The M+G+R Foundation

The Honeymoon Between the United States and North Korea

How Long Will It Last?

That Is, Assuming That It Actually Starts

Originally Published - As Is - On May 15th, 2018


The purpose of this very brief post is to call to the attention to the innocent and gullible residents of this planet how Politics and its reporting cannot be even rated as a Reality Show.

It is a Fantasy Show - a Hollywood like set up - with a very definite and real agenda well hidden from the general public.


....may be found in this three minute news video prepared by Russia Today (RT) News.

Of course the Russia Today News video did not mention the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances of December 5, 1994, where the leaders of Russia, Britain and the United States provided Ukraine with security assurances in exchange for giving up its nuclear weapons. Ukraine received financial compensation, as well as the security guarantees of the Budapest Memorandum (1).

Not surprisingly, when Russia recently struck Ukraine, Russia violated their own word just as Britain and the United States did. All the United States and Britain did was denounce the Russian incursions into Ukraine and nothing else, while the abandoned Ukrainians had to fend for themselves

Such betrayal and duplicity perfectly confirms what you will see in the brief news video.


We do not think that the North Korean leadership is blind to all of that. That is why as we hear the news of the upcoming US-NK Honeymoon in Singapore we cannot help but think about the following advice from Paul:

For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape. [1 Thessalonians 5:3]

Let us continue to pray because that is the only option that works.

(1) Details of the Budapest Memorandum in Wikipedia

Published on May 15th, 2018

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