwide Scale

(0b) Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who are members, supporters or sympathizers of Opus Dei (1) Univ. Asia and Pacific: "The spiritual and doctrinal formation given in the University..."

(2) Univ. Navarra: "The University of Navarra is a private non-for-profit university..."

(3) Listing of Cardinals, Bishops and Priests in the Opus Dei Orbit

(4) Univ. Navarra: Juan Antonio Ugarte, Archbishop in Peru, Doctorate in Navarra

(5) Univ. Navarra: Stephen Lee Bun Sang, Bishop in China, Doctorate in Navarra

(6) Univ. Navarra: Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinal, Germany - "Doctor Honoris Causa"

(7) Pont. Univ. Holy Cross: "[It] is a Roman Catholic university under the Curial Congregation..."

(8) Pont. Univ. Holy Cross: John Barres, Bishop in USA - Doctorate

(9) Univ. Andes: "La formación espiritual y doctrinal de la Universidad está inspirada en.." (in Spanish)

(10) Univ. Piura: "Fue fundada en la ciudad de Piura el 7 de abril de 1969, por iniciativa de..." (in Spanish)

(11) P.A. St. Thomas Aquinas: "The current president of the PAST is..." - Not to be confused with the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Fr. Serge-Thomas Bonino at a seminary in Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

(13) Corporate works of the apostolate of Opus Dei (in Portugues)

(14) Opus Dei in society: Universities

(15) Torreciudad: "Torreciudad is the name of a Marian shrine..."

(16) Bas. St. Eugenius: "Es una iglesia de la ciudad de Roma encomendada por el Papa..." (in Spanish)

(17) Bas. St. Eugenius: "The church is also regarded as a parish of..."

(18) Cath. Info. Center: "The operation of the Center has been entrusted to..."

(19) Cath. Info. Center: "Fr. Charles Trullols is the Director at the Catholic Information Center"

(20) Cath. Info. Center: In their Chapel they have a bronze statue of Escrivá.

(21) Wikipedia: Category "Organizations related to Opus Dei" (in Spanish)

(22) Examples of Opus Dei activity in the world according to the Italian Wikipedia (in Italian)

(23) "Beyond the Threshold. A life in Opus Dei.", 1997, by María del Carmen Tapia. The author worked as personal secretary of Escrivá in Rome and afterwards as director of the area of Venezuela for about 10 years until she was personally expelled by Escrivá. The quotes in this document are from pages 205, 208, 210, 215, 217 and 218.

Related Documents

Index of Opus Dei Related Documents within The M+G+R Foundation Domains

A Case Study on Religious Fanaticism and Brainwashing

Who Is Who in Opus Dei On a Worldwide Scale

Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who are members, supporters or sympathizers of Opus Dei

En Español:  Lista de Universidades, Instituciones y Centros abiertamente asociados al Opus Dei - A nivel mundial

Originally published in Spanish on August 15, 2017 • Published in English on September 19, 2017

The excerpts from the book
"Beyond the Threshold. A life of Opus Dei" are Copyright © 1997 by María del Carmen Tapia.

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