The M+G+R Foundation

The plan goes ahead: Vaccination for all, no exceptions

Even for those who are already immunized!

Originally published on May 19th, 2021

A guest document by Ricardo de Valencia


We do not agree that the primary intended purpose of the Covid-19 "vaccine" is to eradicate the disease (1). To help those who still have doubts and are willing to discern the truth no matter how painful it may be, we keep reminding them that, if you want to follow the official logic of Covid-19 "vaccination", you will encounter "inexplicable" contradictions.


We have found the professional testimony of a physician and immunologist who, from the position of those who defend "vaccines", serves to confirm, once again, that the Coronavirus Crisis plan includes "vaccination" for absolutely everyone, with no exceptions. The immediate question is: If, as they say, the real objective of Covid's "vaccination" is just to eradicate the disease, what is the point of recommending or imposing it on those who have already been immunized?


You don't need to be a doctor to understand the basic logic of the concept of vaccines that we are taught in school: if you have had the disease, you don't need to be vaccinated. If we add to this the fact that the Covid-19 "vaccines" are still an experiment (2), it should be stated that, for anyone who has had the disease it would be better not to take the risk of being "vaccinated".

If anyone did not want to believe in this common sense, which we have warned about in the past (2), now you have Dr. Hooman Noorchashm to back it up as an immunologist and medical professional from the position of the "vaccine" advocates (3)(4).

Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, as a medical professional specialized in immunology, is able to see (and so publicly denounces) that:  (5)(6)

Indiscriminate vaccination of persons who are already naturally immune or recently infected is potentially dangerous to at least a minority subset of such persons.

The same physician believes that:  (3)(4)

The COVID-19 vaccines are some of the most powerful and effective ones we’ve ever created. The fact that America did so in under a year is a testament to our nation’s scientific ingenuity and technical prowess. The achievement of this vaccine by Operation Warp Speed was nothing short of a modern day scientific miracle.

And, at the same time:  (5)

I will start by stating, as a physician and immunologist, that indiscriminate vaccination of persons who are already naturally immune or recently infected is potentially dangerous to at least a minority subset of such persons. I have been warning the FDA, CDC and vaccine manufacturers of this likely hazard since January 2021.

Without diminishing the merits from his complaint of indiscriminate "vaccination" of immune people, a denunciation we applaud, we are saddened that he cannot see the rest of the reality in front of him and everyone:

* A scientific community, authorities or nation capable of carrying out such an undertaking of "testament to our nation’s scientific ingenuity and technical prowess ... a modern day scientific miracle", is not capable of seeing that indiscriminate "vaccination" of all people is not a good practice? This does not fit.

* If they are so gloriously wise and capable for such an achievement, why are they not smart enough to implement something much more basic - avoid the risk of "vaccination" to those already immunized? This simply DOES NOT FIT.

* Do the FDA (U.S. Health Administration), the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the "vaccine" manufacturers really need to be warned about this in order to take notice? Suppose for a moment that they do, but Dr. Noorchashm has been warning them of this serious risk for months, and they still have not put any plan in place to prevent it? Is this not the great scientific community capable of the "modern day scientific miracle"?

Don't you see the great incoherence of this? Compared to the gigantic enterprise of producing "vaccines" in just one year, the steps to prevent the risk that Dr. Noorchashm denounces are very simple (7) and, yet, those responsible for health are consciously refusing to implement them (8).

It is painful to think that the "vaccine" manufacturers, the FDA, the CDCs, the equivalent agencies in other countries outside the US, the governments... all of them, may be acting as accomplices in an operation whose primary purpose is not the cure or eradication of Covid-19. The implication of this is very painful and very sinister - so much so, that many will prefer not to believe it until it is too late.

That there can't be such a big conspiracy because there can't be so many people involved? Remember Bernie Madoff's pyramid scheme (9) that fooled the modest and the powerful all over the planet swindling billions of dollars: for the fraudulent scheme to work, only a few people at the top of the pyramid need to have knowledge of the fraud. The others, the majority, will be complicit by just "following the crowd" and being unwilling to consider a very sinister possibility despite all the signs along the way (1).

And if you think that it cannot be that "everyone" is wrong and misled, remember how the public opinion of "everyone" - even many people in positions of political or public health authority - can be shaped if one has the appropriate levers, such as owning the investment money that feeds the social media (10).


To those who, like Dr. Noorchashm, are able to use their rationalism and professionalism to recognize part of the problem, we invite them, with the same rationalism and scientific orientation, to consider as a hypothesis that there may be a hidden agenda behind the universal "vaccination" that is irrationally directed at all, without exceptions.

Consider the contradictions along the way (1) as pieces of a scientific puzzle to get to the truth, no matter how scary it is. Medicine is not the only science out there. Social manipulation has also become a science (11).

The problem for most is that, if trust in the benevolence and competence of the "authorities" running the world (particularly, regarding the Coronavirus Crisis) is called into question and shattered by being revealed as a betrayal, what hope is left for the world? They have no one else to trust outside of the "authorities" of this world!

For those who do not have a firmly anchored faith in God and trust in Him, the fall of trust in the leaders of the world would leave them in such a moral and spiritual vacuum that they prefer and will prefer to continue denying the reality... until they embrace an even more powerful leader (12).

(1) Index of Documents Regarding Covid-19 / Coronavirus
(2) We speak of "vaccines" in quotation marks in relation to the Covid-19 "vaccines" because they are so experimental that they have not even been clinically proven to achieve the proper function of vaccines - that is, preventing person-to-person transmission - as we denounced on December 2020 and as it has been confirmed in March 2021:
(a) The clinical trials by which the vaccines have been "approved" are only intended to verify the absence of disease in a vaccinated subject for a few months after vaccination, which is not the same as demonstrating that a "vaccinated" person cannot infect others. That is the difference between "cure method" and "vaccine". Obviously, calling them "vaccines" serves better the purpose of making people ignore possible alternative cures.
(b) The other point is that, even if one accepts them as "methods of cure", they are experimental. Did it take the scandal of the Astrazeca "vaccine", causing blood clots in some people to show that, as far as side effects are concerned, any "vaccine" developed in just one year can only be considered experimental?
(3) Dr. Hooman Noorchashm's position on Covid vaccines:
«1. The COVID-19 vaccines are some of the most powerful and effective ones we’ve ever created. The fact that America did so in under a year is a testament to our nation’s scientific ingenuity and technical prowess. The achievement of this vaccine by Operation Warp Speed was nothing short of a modern day scientific miracle
«2. The COVID-19 vaccine, if administered efficiently to enough persons without immunity against SARS-CoV-2, will save lives, will induce herd immunity and will limit the evolution of new mutants by preventing natural infections.»
«3. No persons should ever be forced to take any medical treatment, including vaccines. .....»
(4) If we put the Covid "vaccines" in the context of why they may have actually been created, we cannot agree with Dr. Noorchashm's magnanimous and beneficial view of them. But we make use of Dr. Noorchashm's testimony because his position on indiscriminate vaccination cannot be disqualified on the grounds that he would be an "anti-vaccine quack".
(5) As Dr. Hooman Noorchashm states:
«I will start by stating, as a physician and immunologist, that indiscriminate vaccination of persons who are already naturally immune or recently infected is potentially dangerous to at least a minority subset of such persons. I have been warning the FDA, CDC and vaccine manufacturers of this likely hazard since January 2021. And though they have acknowledged my concern, no steps have been taken to avoid unnecessary and potentially dangerous vaccinations in the naturally immune or recently infected. I believe that this is a severe public health blunder on the part of FDA and CDC that has and will continue to result in unjustifiable “minority harm”.»
(6) More details on the problem of "vaccinating" already immunized people:
«It is abundantly clear that the vast majority of persons who are naturally immune from prior SARS-CoV-2 infections gain little to no benefit from additional vaccination. This statement is not only consistent with the basic tents of immunological clinical science, but it was also demonstrated by the results from the J&J vaccine’s clinical trials AND by recent results emerging from Israel. Therefore, vaccination of the naturally immune is simply an unnecessary medical treatment in the vast majority of such persons. And you all know that any complications resulting from a medical treatment that is unnecessary, no matter how “rare”, fit under the category of “unreasonable harm”
«... Moreover, recent data emerging from the UK is demonstrating that ambulatory patients with prior infections are the ones having the most intense vaccine related adverse reactions. ... In fact, there are some very prominent examples of death and complications from indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination of the recently infected in the press. ...»
(7) The simple steps to take, as stated by Dr. Noorchashm in a letter to health professionals:
«These mitigation strategies MUST include: a) a proper history from the patient to exclude anyone with a known history of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, and b) screening of vaccine candidates for anti-viral antibodies and viral antigen, before vaccination.»
(8) The refusal, of those responsible, to take the simple measures, according to the same letter from Dr. Noorchashm:
«I have extensively communicated my safety concerns about the indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination of the already naturally immune and recently infected to the United States Food and Drug Administration, as well as to the executives at Pfizer and Moderna. These entities have chosen, so far, to ignore these safety concerns to the lives of a “minority subset” of Americans.»
(9) Bernie Madoff's pyramid scheme - Lessons to be learnt
(10) Google, Facebook, and Twitter's Conflict of Interest in Vaccines
(11) The Science of Social Manipulation and Brainwashing (Part 2, Part 3, Part 5)
(12) Hopes for a world leader will lead many to embrace a False Messiah

Related Documents

Index of Documents Regarding Covid-19 / Coronavirus

The attempt to establish a New World Order - The world already been amply warned

En Español:  El plan sigue adelante: Vacunación para todos, incluso para los que ya están inmunizados

Published on May 20th, 2021 - The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

An acknowledgment:
We thank Ms. LM for pointing us to a key article by Dr. Hooman Noorchashm.

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