The M+G+R Foundation


February 24, 1999

Copies to:

The Washington Post
L’Osservatore Romano

Addressed To:

His Excellency [Name], Ambassador (1)
[Street Address]
Washington, D.C. 2000X

Subject: The accelerating destabilization of the world.

Reference: "This Is the Beginning of the Final Days. This Is the Apocalypse" - A resident of Goma, Zaire. Cover of Time International, No. 31, August 1, 1994.

Your Excellency:

Are we really approaching the End of These Times? Is man capable of auto destruction or is it some evil force who, separating man from good, is causing such destruction.

The purpose of the enclosed documents (2) is to inform your government, through your Excellency, about what may happen in the near future. The interesting part of said documents is that the events in them, described from a Biblical and religious point of view, are totally coherent with a cold political and socio-philosophical analysis of the events developing in the world today.

This entire communication only seeks reflection and awareness. The value contained in the information in here transmitted must be individually sought and assimilated. It is not our intent to try to convince anyone. Each government must recognize on his own, by means of the intellectual and spiritual resources at its disposal, the situation his country finds itself in as one of the components of the nuclear keg into which the world has transformed itself in.

Unfortunately, most of the information that comes to us via the media has been processed and slanted by power brokers in order to manipulate our thinking. However, Beware!, these visible power brokers are frequently manipulated themselves by means of the official and, sometimes, supposedly privileged information that they receive, thus, in turn, they serve interests of those whose existence they are not aware (3). If it were not so serious a matter, it would be comical.

Respectfully presented by

The M+G+R Foundation

(1) Originally Issued in Spanish to the Diplomatic Corps in Madrid, Spain on August 22, 1994, from Guarda, PORTUGAL
(2) The enclosed documents
(3) They serve interests of those whose existence they are not aware

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