The M+G+R Foundation

Western Europe - U.S.A.

March 9, 2001

His Eminence Theodore E. CARDINAL McCarrick
Archdiocese of Washington
P.O. Box 29260
Washington, D.C. 20017-9260

Subject: "That's a temptation we all have to fight"

May the Peace of God be upon you, Your Eminence!

ZENIT reports on their issue of March 6, 2001 that according to an account in The New York Times you stated:

In a way the devil was saying, 'Don't try to make the world better, just take it over'. That's a temptation we all have to fight, trying to take control of other countries or people instead of cooperating and seeking counsel.

Bravo! Your Eminence.

Now if you could convince the leadership and drones (1) of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, Regnum Christi and Legionnaires of Christ, you would have made the greatest contribution to Christianity any single man could possibly do.

Shall we start with Mr. Robert Phillip Hanssen, Your Eminence? We hope and pray that you realize that Mr. Hanssen's case is just a tip of a very, very large iceberg.

Miguel de Portugal
through The M+G+R Foundation


(1) Does not necessarily include the rank and file since most of them are not really aware of their ultimate goals.

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