The Greatest Weapon Against Swine Flu (H1N1)
Vitamin D3
Originally published in July 2009
Vitamin D3
Originally published in July 2009
The following letter was sent to our complete mailing list and we feel it is imperative that we post it so that it may be available to all.
Through this letter and professional references given as footnotes, the reader will quickly realize that the prevention and cure - even in extreme cases - of the Swine Flu (H1N1) and most any flu, for that matter, lies in the understanding the function of vitamin D-3 - available from drug stores or just by judicious exposure to the sun.
It is a tragedy how those who manipulate the world masses for private gain hide this information which is available to all - if "all" knew where to look for it.
All we ask of you in return for placing this treasure in your hands is that you share it with as many people as you are able to.
The Letter
May the Peace of God be upon you!
On July 16th, 2009, (1) we published a letter from a professional in cell/molecular biology (who has been a frequent visitor to our pages) addressing the issue of the H1N1 virus and how vitamin D3 could be used as a powerful preventive measure against contracting it or quickly overcome its effects if one is in danger of death. In reality, the measure seems to be applicable to any other flu strain.
We asked him to prepare a brief to-the-point report backing such claims with research reports so that we may share it with our readership. We would also share it behind the scenes, giving his full identifying professional credentials, with official health care professionals in third world countries. Below we reproduce the information that Dr. IW shared with us in the "for our readers" format.
Please Note: We are not pretending to take the place of your physician; we are
only sharing research results associated with vitamin D3 and the flu. We do recommend, however,
that if you feel that your physician is totally in the dark about this - something that few would
admit to - you should share this information with him/her.
The Communication...
I was aware that during the SARS mini-epidemic, severely ill patients were in many cases
stabilized and given the chance to recover by administration of prednisone, and to the extent that
this represented a truly effective treatment (admittedly undecided at this point, and thank God
there were not enough cases to establish it definitively), it meant that a major contributor to
the pathology of SARS was inflammation of the lungs, consistent with an over-reaction by the
immune system, out of proportion to what is necessary to clear the virus.
This also seemed similar to the pathology of the 1918 influenza pandemic, and some of the anecdotal reports of deaths from the current H1N1 strain, where progression from minor symptoms to death can occur within 24 hours, seemingly not long enough to incur massive viral lysis of lung cells. Vitamin D is known to have some of the same anti-inflammatory properties, and deficiency is linked to childhood asthma (2), suggesting that it may play a role in the pathology of influenza also.
Influenza is a seasonal disease, most prevalent during winter, which is often explained as being because the UV light, heat, or humidity of summer inactivates viruses more quickly.
It may instead be because winter is a time when most people in northern countries are deficient in vitamin D. When researchers looked at serum vitamin D levels in patients in the United states, they found widespread deficiency (3), and concluded that current recommendations
for supplementation are inadequate to address the deficiency.
When the same group of researchers studied the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, there was an inverse relationship between vitamin D deficiency and those infections (4). These papers were covered in the popular press (5) also.
The relationship between deficiency in solar radiation and flu was was first suggested by R. Edgar Hope-Simpson in 1981, and a recent paper (6) identifies vitamin D as the factor induced by solar radiation. This was accompanied by a narrative from the physician who made the initial observations and involved scientists to develop the paper (7), where the strongest case is made, both scientifically, and by linking known facts, that vitamin D deficiency is the key factor that predisposes to influenza.
That last link makes the case most comprehensively, and now that I have discovered it, I realize it was there before I came to the same realization. The author states that he and his colleagues have experimented on themselves and their families and found the results very persuasive, although tainted by bias.
I can share the same observation: For many years I have suffered from non-stop colds, flu, and secondary infections and coughs long after shaking the initial bug. I live in [edited out], New York, and sunshine can be limiting here, especially in winter. Last spring was particularly rainy and my symptoms lasted into July when I started vitamin D3 at 4,000 units per day. The results were very quick and last winter was my first without upper respiratory infection. My children have had the same benefit, and when sick recover very quickly if given vitamin D.
Also useful is the well documented Wikipedia entry on Vitamin D (8), especially regarding dosing and establishing maximum doses. Consensus opinion is that the maximum doses should be set at 2,000 units per day rather with a maximum of 10,000 units per day for two or three days as "shock therapy". In any case, we recommend that the family physician should be consulted if in doubt.
The information about fatalities in the H1N1 outbreak is lacking, but one thing that comes up again and again is that there was some underlying immune problem, usually auto-immunity, allergy, or other over-reaction of the immune system, as opposed to AIDS, for example. This spring has been cool and rainy in much of the world, implying conditions unfavorable to people receiving vitamin D from sunlight.
I would like to suggest that all the facts point to a key role of vitamin D in making the outbreak of H1N1 the very mild infection seen in most patients, and not the severe immune over-reaction seen in the small minority that are killed by it.
This also seemed similar to the pathology of the 1918 influenza pandemic, and some of the anecdotal reports of deaths from the current H1N1 strain, where progression from minor symptoms to death can occur within 24 hours, seemingly not long enough to incur massive viral lysis of lung cells. Vitamin D is known to have some of the same anti-inflammatory properties, and deficiency is linked to childhood asthma (2), suggesting that it may play a role in the pathology of influenza also.
Influenza is a seasonal disease, most prevalent during winter, which is often explained as being because the UV light, heat, or humidity of summer inactivates viruses more quickly.
It may instead be because winter is a time when most people in northern countries are deficient in vitamin D. When researchers looked at serum vitamin D levels in patients in the United states, they found widespread deficiency (3), and concluded that current recommendations
for supplementation are inadequate to address the deficiency.
When the same group of researchers studied the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, there was an inverse relationship between vitamin D deficiency and those infections (4). These papers were covered in the popular press (5) also.
The relationship between deficiency in solar radiation and flu was was first suggested by R. Edgar Hope-Simpson in 1981, and a recent paper (6) identifies vitamin D as the factor induced by solar radiation. This was accompanied by a narrative from the physician who made the initial observations and involved scientists to develop the paper (7), where the strongest case is made, both scientifically, and by linking known facts, that vitamin D deficiency is the key factor that predisposes to influenza.
That last link makes the case most comprehensively, and now that I have discovered it, I realize it was there before I came to the same realization. The author states that he and his colleagues have experimented on themselves and their families and found the results very persuasive, although tainted by bias.
I can share the same observation: For many years I have suffered from non-stop colds, flu, and secondary infections and coughs long after shaking the initial bug. I live in [edited out], New York, and sunshine can be limiting here, especially in winter. Last spring was particularly rainy and my symptoms lasted into July when I started vitamin D3 at 4,000 units per day. The results were very quick and last winter was my first without upper respiratory infection. My children have had the same benefit, and when sick recover very quickly if given vitamin D.
Also useful is the well documented Wikipedia entry on Vitamin D (8), especially regarding dosing and establishing maximum doses. Consensus opinion is that the maximum doses should be set at 2,000 units per day rather with a maximum of 10,000 units per day for two or three days as "shock therapy". In any case, we recommend that the family physician should be consulted if in doubt.
The information about fatalities in the H1N1 outbreak is lacking, but one thing that comes up again and again is that there was some underlying immune problem, usually auto-immunity, allergy, or other over-reaction of the immune system, as opposed to AIDS, for example. This spring has been cool and rainy in much of the world, implying conditions unfavorable to people receiving vitamin D from sunlight.
I would like to suggest that all the facts point to a key role of vitamin D in making the outbreak of H1N1 the very mild infection seen in most patients, and not the severe immune over-reaction seen in the small minority that are killed by it.
(2) Original Source
(3) Original Source
(4) Original Source
(7) Original Source
(8) Original Source
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Published in July 2009
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