From: miguel de Portugal
[Jeremiah 1: 4-19]

Date: March 25, 1995-Annunciation Day

Addressed To:

Fr. Albert Roux
U.S.A. Director
Marian Movement of Priests

P. O. Box 8
St. Francis, Maine 04774-0008

Subject: Geographical relationship between San Sebastian de Garabandal(1) and Medjugorje(2).

PLEASE NOTE: Miguel de Portugal NO LONGER endorses the Marian Movement of Priests. The purpose of publishing this letter is to illustrate the good relationship that he had with many MMP Directors worldwide until D. Gobbi attempted to destroy it.
My dear Father Albert:

May the Peace of God and the Consolation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be always your safe refuge.

As you may be aware by now, one of the main tasks of miguel de Portugal has been to reflect to the world the coherence of Heaven among its key interventions on Earth as well as with the Holy Scriptures in full.

This task can only be fulfilled through Divine guidance since only with that Light the immense puzzle of the End of These Times can fall into place. Thus, let us Glorify God for yet one more kind favor to an undeserving and ungrateful humanity.

Knowing that the Miracle and the Sign spoken of at the apparitions at Garabandal and at Medjugorje are one and the same, it did not occur to me to meditate on it any further. However, a few months back, an inner communication prompted me to look at the geographical locations of each site and its relation with each other. To the naked eye it appeared to be at the same level using the Equator as the point of reference.

Just in the last week I have actually sat down and with the best possible commercial maps I could find at my current location, and using some of my engineering know how, I estimated the Parallel on which San Sebastian de Garabandal is located as well as that which crosses through Medjugorje.

From the measurements taken off the maps we can note that:

San Sebastian de Garabandal appears to be at: 43o 12.065' Medjugorje appears to be at: 43o 13.670'

Being the Equator the point of reference at: 0o 0.000'

The apparent discrepancy in the measurements translates to a difference of only 2.958 kilometers. This is negligible considering that, in the map used to establish the coordinates of Medjugorje, 2.958 km is equivalent to 0.0845 cm.

As an experienced engineer I must attest that the Parallel on which the Miracle and the Sign, announced at San Sebastian de Garabandal and Medjugorje, will occur at: Is essentially one and the same.

Marked up photocopies of the maps are enclosed strictly for your immediate reference. If you desire to do your own confirmation, an original set of maps should be used. However, topographical measurements by a surveyor at both sites are recommended. Those on-site measurements may become a very powerful tool later on.


This information will have a different significance to each one of us as God sees fit.

Personally, it was another thrill. Next to a converted soul, nothing brings me more joy than to see the Hand of God in all other events. Being intimately aware of the similitude between the events prophesied at Garabandal and Medjugorje (3) the additional Heavenly confirmation came as an unexpected surprise.

Perhaps this physical confirmation is necessary in other quarters, thus, the Will of God that it be published as I am now obediently doing.

May God illuminate you on how to use this information for His Greater Honor and Glory and in Reparation for the most offended Immaculate Heart of our Beloved Heavenly Mother, the Ever Virgin Mary, the One Who Will ultimately crush the head of the serpent.

At Their service, thus, at yours, I remain, as always, simply...

Originally signed by: miguel de Portugal
About m de P


(1) Garabandal 1961-1965
(2) Medjugorje 1981-Date Note No. 8
(3) As was clearly expressed in the Sequence of Events... published some years back.

This document was issued through:

El Apostolado de Estos Tiempos
Apartado # L.C.
37480 F de O
ESPAÑA (Spain)

Letter/Fax released to the general faithful for the first time on October 2000

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