Dynamics of Social Decay
The Restoration Mechanism Completely Ignored by Institutionalized Religion
All of Them!
The Restoration Mechanism Completely Ignored by Institutionalized Religion
All of Them!
Through the Grace of God we have been able to express graphically the Dynamics of Social Decay and The Restoration Mechanism.
That is: The mechanism explaining how and why the world has decayed this far, socially, morally and politically while also illustrating the automatic triggering mechanism, designed and established by God, which will correct it.
We could comment at length on the blueprint of the mechanism that we are sharing with you now, however, we feel that those called by God to understand it and wisely utilize it, will, upon careful study and with the illumination of the Holy Spirit of God, understand it of their own accord.
We will, however, make some general comments which may assist in its understanding.
The Schematic may be found by Clicking Here.
Once the Schematic is downloaded, we suggest that you print it as is, so that you may be able to refer to it as you continue to read this brief text.
If you prefer to print the text and view the Schematic on the screen, then, you may access its horizontal version by Clicking Here.
Upon viewing the Schematic, you will note that Organized Religion box is fed from two sources simultaneously, [1] Duplicity as a Way of Life and [2] Rectitude as a Way of Life.
You will also notice that from the Organized Religion box two effluents issue. One which contributes to the degradation of the society and the Other which contributes to restoration of society.
The relative magnitude of those effluents from the Organized Religion box depends on the proportions of components [1] and [2] which are feeding that same Organized Religion box.
Think of effluent [1] as black paint and effluent [2] as white paint. The more Religion serves God, the greater the flow and effect of the white paint ([2]) has on the oceans of black paint ([1]), vomited forth as the result of Religion serving Mammon.
The more "white paint" ([2]) that flows into the channels which feed "black paint" ([1]) ["Much Poverty...", "Culture of Death", "Violence Amongst Youth", "Instant Physical Gratification" and "Political Degradation"], the "cleaner"/"whiter" those channels will become. Thus, the restoration of society progresses.
Should you desire further clarification, please contact us and we will endeavor to answer any questions that you may have regarding this presentation.
A Note to Engineers and other Scientists: Drawing on our experience in the Engineering field, the model in here presented could be easily converted into a mathematical sociopolitical model with which the Action-and-its-Reaction to sociopolitical changes could be easily projected and studied. However, we shall leave that to an enterprising young, and God centered, scientist.
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Originally issued for Worldwide Ecclesiastical Distribution on August 15, 1999. Nazaré, Portugal
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