"The Pruning of the Ranks of the Holy Roman Catholic Church"
A Letter to the Principals of Episcopal Commissions, 1996
A Letter to the Principals of Episcopal Commissions, 1996
miguel de Portugal
[Acts of the Apostles 5:34-39]
Originally mailed on June 14th and 15th, 1996
Written For: THE RECORD
Copies For: A Very Selected Audience
Subject: The Pruning of the Ranks of the Holy Roman Catholic Church - An Apology
Reference: Past Communications To:
Bernardin Cardinal GANTIN, Prefect, Congregation for Bishops, August 29,1995
António Cardinal RIBEIRO, Patriarch of Lisbon, August 29,1995
Dr. Joaquín NAVARRO-VALLS, Spokesman for The Vatican, November 7,1995
António Cardinal RIBEIRO, Patriarch of Lisbon, August 29,1995
Dr. Joaquín NAVARRO-VALLS, Spokesman for The Vatican, November 7,1995
May the Peace of God and the Consolation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary find repose in the souls of those who will read this document.
As of this date, June 14/15, 1996, there is no evidence that the prior exhortations to rapidly implement, throughout the Universal Church, the requests from Heaven (1)(2) have been appropriately heeded.
Instead, we are witnessing the alteration of some Heavenly Messages and the outright fabrication of others in fulfillment of: "The serpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the current." [Revelation 12:15])
With the notable exception of the actions taken by the Roman Catholic Church in Portugal (3), it appears that no other major Episcopal Conference is taking the necessary steps to rapidly implement the directives insisted upon by Heaven. These directives may be summed up in one sentence:
Stop living off the Gospel and start living the Gospel.
The controlling members of the Hierarchy have unduly hampered the manifestation and implementation of the Magisterial exhortations of the Church, and have downplayed the examples of the holy and devoted Popes of this century.
Furthermore, they have impeded the clear requests of Our Lord Jesus Christ regarding the universal implementation of Devotion to His Greatest Attribute: Mercy.
It was well established, in the referenced correspondence (4), that failure to respond to the pleas from Heaven through the Fatima, Portugal, apparitions already cost the world over 100 million lives and untold suffering.
To deny this responsibility would automatically confirm the other side of the coin: The Apparitions were not true.
Were the Apparitions not true, the Controlling Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church would then be responsible for exploiting the unsuspecting faithful through emotional manipulation, by promoting devotions stemming from said Apparition.
A parallel and more dramatic case to that of Fatima may be encountered with the failure to respond to Our Lord requests regarding the Devotion to His Unfathomable Mercy. The centerpiece of said Devotion being the establishment, within the Roman Catholic Church, the Feast of Mercy.
The consequence of the persistent refusal to energetically promote the greatest of God's attribute, Mercy, is the crux of this particular communication. By failing to do this, poor and aching humanity will have to suffer even more to achieve the level of conversion established from all Eternity for the End of These Times.
Be it known to all men that those who, through action or omission, are responsible for such unnecessary suffering, shall be held accountable before the Just God. This accountability shall commence before they physically expire.
Between the years 1931 and 1938 our Lord Jesus Christ communicated to Sister Faustina Kowalska, a Polish Nun, that:
(a) The Feast of Mercy be established by the Universal Church and celebrated on the Second Sunday
of Easter.
(b) That His Mercy be extolled far and wide to encourage repentance and confidence in sinners in
preparation for His Second Coming.
(c) That "Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy."
What has happened regarding these requests?
(a) The devotion to the Divine Mercy was finally approved in 1978.
(b) Pope John Paul II, instrumental in the establishment of said Devotion as Cardinal Wojtyla, devoted an entire Encyclical, Dives in Misericordia, in the third year of his Pontificate, extolling the Mercy of God.
(c) Sister Faustina was Beatified by the Roman Catholic Church on 1991. This action essentially placed a seal of "Worthy of Belief" to her writings as published in 1973.
(b) Pope John Paul II, instrumental in the establishment of said Devotion as Cardinal Wojtyla, devoted an entire Encyclical, Dives in Misericordia, in the third year of his Pontificate, extolling the Mercy of God.
(c) Sister Faustina was Beatified by the Roman Catholic Church on 1991. This action essentially placed a seal of "Worthy of Belief" to her writings as published in 1973.
Today, June 14/15, 1996, 58 years after the death of Sister Faustina, 18 years after the approval of the Devotion to the Divine Mercy and 5 years after Sister Faustina Beatification, all we have to show for is the great effort, but limited in Universal scope, of the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, Massachusets (U.S.A.) to promote said Devotion. May God Bless them richly!
In the meantime the world continues to race toward its ruin and the Roman Catholic Church continues to have Her hands tied by those who have their own personal agendas to promote.
Not only the controlling Hierarchy of the Church must accept the responsibility for not acting on a timely basis regarding the requests made during the Fatima Apparitions, but, once the nuclear holocaust manifests itself plunging the world into a nightmare...
The controlling Hierarchy of the Church will also have to assume the moral liability for such
catastrophe and suffer the physical consequence for its omissions.
Our Lord clearly and emphatically said to Sister Faustina: "Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy."
The fate of Jerusalem, the Temple "Hierarchy", and of the Temple itself for having rejected Jesus Christ and His disciples will be repeated once again in a more universal and devastating scope; our sin is far greater than the sin of those who crucified Our Lord.
Can we expect that the controlling "Temple" Hierarchy of These Times be spared of the consequence of having abandoned the Truth and, because of fear, betrayed its Creator?
The originally Chosen People were not spared and theirs was a lesser sin. Why should we, when we even mock the Mercy of God by our inaction?
It is a tragedy that some outstanding members of the Hierarchy, Priests and Religious will have to suffer for the greed and arrogance of a selected few. However, such are the demands of Divine Justice.
The consoling reward for their martyrdom was related to us by Saint John and it may be found in Revelations, Chapter 20, Verse 4.
May the blood of the innocent be upon the head of all of those who have impeded the exercise and manifestation of the Mercy of God upon His poor ailing children.
I am truly sorry, but consoled. The warnings which are demanded by the Infinite Mercy of God have been many, clear and widely presented to those who are in a position of power. Nonetheless, I will continue to pray daily for those responsible for muffling the voices from Heaven. It is my duty and Christian responsibility.
Beyond that, I, miguel de Portugal, a servant of God, wash my hands of the the nightmare that will be unleashed upon the world, Christianity and specifically, the Roman Catholic Church.
Originally signed by: miguel de Portugal (5)
(1) See Attachment I for specific details of said
(2) This document is primarily written for those individuals conversant with the
Roman Catholic Faith. Others will need to research some of the tenets of said Faith as well as the
records of some key Supernatural Manifestations which are part of the Roman Catholic Faith and
(3) See Attachment II for details.
Released to the general faithful for the first time on September 2000
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