The M+G+R Foundation

The Marian Movement of Priests

Correspondence Covering Our Last Attempt to Assist MMP's Rev. A. Roux


Made Public on August 6, 2001 - Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord


As the faithful continued to contact The M+G+R Foundation seeking clarification for the retractions, reinterpretations and new pronouncements of D. Gobbi and Rev. A. Roux, MMP USA National Director, regarding the elusive timing for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Miguel de Portugal tried, one last time, to encourage Rev. A. Roux to speak the truth to the faithful and set their anxieties to rest.

Once again, Miguel de Portugal sought the good offices of Rev. S. Valenta to communicate with Rev. Roux since Rev. Roux refuses to communicate directly with Miguel de Portugal.

Unfortunately nothing was gained, leaving The M+G+R Foundation with no option other than to publish previously withheld communications. This is done with the sole intention of warning the innocent faithful.

The last sequence of Electronic Correspondence sustained with Rev. Valenta follows.

The Electronic Correspondence in Chronological Order

From: Miguel de Portugal via The M+G+R Foundation
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:49:58 +0200
Subject: The Gobbi Explanations - Our Actions
To: Rev. V a l e n t a

May the Peace of God be upon you, dear brother in Christ!

It has been a long time since we have heard from you. Respecting your silence, we have kept our distance too.

However, since Gobbi, Roux, et al, continue to spin the, seemingly never ending, web of explanations of why the alleged locutions of Our Heavenly Mother are not coming to pass on schedule, the Faith of the faithful continues to falter, as it was planned by the behind-the-scenes "producers".

Because your good name was purposely entangled by Roux et al on this web of deception and because we believe that you are a truly upright man, I, Miguel de Portugal, being inspired by the certain specific Teachings of our Lord and Master [Matthew 5:21-26, 43-48] am writing to you now.

First of all, I want to apologize to you and to all who may eventually read this communication for not always being able to express appropriately what we intend to communicate in the Name of God. For the content, I offer no apology since I am not the true source of what we communicate.


We continue to receive questions and requests from the Faithful who are seeking explanations about what is really taking place regarding D. Gobbi's ever changing prophecies, and the MMP as a whole. We cannot continue to look the other way since Frs. Roux and Gobbi, by their actions, seem to be deaf to what we have written in the past - advice and warnings alike.

Without a doubt your remember what we have said many times regarding how God assists the deaf to hear. It seems that He wishes to move on to Phase II to assist Roux et al with their "hearing problem".

My dear brother, up to now we continue to speak in partially veiled words and, out of true humility, do not clearly speak of the shoes that God has chosen that we fill. To most, from our writings, it seems that we are just doing research and intellectually placing the pieces of a puzzle together. Perhaps, by now, you may have realized that such is not the case.

God chose that we initially function in such manner so that the faithful did not have to believe "in Miguel de Portugal" but "in the Word of God and in the legitimate Messages from our Heavenly Mother".

Of course, as the world disintegrates in accordance to the dispensation of Divine Justice, more people will begin to pay closer attention to what we have said and will continue to say, thus, we will then become more "visible".

Until then, depending on the seriousness of the harm being done to the Faithful, we will, only from time to time, and with the authority conferred by God, pronounce and/or expose publicly whatever God Wills to protect the Faith of His children. To Cardinal or parish priest alike - from our vantage point there is no difference when it comes to protect the faithful.

To the point

We have mentioned in the past the vast correspondence files that we have concerning the MMP - much from supporting National Directors worldwide. We also have correspondence from a National Director who resigned his position to protect Miguel de Portugal's identity from a Gobbi who wanted to get him out of the way. [The "Why?" of such burning desire from Gobbi would be most interesting for the faithful to read about.]

We have correspondence from another National Director, whom we had appointed our Spiritual Director, and who is no longer associated with the MMP for similar reasons. Of course, we have vast files of the electronic correspondence [would print into 192 pages] regarding the "per" issue as well as third party correspondence to and from Roux which has been forwarded to us by disenchanted faithful

Through the Grace of God, we knew by 1997 that the year 1998 was going to go by without the fulfillment of the by-now-explained-away Gobbi's prophecies.

We also knew ahead of time that the year 2000 would go by - Jubilee or no Jubilee - without the fulfillment of the events on the "new-and-improved" Gobbi schedule . [For your information - When we were informed in 1997 that the 1998 events were delayed, we did not receive a rescheduled date, therefore we were not looking for anything on the year 2000 other than what man would do out of panic or to profit from the faithful innocence.]

If we did not speak clearly then it was because God Willed that "enough rope would be given" so that the prophets-of-the-day exercised their free will and either made nets to fish men, as Our Lord wanted, or hang themselves with the rope as their arrogance demanded.

Our request to you

What we want of you is to entreat Roux, Gobbi, et al to retract the torrent of justifications for missed events and admit to their personal errors which has caused such consternation amongst the faithful. We want them to stop blaming the Queen of Heaven for the missed dates and the fulfillment of prophecies.

We know that Gobbi will not admit to the truth behind the MMP - he does not have what it takes [if he did, he would not have undertaken this journey to begin with], however, Heaven will be satisfied with an admission of error so that the Faith of the innocent be restored on the legitimate prophecies of our Heavenly Mother.

Why do we ask you to do so?

In the physical plane: Because Roux does not have the integrity to communicate with me directly.

In the spiritual plane: Because God chose you to contact us regarding the "per" issue and to persist until we finally focused our attention on the issue.

We pray that Roux, et al, be more attentive this time to the calls from Heaven. We do not look forward to publish, in hard copy and in our Domain, the above referenced material, however, if it is for the well being of the faithful, and above all, in obedience to the Will of God, it will be done.

Unless Heaven's requirements begin to be fulfilled by August 6th, we will begin publication of the documents which will clearly show the faithful what is behind Gobbi's double-talk and frequent reinterpretation of alleged messages.

It is the only way we will be able to penetrate the shield of apparent holiness that Gobbi, et al, have worked so hard for so many years to create in order to fulfill the agenda of their masters. This letter will lead the way for the torrent which will follow.

So it has been written, so it will be fulfilled through the Grace of God.

May God continue to Bless you and your labors in His garden.

Miguel de Portugal through the Webmaster - The M+G+R Foundation

From: Fr V a l e n t a
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 23:34:30 EDT
Subject: Re: The Gobbi Explanations - Our Actions

Dear Miguel de Portugal:

Thank you kindly for your letter.

It is not that I have been avoiding you or keeping my distance that I did not communicate with you. It is that I have chosen to make my life now a missionary for goodness instead of truth. I know that they have to work together, because both are from God, but in Him they are together as the candle we have at Mass. The light is not separated from the warmth. But as I looked at the Faithful with the compassion of Jesus, I began to realize more and more that once they find goodness within themselves, their aspiration for the truth will become the aspiration for wisdom, the wisdom that the Holy Spirit offers.

Personally, I have found tremendous help in my spiritual journey through the spiritual truths that are presented within the large manual. These are now what I cling to, and these are what I guide people to cling to because this part of the manual rings true.

I shy away now from all that is apocalyptical and am teaching the followers that they have to do the same. I urge them now to put their confidence into that which is more solid than the rock of Gibraltar namely the teachings of Jesus. This is what we will be tested on and judged on as we stand individually at death before the Lord Himself.

I do not say what I say in order to convince anyone. Each one of God's children must do that and only that which He had selected for each one to do from all eternity.

In my prayer life, I have been asked to change gears and this I am doing and it is fabulously exciting. I am working side by side with Our Blessed

Mother, not in areas which deal with the future, but with those that deal with the present. I have just published another book entitled, "Searching Through the Teachings of Jesus so as to Implant Them Into Your Heart." I have pulled all of Jesus' teachings from the Gospels and side by side in a second column on the same page, have simplified His teachings for a better grasping by those of good will. In time, I will also be working on another book which will be the completion of the first, namely, "The Journey from the Head to the Heart and Beyond- - -." This one will be entitled, "The Journey from the Heart Back to the Head and Beyond- -- -."

I share all of the above with you to make it known to you that I am still working with the Faithful, but on another level.

Concerning your invitation, I will certainly want to do anything to be of ultimate help to the Faithful. I am a firm believer that a prophet is not capable of explaining that which is given to Him/Her in prophecy. Once this is tried and felt that it is necessary, the prophet makes a blotch of it all. The prophet is to be just the mouth piece for the Lord. It is not for him/her to be the interpreter for God. The chief Interpreter for the Lord is His Church.

Inasmuch as there has been one misinterpretation, there can be another and another and another. For me, now, it is a waste of time to figure out the future. There are too many variables that enter into trying to pinpoint the particulars. I have given up on that. The future is God's. I leave it now ALL to Him. I am working with thousands of people in the periphery of the NOW. This is much safer and something more solid for the Faithful to sink their teeth into.

There are two phases within the scope of my giving assistance to the Faithful who trust me and listen to me: The first was that of making them aware of an urgency, an urgency which is spoken of in the Book of Revelation as also in Matthew and in other parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments. That phase is closed now and forever. The present phase is an experiential one, one that helps them in a concrete way to prepare for, and to live in such a way as to be equipped for any eventualities that the future might hurl at them. They have needed both. Now my emphasis and directives are reasonable and practical.

Within the past year, I had been invited to conduct a workshop in Fr Roux's region. We had spent hours together. I have not seen him nor even talked with him since then. That was many months ago.

I will call him, however, for your sake and his, in order to ascertain what spirit moves him presently, whether he himself has put a distance between Rev. Gobbi and himself, or whether he still is trying to make things "fit."

I am off to Michigan tomorrow morning to give a weekend workshop. When I return, I will go into deeper prayer and follow through on what the Spirit and Mother Mary would ask of me to be of greater help to them and to the Faithful.

My ministry has become international. It is a ministry which concerns all of Mother Mary's children. It is not a ministry dealing with future events, it is a ministry of practical application of the wishes of the Holy Spirit and His Spouse, the Blessed Virgin especially in the area of what flows from the fact that the Trinity has granted Her to be the Immaculate Conception. My part in all this is to take the theology of this and practicalize for the Faithful for their spiritual and physical benefit.

I don't mind being the go-between. I will do all within my gifts of grace to bring peace and proper understanding in order that the Faithful might not be led astray. Satan is alive and ferocious. His time is short!

Wishing you a happy heart,

Imparting upon you and your work a priestly blessing,

I am,

Cordially yours,

Rev. S. Valenta

From: The M+G+R Foundation
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 23:14:26 +0200
Subject: Re: The Gobbi Dilemma - A Solution
To: Rev. V a l e n t a

May the Peace of God be upon you, dear brother, in this most special day when we joyfully celebrate the Birth in time of John the Baptist!

Your prompt response is appreciated. Our commentaries may be found within your text to avoid repetitions. We will use variable width italic bold print for your convenience.

Rev. V a l e n t a wrote:

Dear Miguel de Portugal:

Thank you kindly for your letter.

It is not that I have been avoiding you or keeping my distance that I did not communicate with you. It is that I have chosen to make my life now a missionary for goodness instead of truth. I know that they have to work together, because both are from God, but in Him they are together as the candle we have at Mass. The light is not separated from the warmth. But as I looked at the Faithful with the compassion of Jesus, I began to realize more and more that once they find goodness within themselves, their aspiration for the truth will become the aspiration for wisdom, the wisdom that the Holy Spirit offers.

Praised be Jesus Forever and Ever. That is precisely the point our Lord Jesus Christ was trying to get across 2,000 years ago. We are delighted that you have reoriented your ministry in this manner.

Personally, I have found tremendous help in my spiritual journey through the spiritual truths that are presented within the large manual. These are now what I cling to, and these are what I guide people to cling to because this part of the manual rings true.

I must admit that I do not know which "large manual" you are speaking of. At first I thought you were speaking of the Holy Scriptures but when I read that "this part of the manual rings true." we realized that you could not be speaking about Them since, by exception, the others would not ring true.

I shy away now from all that is apocalyptical and am teaching the followers that they have to do the same. I urge them now to put their confidence into that which is more solid than the rock of Gibraltar namely the teachings of Jesus. This is what we will be tested on and judged on as we stand individually at death before the Lord Himself.

If we, my dear, dear brother, could get the spirit that resides in you in the hearts of the remaining members of the clergy - up through Cardinals - the descend of the world to hell would come to a screeching halt. Your words, and the direction your mission have assumed, refresh my soul! Praised be Jesus!

I do not say what I say in order to convince anyone. Each one of God's children must do that and only that which He had selected for each one to do from all eternity.

See directly above.

In my prayer life, I have been asked to change gears and this I am doing and it is fabulously exciting. I am working side by side with Our Blessed Mother, not in areas which deal with the future, but with those that deal with the present. I have just published another book entitled, "Searching Through the Teachings of Jesus so as to Implant Them Into Your Heart." I have pulled all of Jesus' teachings from the Gospels and side by side in a second column on the same page, have simplified His teachings for a better grasping by those of good will.

As we read the above.... If I could do cartwheels of joy without breaking my neck, I would. However, a Praised Be Jesus Forever! will do nicely and keep M de P out of a neck brace.

In time, I will also be working on another book which will be the completion of the first, namely, "The Journey from the Head to the Heart and Beyond- - -." This one will be entitled, "The Journey from the Heart Back to the Head and Beyond- -- -."

See above.

I share all of the above with you to make it known to you that I am still working with the Faithful, but on another level.

We appreciate your sharing, however, never, ever, it crossed my mind that you would not be intimately working with the lost and disoriented sheep, loving them back to the fold. We may see a thing or two from a different perspective than you, but we know where your heart really is.

Concerning your invitation, I will certainly want to do anything to be of ultimate help to the Faithful. I am a firm believer that a prophet is not capable of explaining that which is given to Him/Her in prophecy. Once this is tried and felt that it is necessary, the prophet makes a blotch of it all.

Amen! However, as we have personally experienced, if we make an honest mistake God WILL uphold His servant and will not allow that him to ruin His work. If one is a man-made prophet, such assistance will not be forthcoming. As only one example please review

The prophet is to be just the mouth piece for the Lord. It is not for him/her to be the interpreter for God. The chief Interpreter for the Lord is His Church.

Here is we part company - not in Definition but in Practice. That was precisely what God intended matters to be. Unfortunately it has not been the case. But my dear brother, do not take my word for it - after all, who am I in accordance to the world? Take our Heavenly Mother's Words for it:

The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, the priests are asking for vengeance, and vengeance is hanging over their heads. Woe to the priests and to those dedicated to God who by their unfaithfulness and their wicked lives are crucifying my son again! The sins of those dedicated to God cry out towards Heaven and call for vengeance, and now vengeance is at their door, for there is no one left to beg mercy and forgiveness for the people. There are no more generous souls, there is no one left worthy of offering a stainless sacrifice to the Eternal God for the sake of the world. - La Salette 1846

Take our Lord's Words for it:

They did not wish to heed my request. Like the King of France, they will repent and do it, but it will be too late. Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars, and persecutions of the Church; the Holy Father will have much to suffer.- Our Lord Jesus Christ complaining to Lucia because the Consecration of Russia was not done as and when His Mother requested. Fátima in Lucia's own words. Scanned page at

We also have Mary's complaints at Rosa Mystica and Garabandal; however, although they have not been officially approved by The Vatican, we are not quoting them.

Because those who claim to serve God and have lived OFF the Gospel instead of living the Gospel we came into existence.

Is God going to allow those who have made His Church a business, to manage the final Heavenly Messages as they did with Fátima - which has cost so far 150 million lives?

Take Miguel de Portugal's words - He Is not!

If you doubt our words now, you will change your opinion when you witness the near future fate of most of the clergy. H.H. John Paul II is openly hinting about that. Remember his words about martyrdom when he invested the latest Cardinals? Those words have been cropping up in his talks quite frequently. He may entrapped, but he is not in the dark.

The viciousness of certain Roman Emperors is going to look like child's play in comparison.

Inasmuch as there has been one misinterpretation, there can be another and another and another. For me, now, it is a waste of time to figure out the future.

EXACTLY! As you may know, M de P has two adult children. What is his advise to them regarding These Times? "Draw closer to God, try to live His Word more and more every day and do not worry about the future, go on with a Spirit guided life and your choice of profession. That - the worry - to do what God Wills me to do regarding These Times - is my job not yours!"

I believe that such advise also appears in several documents in our Domain and is applicable to all the Faithful.

There are too many variables that enter into trying to pinpoint the particulars. I have given up on that. The future is God's. I leave it now ALL to Him. I am working with thousands of people in the periphery of the NOW. This is much safer and something more solid for the Faithful to sink their teeth into.

Read above [and PLEASE keep that course in you ministry - God needs it, the world needs it!]

There are two phases within the scope of my giving assistance to the Faithful who trust me and listen to me: The first was that of making them aware of an urgency, an urgency which is spoken of in the Book of Revelation as also in Matthew and in other parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments. That phase is closed now and forever. The present phase is an experiential one, one that helps them in a concrete way to prepare for, and to live in such a way as to be equipped for any

eventualities that the future might hurl at them. They have needed both. Now my emphasis and directives are reasonable and practical.


Within the past year, I had been invited to conduct a workshop in Fr Roux's region. We had spent hours together. I have not seen him nor even talked with him since then. That was many months ago.

I will call him, however, for your sake and his, in order to ascertain what spirit moves him presently, whether he himself has put a distance between Rev. Gobbi and himself, or whether he still is trying to make things "fit."

Here is where the straw may break the camels back OR maybe we can get a reinforced camel.

As we continue to speak from the heart...

When we found out that the 1994 messages on were tainted [we knew that before they were published, we prayed that we were wrong but when the book arrived - it was all there!], the first thing that came to mind was that ideally Rev. Roux should politely break away from the Gobbi's system, without causing any scandal or embarrassment, and take his USA MMP flock under his wing and do precisely what you are doing with yours!

We have corresponded in the past. We have spoken in the past. [Let us face it Rev. S., it was I who was going to put Gobbi on the most popular TV show aired in Spanish Speaking America and the USA too. It would have been greater exposure than what EWTN could possibly give him in English. Divine Providence intervened [Thank God!] and Gobbi schedule did not work out. Talking out of my hat??? Hardly - the original letters [Roux's and mine] can be scanned and posted.

Roux is a good man but find himself between the sword and the wall and running a bit scared because things are out of hand. If he would politely break away from the Gobbi's system, without causing any scandal or embarrassment, and take his USA MMP flock under his wing and do precisely what you are doing with yours he would:

(a) Protect a very large segment of the faithful from the dangers of failed "prophecies"; and
(b) Do what our Heavenly Mother wants all of us to do anyway!

The only adjustment he has to do to the Cenacles is to drop the MMP Book readings to avoid confusion and controversy, he can say since it is really true, and replace it with the Holy Scriptures and one of the two books of yours of which you spoke above.

Presto! All resolved and the Faithful have been led back to the true Fountain of Truth - The Sacred Scriptures! and obeying Our Lady of Fátima.

We solemnly promise to you that if he does that and maintains that course of action, and acts without delay in its implementation, M de P would never publicly even imply that he suggested this course of action and this e-mail will never be seen by others outside you and yours and us at The M+G+R Foundation.

Rest assured, we do not like to go to battle for the Faithful as God has Willed that we do as needed. [We have just issued a document over which we have agonized, yet we had to do so after delaying it for quite some time and after having noticed that Heaven was beginning to "tap Its Foot" insistently about it.]

Therefore, here we are, praying that Roux hears and implements your counsel, which, is the only sound way. And we quote you:

There are two phases within the scope of my giving assistance to the Faithful who trust me and listen to me: The first was that of making them aware of an urgency, an urgency which is spoken of in the Book of Revelation as also in Matthew and in other parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments. That phase is closed now and forever. The present phase is an experiential one, one that helps them in a concrete way to prepare for, and to live in such a way as to be equipped for any eventualities that the future might hurl at them. They have needed both. Now my emphasis and directives are reasonable and practical.

I am off to Michigan tomorrow morning to give a weekend workshop. When I return, I will go into deeper prayer and follow through on what the Spirit and Mother Mary would ask of me to be of greater help to them and to the Faithful.

My ministry has become international. It is a ministry which concerns all of Mother Mary's children. It is not a ministry dealing with future events, it is a ministry of practical application of the wishes of the Holy Spirit and His Spouse, the Blessed Virgin especially in the area of what flows from the fact that the Trinity has granted Her to be the Immaculate Conception. My part in all this is to take the theology of this and practicalize for the Faithful for their spiritual and physical benefit.

I don't mind being the go-between. I will do all within my gifts of grace to bring peace and proper understanding in order that the Faithful might not be led astray. Satan is alive and ferocious. His time is short!

Wishing you a happy heart,

Imparting upon you and your work a priestly blessing,

I am,

Cordially yours,

Rev. S. Valenta

We Praise God for your kind Blessings. Please also accept ours.

In the meantime - we shall "sit (kneel?) tight" about this matter and let the Holy Spirit of God and you work on Rev. Roux. As you said "Time is short" and we are working against a deadline which we will keep.

May God continue to Bless you and your work in His behalf.

M de P

From: Miguel de Portugal
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 13:15:57 +0200
Subject: Re: Topical Index
To: Rev. V a l e n t a

May the Peace of God be upon you, dear brother in Christ!

In reference to your statement below, highlighted by us by underscoring it, may we hear about the progress on your contacts with Roux?

I will call him, however, for your sake and his, in order to ascertain what spirit moves him presently, whether he himself has put a distance between Rev. Gobbi and himself, or whether he still is trying to make things "fit." Rev. Valenta's, e-mail dated Thu, 21 Jun 2001 23:34:30 EDT

We want to make sure that, as it is said in the world, "all bases have been covered" and all efforts made to prevent publication of letters and documents which we prefer not to publish for the benefit of those who wrote them.

However, if that is the only option left to us to protect the innocent faithful, we will use it and, again, as it is said in the world, "let the chips fall where they may".

We Praise God in advance for your prompt and kind response to our query.

M de P

From: Rev. V a l e n t a
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 11:38:51 EDT
Subject: Re:The Gobbi Explanations - Our Actions
To: Miguel de Portugal

Dear m de P: Just concluded with a pleasant conversation with Rev. Roux. He has put all in Our Lady's Hands. He can do no more than what he has felt necessary to be at Her disposal. He reminded me of Jesus Who remained meek and humble when confronted by the dagger questions of Pilate.

As I had shared with you, I have taken on way different from yours. My thrust for about a year has been to prepare the people for what is on its way instead of telling them of how bad things are. There are those who do not appreciate my change of approach, but that's OK. When they and I meet in heaven, they will come to kiss my whatever kind of feet I will have therein.

I send you a blessing with one phrase I had learned from my mother's knees; "You can draw more flies with honey than with vinegar.


Rev. S. Valenta

From: Miguel de Portugal
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 21:58:26 +0200
Subject: Re: The Gobbi Explanations - Our Actions - Part III
To: Rev. Va l e n t a

May the Peace of God be upon you!

Although we had hoped that the response from Roux would have been different, your efforts are truly appreciated. Please read between the lines of your text for our commentaries.

Rev. V a l e n t a wrote:

Dear m de P:

Just concluded with a pleasant conversation with Rev. Roux. He has put all in Our Lady's Hands.

So did the Church after the Fatima apparitions, in spite of the repeated insistences of Our Lord and Our Lady that the requests be obeyed.

150+ millions deaths later we perhaps should think very carefully about "passing of the buck" which is piously called "placing it in Our Lady's / Our Lord's Hands".

Should we also bring up the message of La Salette and the recently approved, 1 million deaths later, messages of Kibeho?

We can also hear all those Bishops and Cardinals, who have been covering up for pedophile priests for decades, using that same line: "...put all in Our Lady's Hands."

This, my dear brother, is not acceptable to Heaven; and if you doubt me, you will soon learn for yourself.

He can do no more than what he has felt necessary to be at Her disposal.

Read above.

He reminded me of Jesus Who remained meek and humble when confronted by the dagger questions of Pilate.

Perhaps Roux should review the Scriptures more closely and see how they really apply to the situation at hand.

It seems that many in the Catholic Clergy have managed to redefine Prudence and Meekness to ensure their long term survival (which, as you know, is very "short term" right now) at the expense of the flock they were entrusted with.

As I had shared with you, I have taken on way different from yours.

We applaud the way that you have taken. We have said it before and say it again.

As of "my" way - you have failed to see that it is not "mine". In time you will, and we pray that it is not too late for you.

My thrust for about a year has been to prepare the people for what is on its way instead of telling them of how bad things are.

See above in regards to your "way".

Regarding the warnings to the faithful that they are being deceived by those they trust, is quite different from "telling them how bad things are".

There are those who do not appreciate my change of approach, but that's OK. When they and I meet in heaven, they will come to kiss my whatever kind of feet I will have therein.

See above regarding our evaluation of the fine reassessment you have made to your ministry. That it was precisely what the Church was supposed to do since 2,000 years ago instead of building a Temporal Empire at the spiritual and material expense of the flock.

I send you a blessing with one phrase I had learned from my mother's knees; "You can draw more flies with honey than with vinegar.

And pray tell, my dear brother, would you clearly explain to us what is what you mean by such phrase as applied to the situation at hand? Specifically the situation we are faced with, since "the buck" stops here, right before Miguel de Portugal?

We do look forward to a very straight answer to the above question. Let us leave the parabolic phraseology for those who have something to hide, should we?


Rev. S. Valenta

May the Holy Spirit of God continue to illuminate your path and may God have Mercy on those who have betrayed Him and continue to do so.

m de P

- - - End of Correspondence - - -

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