The M+G+R Foundation

The Harnessing Of Prophesied Supernatural Events

To Gain Manipulative Control Worldwide

Seems To Be Progressing Well

Originally Published in January 2010


This brief document is a follow up of our original document (1a) which was first issued as a letter on June 6, 1996, denouncing such activities to all U.S. Bishops and Cardinals and to key English Speaking Bishops and Cardinals worldwide.

Here we report on the progress of the implementation of the plan to gain manipulative control on a worldwide scale by harnessing prophesied supernatural events.


The best background would be to review the original document (1a) wherein their plans are exposed in great detail but, in a nutshell:

With the possession of the details of the announced future supernatural events, those who are planning the staged Second Coming can easily orchestrate their activities to be able to ride in the coattails of said events and thus, gain absolute control of the Roman Catholic Church and, through the Roman Catholic Church, the world.

Please note that, as we have clearly explained elsewhere (1b) :

The Warning , Miracle and Sign announced at the time of the Garabandal phenomena at San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, between 1961 and 1965 will not come to pass.

The world is heading, without further ado, directly into the Chastisement, which was announced in Garabandal and Akita, and which we have independently confirmed several times since 1992.

That does not mean that those who plan to utilize such information believe that such events may have been canceled. They continue their plans as if nothing has changed; therefore, what you read below still applies.


Since the individual who claims to be the Pope Emeritus, the former Cardinal Ratzinger, had this to say about Marian Apparitions:

"...I say that the Virgin does not create sensationalism, or fear, nor does She present apocalyptic visions." [Ratzinger in 1996] should be cause for concern to notice that Fatima, Garabandal and now Medjugorje have become the "darlings" of the Vatican Establishment.



Let us review first what we published regarding this matter as recently as last December 15, 2009 (2):

Did you know that... the Joey Lomangino's Garabandal group seems to be quite close to the Opus Dei operated EWTN? (a)

[our highlighting]

Garabandal is in the air and the Message is spreading. Daily we hear from promoters, clergy and laity, around the world who speak with great enthusiasm about the tremendous gains they are seeing. We can see their effect in the constant stream of requests for information and materials from those only now learning of the apparitions.

In a new initiative, we have partnered with promoters in foreign countries supplying them with foreign language master copies of the Message of Garabandal DVD for local promotion. As a result of these efforts we have seen a surge of interest from new places, most prominently from China. EWTN Europe began broadcasting this year and we have provided our contacts there with master copies in all the languages of Europe.

and that... independent opinion offered by EWTN’s expert theologian Colin B. Donovan, STL, not only lauds Garabandal but also Medjugorje? (b)

We Commented: When an Opus Dei penetrated group "throws itself" into Marian Apocalyptic Messages - even controversial ones like Medjugorje - it brings to mind what we alerted the clergy and the Faithful about eighteen years ago (c).

This "loving embrace" with Marian Apocalyptic Messages by certain key elements of the Vatican becomes more intriguing when we look back to what the then Cardinal Ratzinger said about such messages. (d)

(a) Mr. Lomangino's Christmas Message
(b) Mr. Donovan's opinion
(c) The commandeering of the Marian Messages
(d) Ratzinger intoxicates the Fátima Messages


Just a few days after we published the above, on January 10th, 2010, we also published (3):

Did you know that a high profile visit to the controversial Roman Catholic shrine of Medjugorje by Vienna's Cardinal Christoph Schönborn seems to have deepened the divide between Catholics who fervently believe the Virgin Mary appears to visionaries there and those who believe it to be a hoax? (e)

The visit over the New Year's holiday provoked a surprisingly undiplomatic public complaint from the bishop of Mostar, the Bosnian region that includes Medjugorje. It prompted a little-noticed theological comment from Schönborn that might point to where the debate over Medjugorje may be going.

Schönborn engaged in a bit of Church one-upmanship by visiting the pilgrimage site without consulting the local bishop, a noted skeptic about claims that the mother of Jesus has been visiting the place almost daily since 1981. While his visit was described as private, his public comments there were so positive as to raise the question whether the Vatican might change its long-standing reservations regarding events there.

The visit prompted a sharp reaction by Mostar Bishop Ratko Peric, a leading skeptic about Medjugorje. He declared himself surprised by the visit and said it could encourage “a growing number of new communities and disobedient associations of the faithful.” In a statement on his diocese's web site, Peric announced:

“I want to inform the faithful that the visit of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn does not imply any recognition of the authenticity of the ‘apparitions’ related to Medjugorje. I regret that the cardinal, with his visit, appearance and statements, has added new sufferings to those already present of this local Church which do not contribute to its much needed peace and unity.”

(e) News Source

As we prepare this document (on January 12, 2010) another report of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn's praises for Medjugorje reaches our hands. We consider this report to be scandalous because, while agreeing with those who claim that the Medjugorje apparition is not of supernatural order, Schönborn compares it with the Lourdes apparition.

In addition, he had the audacity to drag Sister (now St.) Faustina's revelations regarding Divine Mercy into the fray. We quote from the news report (4):

Also comparing the Church's caution towards the alleged apparitions (in Medjugorje) to the Church's caution towards St. Faustina, the cardinal stated that the “personal reliability” of the witnesses, the sensus fidelium, and the charitable works associated with Medjugorje are “surely an important element.”

Since when does the Church Administration concern itself with "personal reliability"? If that were a measuring stick to set standards within the Church Administration, this Administration would be reduced to the level of the pre-Constantine Church.

When a Cardinal so close to Benedict XVI goes out of his way with a very high profile defiance of a local Bishop and his predecessor, it indicates that the stakes are very high... and indeed they are.


With much fanfare a new movie on Fatima was shown in theaters in the US starting on October 13th and released in DVD on December 2009. One would wonder - What? Another Fatima movie? Wasn't that case closed when only the visual half (5) the Third Part of the Secret was revealed on May 13th, 2000?

Precisely because of that wonderment we viewed the movie as well as the lengthy discussion about the Fatima events and secrets by a priest. The lengthy discussion was a part of the DVD set provided to us by a collaborator.

It is an excellent movie and an excellent presentation except... that it was just "too Excellent". In the presentation the priest clearly stated, and without visible emotion, that the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was not done by Pius XI as it was and when requested. He did state, as a matter of passing fact, that the Consecration was done by John Paul II on 1984 and that it was accepted by Heaven.

By specifically and pointedly recalling the omission of Pius XI, the proverbial red flags were raised since that is one omission that is smoothed over by past as well as recent official Fatima publications.


They are obviously laying down the groundwork so that when the climax of World War III is triggered (5), by as few as one or two nuclear attacks, they can explain why it happened and pin the blame on Pius XI's oversight. At that time - with an "obviously contrite heart" - today's Church Administration will "ride to the rescue" of humanity on the coattails of the Supernatural events announced in Garabandal and Medjugorje - now, the "darlings" of the Church.

It is simple and straight forward once all the proverbial dots are connected.


Although it has been our responsibility, as an instrument of God, to expose one scheme after another, it is also our responsibility to exhort one and all to pray for our enemies and our persecutors. (7) It is our duty and the Will of God.

We are all children of God and of our Heavenly Mother and we must assist most diligently those who have fallen into error, or were born in it. The intensity of our intercessions on their behalf (8) must be in geometric proportion to the severity of their deviation from the Truth.

This stance, however, should not be viewed as a passive attitude. As long as God Is and His servant miguel de Portugal has not been called back, our enemies will only be allowed by God to inflict the damage which will fulfill the Scriptures while minimizing the suffering and misery of humanity.

(1a) The plans to commandeer Marian Apparitions
(1b) Source
(2) Did You Know That...? December 2009
(3) Did You Know That...? January 2010
(4) News Report
(5) The visual Third Part of the Secret of Fatima is revealed
(6) World War III started when President Bush declared a worldwide war on Islamic Terrorism.
He actually referred to it was the beginning of World War III. To wit:
US President George W. Bush has said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III". In an interview with the financial news network CNBC, Mr. Bush said he had yet to see the recently released film of the uprising, a dramatic portrayal of events on the United Airlines plane before it crashed in a Pennsylvania field. But he said he agreed with the description of David Beamer, whose son Todd died in the crash, who in a Wall Street Journal commentary last month called it "our first successful counter-attack in our homeland in this new global war, World War III". Mr. Bush said: "I believe that. I believe that it was the first counter-attack to World War III". Full story at,10117,19043507-38198,00.html
(7) Pray for our enemies and our persecutors
(8) Our intercessions on their behalf - Results

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A Papacy Crisis : A Church Crisis

Sequence of Events Leading to the End of These Times

Issued on January 14, 2010. European Union

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