The M+G+R Foundation

e-Mail From The M M P [U.S.A.] National Director - 1998

From: "Rev. Albert G. Roux"
To: "Larry"
Subject: The 2nd coming: My response
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 21:04:37 -0500

Dear Larry,

Thanks for your e-mail of Feb. 16th concerning the events predicted by Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi as recorded in his book of interior locutions, "To the Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons."

Our Lady predicted in 1988 that within the next ten years all that she had predicted during the past 200 years would come to pass. She also said that 1998 would be the peak of these events of purification for humanity and the world and that by the year 2000 Jesus will have returned in glory to establish the fullness of his kingdom here on earth.

This NOTE was inserted here by The M+G+R Foundation on September 25, 2000

The document you are reading was published by The M+G+R Foundation on February 25, 1998. It seems to have had an effect on the MMP interpretation of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and its timing. Their new version posted in the MMP-USA Site on September 13, 2000, and which was removed later on, reads as follows:

The triumph is not to be confounded with the transformation of the heavens and the earth, nor should it be confused with the return of Jesus. Her triumph is the fulfillment of her mission, the acknowledgment by the Church of all her titles, her privileges, and her rightful place in the mystery of Redemption, and finally in the crushing of the ancient serpent’s head with her heel (the army of her little ones prepared by her). At that moment, Our Lady’s mission is successfully completed and her triumph finally achieved, thus preparing the way for the return of Jesus to establish his kingdom on earth. May it be soon!

We will try to keep our readership informed as the definition of the Triumph of The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ changes to fit the particular need of the Marian Movement of Priests at the moment.

(continuation of Roux's correspondence)

I believe that what we now see happening in our own country and in the world is the fulfillment of her predictions. We will see much more during the course of this year. The Holy Father is preparing the Church for the great Jubilee Year of 2000 for a purpose.

Is he preparing the Church for the 2nd coming of Jesus? It seems so, but he does not say more than he has to. Are the preparations being done in Rome done for nothing? Perhaps, but time will tell. Our Blessed Mother does not give a detailed description of how her predictions will come about. So the believers prepare themselves spiritually and the non-believers prepare themselves physically and politically according to their own human plans and understanding. Life goes on. However, those who have taken Our Lady's messages seriously will be ready when all unfolds.

I would like to encourage you to read and meditate on the messages given by Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi if you have not done so already. Our Lady invites us to form little cenacles of prayer with her so that she herself may prepare us for the up-coming "attractions." Prayer and a true conversion is what the world needs today. These will be our salvation.

You may order the book, "To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons" through our Web Site. The address is:

May Our Lady protect you always,

Fr. Albert G. Roux
National Director

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