World English Bible

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About the World English Bible

CONTENTS in This Page

Summary at

Summary from

The World English Bible is in the Public Domain

Layout in HTML format in this domain (

What are MT, TR, and NU in the footnotes?

Summary at

What you have in these pages (a dedicated section in and is a copy of a few books from "The World English Bible" —2020 stable text edition— from (*) in a layout prepared by The M+G+R Foundation instead of the (many) original layouts prepared by but, by all means, without altering the text from

The purpose of this distribution is to provide a few books —at least, the Gospels— from the World English Bible in a layout more fit to our preferences of usability for an on-line reading. In particular, we appreciate the possibility to quickly and easily link to specific Bible verses from the many documents in our domain that contain Bible quotations. This is exactly the same reason for which we also provide (nearly) the same books for the King James Bible, the Douay-Rheims Bible and the Straubinger Spanish Bible.
(*) "" and "" are brother domains – official sites for the presentation and primary distribution of The World English Bible. Here, we refer to "" as a common name for both or, as well, as the name of the organization supporting all of it.
DISCLAIMER: The M+G+R Foundation is not associated with the organization

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Summary from (1)

The World English Bible ("WEB") is a revision of the American Standard Version ("ASV") of 1901 into Modern English. The New Testament is revised to reflect what is known in scholar terms as "the Majority Text" (the corpus in Greek for which the majority of known manuscripts agree). Significant differences from two other main compilations of Greek manuscripts are footnoted (2). God's name in the Old Testament is rendered as "Yahweh" instead of "Jehovah" because the WEB editors consider that that is widely regarded to be more correct.

The purpose of the WEB is to put an accurate, whole, Modern English Bible into the Public Domain. It is a quality translation (better than the ASV) of the Holy Bible into modern English that you may freely use, either for personal or commercial purposes. There is no legal monopoly controlling what books you may quote Scriptures from this translation, or what Bible study software may or may not use this translation.

The World English Bible is an all-volunteer project. Many people have been involved in the production and editing of the World English Bible from a variety of backgrounds. The senior editor is Michael Paul Johnson. Among the volunteers who have contributed to this project, there are people who attend various churches, including Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, non-denominational, and many more.

Although they refer to it as a project, the World English Bible is complete. What is published today (June 2022, as we are writing these lines) is the "2020 stable text edition". It is just that, as the senior editor says (3), “we may choose to correct any typos or obvious problems if they are found”.

For extended information, you may read the FAQ maintained by Michael Paul Johnson (3)

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The World English Bible is in the Public Domain (4)

The World English Bible is in the Public Domain. You may copy and share it freely. It is not copyrighted. However, "World English Bible" is a Trademark of

You may copy, publish, proclaim, distribute, redistribute, sell, give away, quote, memorize, read publicly, broadcast, transmit, share, back up, post on the Internet, print, reproduce, preach, teach from, and use the World English Bible as much as you want, and others may also do so. All we ask is that if you CHANGE the actual text of the World English Bible in any way, you not call the result the World English Bible any more. This is to avoid confusion, not to limit your freedom. The Holy Bible is God's Word. It belongs to God. He gave it to us freely, and we who have worked on this translation freely give it to you by dedicating it to the Public Domain.

Donations to help with the expenses of this project and thus help others have free access to the Word of God may be made to us [], but are not required. Please see for more about that.

The master copy of this Bible translation is posted on and at https://WorldEnglish.Bible

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Layout in HTML format in this domain (

Text retrieved from (official site for The World English Bible) (*) in June 2022, including the notes at the foot of each Chapter and the Preface to the Bible.

Layout in HTML format in this domain ( and by The M+G+R Foundation —not associated with— without altering the original text from

Our changes in layout:
•  The Chapter headings and Section headings are not from (the layout in just has the name of each Chapter as a heading).
•  The Chapter headings (lines in italics summarizing each Chapter) are from the Douay-Rheims Bible revised by Bishop Richard Challoner.
•   The Paragraph separation is every five verses, instead of the paragraph divisions from (This will make easier the comparative reading of the text along with that of the Douay-Rheims Bible and the King James Bible which are also partially hosted in our domain.)
•   Each chapter has been divided in big Sections. The separation and the headings of such Sections are (translations) from the Straubinger Spanish Bible.
•   Links external to are in pink color.

Also, some Bible Books in this distribution are accompanied with an Introductory Note by Mons. Dr. Juan Straubinger, translated by us from the Straubinger Spanish Bible, since the original World English Bible distribution has no introductory notes.

(*) "" and "" are brother domains – official sites for the presentation and primary distribution of The World English Bible. Here, we refer to "" as a common name for both or, as well, as the name of the organization supporting all of it.

Last revision of this page: August 21, 2023

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What are MT, TR, and NU in the footnotes?

MT refers to the Greek Majority Text New Testament, which is the authoritative basis for this translation.
TR stands for Textus Receptus, which is the Greek Text from which the King James Version New Testament was translated.
NU stands for the Nestle-Aland/UBS critical text of the Greek New Testament, which is used as a basis for some other Bible translations.

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(1) Summary composed with pieces of information from
(2) See the Section "What are MT, TR, and NU in the footnotes?" at the end of this document
(3) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) maintained by Michael Paul Johnson in
(4) This whole section is taken from the entry page (the first page after the cover) in the World English Bible as published in

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