The M+G+R Foundation

The Supernatural Manifestations in Garabandal

A Warning About Conflicting Information Circulating Around

Part II

Originally Published in June 18, 2008


Our initial document - A Warning from The M+G+R Foundation (1) - was triggered by the insistence from, what used to be the Flagship of the Garabandal Movement, the Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Inc. that Mary had clearly stated that there would not be a third world war (2). In a note added at the end of said document we stated:

We have had the opportunity to review a series of articles in various issues the Garabandal Journal (3). Specifically those covering the Warning, the Sign, the Miracle and the Chastisement.

The articles are well written and the references used clearly indicated. The problem lies in the fact that there is far too much hearsay information about Garabandal in said references; references enveloped with an aura of authenticity. Testimonials such as: "...while at Ceferino's kitchen we heard Conchita say..."; or "...the mother of Fifi wrote to her third cousin Bea that Loli said...."; or "...Conchita said that the Virgin said..." (when it really should be "...understood that the Virgin said..."); etc., etc. drown the key messages and the urgency they convey.

If one takes the time to review all of those statements, quotations, testimonials, etc. one will see that the contradictions are more frequent than the agreements and, precisely, in here lies the problem - the Garabandal Smorgasbord or the Garabandal Cafeteria. The reader picks and chooses what he/she wants to believe, then, becomes an "expert" and leads others astray. Just what the Church Administrators have done with the Holy Scriptures since the Church went Imperial. (4)

What this achieves, under the watchful and guiding eyes of satan, is to confuse the issue beyond belief.... "beyond belief" literally because the average Faithful will throw his/her hands up and erroneously conclude that the whole thing is just another scam for which the Church Administration is well known. (5)

There are far too many instances of contradictions for us to list them; besides, we are not here to echo Garabandal. Therefore, we categorically state, utilizing Garabandal language, that:

Step No. 1 (6) will take place as humanity heads straight into the Chastisement which will serve to remove the chaff from the wheat.

All humanity can do now - as we keep repeating (7) over and over again in the hopes that the Blind and the Deaf (8) wake up to this reality - is to cushion the blows that awaits it through prayers (9) and acts of reparation. (10) The only "conditional" that exists now is the adjusting of the level (11) of suffering that awaits humanity - nothing else. Period!


Precisely because what else we have read in the same Journal (1) , this time the May-June 2007 issue, is the reason for which we must issue Part II of this warning.

In an article titled "Recollections - Part 2", where the intimate conversations Conchita had with Sister Maria Nieves Garcia, the director of the school Conchita attended in 1966-1967 in Burgos, we read:

November 17

Conchita had heard that there was a danger of war because of the situation in Gibraltar. She was worried, thinking of her brother Miguel, and she spoke to the Sister as soon as she saw her:

How afraid I am of war! Will it happen? In 1962, when they were speaking of the threat of a war, I asked the Virgin, "Will there be a war?" She simply answered, "God does not want war for His children." That says a lot, doesn't it?

Now, there is a very great difference between "God does not want war for His children." and “Don't be afraid because there will never be a world war.” This type of contradictions is precisely what we are warning one and all about.

The first statement would move the faithful to prayer so that war is averted while the second conveys the message of: "Party time! Let's shop 'til we drop - after all - we do not have to worry about a war no matter what we do!"

Of course, what we read from Sister Maria Nieves Garcia notes is the correct version.

But there is more....

In the same issue of the Garabandal Journal, in an article titled "Our Lady and Original Sin", we read about how Mary was confirming the reality of the original sin - something that we certainly believe in and understand well. The problem in the article arises when we start connecting the salient points of the article:

1. In 2007 Benedict XVI cancels the "limbo concept", being limbo where children who die without being baptized go.

2. The "limbo concept" - according to theologians - as reported in said article, tells us that "...children enjoy a state of perfect natural happiness, ...., but without being in communion with God." [We ask: Perfect natural happiness? Without God? We may then be told: "We speak of 'perfect natural happiness' and not "perfect supernatural happiness". To which we would respond: "There is only one 'state of perfection' and that is when a soul is united with God; thus perfect natural happiness does not exist."]

3. Next, the article rightly exposes the errors of Indiferentism; a principle which claims that one Christian religion is as good as other. There we read about a Protestant German engineer Maximo Föerschler who was married to a Spanish Catholic lady. Because of events at Garabandal he sought conversion to Catholicism and was then baptized.

Wait a moment! Wasn't that gentleman baptized in his Protestant Faith? He had to have been baptized to marry a practicing Catholic lady - otherwise theirs was a civil union and, in accordance to her faith frame of reference, they were living - intimate cohabitation - in sin (something which we are sure was not the case).

Oh, that he was baptized? Then why the Catholic Baptism? What he needed, upon joining the Catholic Faith was the Sacrament of Confirmation of his Catholic Faith.

4. In the same article, we then read a quotation from the book She Went in Haste to the Mountain. According to the testimony of a lawyer:

"I have been informed of a .... very meaningful episode that occurred. Loli's newest little brother had just been born. One day she fell into ecstasy near him and was heard to speak about him, showing astonishment at one time: 'What? So little and already in mortal sin?' She didn't put the crucifix on his lips until he was baptized.

For the reader's reference - according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

1861 Mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom, as is love itself. It results in the loss of charity and the privation of sanctifying grace, that is, of the state of grace. If it is not redeemed by repentance and God's forgiveness, it causes exclusion from Christ's kingdom and the eternal death of hell, for our freedom has the power to make choices for ever, with no turning back. However, although we can judge that an act is in itself a grave offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God.

A related matter of interest... we have read elsewhere that Loli was amazed at was how large the original sin of her little brother was. Now, we know that such statement could also be be true since the original sin is not always the same in type or size. That is dependent on the unique soul is attached to and perfectly tailored to it by a principle uttered by John XXIII :

Every one of us must have his own cross to bear; otherwise, tempted by selfishness or cruelty, we should sooner or later fall by the roadside


As the reader may see, the consequences that such mixture of incoherent information would have on an already disoriented faithful can be many and grave.

This is why we continue to repeat that: Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God - on permanent residence in the heart of the faithful - the faithful is lost.

We do not care if he/she is a cradle Catholic or, as many people say as a qualifier of sanctity, "...his sister is a nun or his uncle is a priest". Either your spiritual GPS (Global Positioner System) is the Holy Spirit of God or you are going to be in for a hellish ride through the End of These Times even if you are destined for Heaven.

Remember - Pain is the Megaphone that God uses for the deaf and blind faction, amongst His Elect, to hear and see. If one are destined for Heaven, he/she will make it, however, the condition he/she will be in by the time he/she gets to the proverbial "Pearly Gates" depends on how well and how quickly he/she "saw" and "heard". In the inky darkness the world is submerged now, to be able to "see" and "hear" can be equated to when a pilot approaches an airport for landing with zero visibility - he does it with instruments.

Our "instrument" is the Holy Spirit of God.

Some of the disoriented faithful may not know miguel's face but it behooves them to be able to "read his virtual lips" now - before is too late!

(1) A Warning Note From The M+G+R Foundation
(2) Quoting from "Official" Position of Garabandal Promoters

NO THIRD WORLD WAR Our Lady Said at Garabandal:

Of primary concern to the people of today is the impending threat of a nuclear holocaust with the major superpowers (and lesser powers!) in possession of weapons that can turn the world's centers of civilization into piles of rubble within a matter of minutes. Heads of State and Church leaders have labored under the burden of how to deal with the problem. But we know from what Our Lady said at Garabandal concerning another world war, that there is nothing to worry about. It will never happen.

On at least three occasions, Conchita has addressed herself to this question.

The first source of reference is Joey Lomangino who has known the visionary since 1963. Joey vividly recalls Conchita telling him that the Virgin said there would not be a third world war. According to Joey, there may be skirmishes or limited wars between countries but not a global conflict. A second source of reference is Anne Mequeli from Brentwood, New York. Anne, a dedicated worker for the New York Center Scapular Committee, is a good friend of Conchita’s and frequently attends the visionary's weekly holy hour to ‘pray for priests’. She gives the following testimony:

One night in Conchita’s house, everyone was talking about the ‘Cuban Crisis’ when Conchita said to me, “At that time in my village, all the people feared a third world war and everyone had radios close to their ears waiting to hear of such a war. But I had an apparition at the time and the Blessed Virgin told me, ‘No World War Three.”

A third source of reference is a taped conversation between Conchita and Bishop Francisco Garmendia, Auxillary Bishop of New York, on August 27, 1981. In answer to the Bishop's question about the ‘end of times,’ Conchita responded: The Virgin told me that before the Miracle, there will be only three popes (Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II). That same day—I don't know if you remember but in France they were saying that in 1962 world war would break out—she (The Virgin) told us that there would never be another world war. Everybody, in fact, was frightened that day, including me, when the Virgin appeared and said, “Don't be afraid because there will never be a world war.”
(3) Garabandal Journal - A publication which we, as of this date, still recommend.
(4) When the Church went Imperial.
(5) The Church Administration is well known for this
(6) Step No. 1
(7) What Can We Do? Part I and Part II
(8) Who are the Blind and the Deaf
(9) Prayers
(10) Acts of reparation
(11) Reducing the level of suffering

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Published on June 18th, 2008 - 43rd Anniversary of the Final Message of Garabandal - European Union

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