The M+G+R Foundation

What Would Jesus Say?

What would I say to most Christians if I watched the Daily News sitting next to them?

How could I possibly tolerate the violence, poverty, injustice and hopelessness that ravage your communities?

Would I not suffer by the inability of those who claim to be My followers to find a way to restore hope, dignity and relevance to the victims?

Did not My Father made man in His Image and let him have dominion over all the earth and what it contained?
[Genesis 1: 26]

Did not I say "...he that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater than these shall he do"? [John 14:12]

How then, with the Power We have given you over Creation you...

...squander your time and talents generating fame and fortune, while neglecting your own family and community?

...blindly leave up to governments to assist your struggling global neighbours, blindly trusting that they will automatically do what is right and just?

...can be comfortable with a society where the rich get richer and the poor poorer?

...are suspicious of people who are different than yourself?

...get enjoyment from scandalous gossip?

Would I be indifferent to the pillaging of God's creation, all to satisfy the extravagant needs of one or two generations while condemning all future ones to live in a world stripped of its life-giving beauty?
Would I be content to go on with My own life, oblivious of the suffering?

You call yourself a follower of Christ, but are you really? If you examine the focus of your everyday actions and your priorities - how closely do you find that they would match what I would do in your place?

In the Gospel, you learn how I was surrounded by suffering and, with compassion, brought hope and healing into the world - this was My mission!

How much of your time and efforts do you devote to living this mission and continuing the legacy I left in the care of My followers?

Do you think it is enough to simply donate a small portion of our excess to those less fortunate than yourself? Or is there more yet that you can do and should do?

...when a child in Africa, whose village has been decimated by AIDS, war; or

...when a child, whose home is surrounded by bombs, gunfire and the screams; or

...when a child prostitute, helplessly trapped in the slums.

Is it really God who is silent? Or is it you who have chosen to ignore God's call to be His healing hands, His voice of justice, and His eyes and ears of compassion?

Think about this while you have time for when you stand before My Throne of Judgment, it will be entirely too late...


Not even a penniless and invalid Christian would have a valid excuse since he/she could change the world through prayer!

Didn't Jesus say that...

...whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours? [Mark 11:24]

The problem is that most do not care enough, nor have the faith, to even do what is free and always yields positive results! Prayer!

The world cannot begin to comprehend the significance and gravity of:

Think about this while you have time for when you stand before My Throne of Judgment, it will be entirely too late...

We do not even have an excuse to not believe such warning...

God gave us a preview of the horrific consequences of our inaction through Fátima.

Originally Published on November 30th, 2016 - St. Andrew - Apostle • Clarified further on August 2nd, 2019

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2016 - 2024 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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