The M+G+R Foundation

The "Saviors" of the World

... and Their "Family" Problems

Originally Published on September 2003 and Enhanced on September 2019

Some self-appointed Saviours of the World


The reader may find confusing that, in one hand, we speak of the harsh and open criticism (1) Mr. Gorbachev has directed to President Bush and his foreign policy, and specifically, the war against Iraq, while, on the other hand, we speak about former President Bush and his connections with the Opus Dei as well as his excellent relations with Gorbachev (2).

On a "third hand", so to speak, we speak of the control that Opus Dei has on the Vatican, first through H.H. John Paul II (3) and now through the Benedict XVI/Francis duet (4) - yet the Vatican strongly opposed President Bush's invasion of Iraq and the seemingly never-ending war.

All of that seems incoherent, does it not? Appearances are deceiving unless one has "The Keys".

The one key to understand the coherence of what appears incoherent, lies in the fact that there are several groups whose underlying agenda, motivated by a Messianic Complex, is to "Save the World".

In a letter written years ago by miguel de Portugal to Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, the official Vatican spokesman and Papal "string-puller", he pointed out the other Messianic Groups besides de Opus Dei. If the reader carefully reviews that letter (5) and reviews the rest of this document, the apparently contradictory behavior that we have stated above will begin to make sense.

Naturally, each group will cooperate with the other to the extent it is beneficial to their very unique plans; however, as time goes by and each individual "Salvific Project" progresses, current allies turn into bitter enemies.

Keeping in mind the mutual affinity between former President Bush and the Opus Dei, that of former President Bush and Gorbachev and the disparate behavior of the President Bush, the son, which has alienated every major world leader except Mr. Blair, then, and Mr. Sarkozy, later on, consider the reality that...

President George W. Bush (Bush junior) has torpedoed the carefully orchestrated plan (6) for the New World Order (7) - of which former President Bush is the Godfather (8) and for which his son was elected President under unusual circumstances in 2000.


As just one example dating from 2003... Buried in the news that seldom the U.S citizenry will ever see, we find that former President Bush flew to Sochi, Russia, to have a personal and private meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In Yahoo European News of Sun Sept. 14, 2003 -1:46 PM ET (9) we read:

SOCHI, Russia - Former President George H.W. Bush met Vladimir Putin upon arriving Sunday in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, less than two weeks ahead of his son's talks with the Russian leader.

Bush and his wife, Barbara, traveled to Sochi on a plane provided by the airline that serves Putin and other Russia government figures. Putin, his black Labrador retriever nearby, greeted them on the tarmac in English, shaking Bush's hand and giving Barbara a bouquet of roses.

Putin rarely meets even high-level visitors at the airport, and Bush thanked him for his "extraordinary courtesy." "I can tell you our president will be overcome with gratitude for the way you are treating Barbara and me," Bush said.

We further read...

Bush, who visited the White House before leaving for St. Petersburg, Russia, last week, said Sunday "our president has a great feeling not only of respect (but) of friendship for President Putin. This is not diplomatic language, this is right from the heart."

The warm words set a cordial tone for the summit, which comes as Russia and the United States seek to patch up relations after deep disagreement over the war in Iraq (news - web sites) and continued debate about the postwar situation.

The Kremlin said last week that Putin and the younger Bush will meet Sept. 26 at Camp David.

As if that were not enough we also read...

The Russian news agency ITAR-Tasssaid the elder Bush also will meet with Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, who stepped down in 1991 as the Soviet Union collapsed during the elder Bush's presidency.

Russian news agencies quoted an unidentified Kremlin official as saying Saturday that talks in Sochi would focus on the development of Russian-U.S. relations over the past decade and opportunities presented by the upcoming summit.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

If the situation were not as serious as it is, it would be hard not to laugh. However, this is not the case since our children are dying in the battlefields as they, unknowingly, pave the way for the failed-before-it-starts dream of these men to Save the World - without God!

So now, Bush, the "father", is trying to smooth the feathers that Bush, the "son", has ruffled and which almost aborted those carefully laid plans to Save the World by the forcing a New World Order and a Universal Religion (10) upon the population of the world.

Is it possible that the Opus Dei - the "Holy Spirit" of this very worldly "trinity" - is being left out of the plan? We know but... do they (11)?

NOTE - Added on October 1st., 2003

As the CIA and White House battle (over the leaking of sensitive information to the press) heats up, and while most analysts cannot figure out exactly the "Why?" of the risks the CIA Management is exposing themselves to by taking the White House head on... maybe this document will help understand all of that as well as what is to come. Keep in mind the historically strong association of the Opus Dei with the CIA (12).

NOTE - Added on January 1st, 2004

On this day H.H. John Paul II proclaimed (13) that "the world needs a 'new international order' (14) to solve its conflicts and ensure peace". If anyone had any doubts about the veracity of what we have published on a number of documents (15) in this Domain, we pray to God that they take a new and hard look at what we have said already so that they come to the realization that whatever else (16) miguel de Portugal has proclaimed, in the Name of God, will also come to pass. Denial (17) notwithstanding.

It was a disgrace that someone sitting on the Chair of Peter and claiming infallibility (18) trades the teachings of Jesus Christ, Whom he claims to represent, for a "new international order to solve its conflicts and ensure peace".

Only the wise and Merciful application of the Teachings of Jesus Christ (19) will achieve Justice, and then Peace, in this world.

If the Roman Catholic Church had not spent the better part of 2,000 years amassing temporal power and riches (20), the Teaching of Our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, would have taken hold and the world would not be in the condition it is today.

NOTE - Added on June 3rd, 2004

As expected, CIA Director, George Tenet, abruptly resigned yesterday for "personal reasons". President Bush meets with H.H. John Paul II tomorrow.

NOTE - Added on October 21st, 2008

Now that the Financial World Crisis has shaken a few world leaders, the rift amongst the "World Saviors" deepens. To avoid confusion we shall openly clarify the playing groups:

(a) The Gorbachev - European Union faction; and

(b) The US Neo-cons and Opus Dei faction

As the result of the Financial Crisis factions (a) and (b) have openly split. Two days ago the European Union was calling for a Summit in New York where the US Administration would spearhead a New World Financial Order (their term!), yet, two days later!, Mr. Sarkozy, the President of the European Union is calling for the same meeting but with the European Union spearheading the effort... after President Bush passed.

As the result of "the time it is", faction (b) is splitting from within. The neo-cons want it their way and the Opus Dei boys claim that they have The (only) Way - no pun intended.

That split will facilitate the manifestation of Step No. 1 of the already alluded to Sequence of Events. (16)

NOTE - Added on September 20, 2019

Now Francis chimes in with: "We Must Obey The United Nations"

"If we consider ourselves humanity, then our duty is to obey when international organizations make statements"
, Pope Francis insisted during his September 10, 2019, press conference on board from Madagascar to Rome.

He gave as examples the the United Nations (UN) and the International Crime Court (ICC) in The Hague.

Francis added, that "we must obey international institutions". And, "That is why the United Nations were created". (21)

(1) Gorbachev Speaks About the Post Iraqi War US-Europe Relationship
(2) Bush - Opus Dei - Gorbachev:
* Former President George Bush and the Opus Dei Connection
* The Possible Opus Dei - CIA Connection (please rembember that Mr. Bush was the 11th Director of CIA)
* What role did Mr. Gorbachev play in the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election?
* The New World Order of which Bush spoke, expressed in Gorbachev's terms
(3) 2005 - On Defense of Pope John Paul II - His programed and tragic trajectory
(4) Listing of Cardinals, Bishops and Priests in the orbit of Opus Dei
(5) Letter to Joaquín Navarro-Valls, 1995 - John Paul II Spokesman - The carefully laid plans by man to Save the World will fail
(6) Gorbachev Calls For Central Soviet To Run Global Economy
(7) The attempt to establish a New International Order, and its end
(8) Former President George H. Bush - The Godfather of the New International Order
(9) Complete text of News Report
(10) The One World Religion - The URI and Unification Church (Moon) Version
(11) The immense power of Opus Dei - How it will end
(12) The Possible Opus Dei - CIA Connection
(13) 2004 - John Paul II called for a New International Order
(14) The attempt to establish a One World Religion
(15) Index of documents about: Politics and Religion - An Explosive Combination
(16) Whatever else miguel de Portugal has announced
(17) Denial - the (temporary) comfort zone
(18) The claim to blanket infallibility
(19) Merciful application of the Teachings of Jesus Christ
(20) Amassing temporal power and riches
(21) Francis: "Man Must Obey the UN"

Note: There is, in our domain, another copy of this document that links to another thread of documents:

"The Saviors of the World and their Family Problems" - as part of the Series of Footnotes to "The Real Purpose of the Castro Regime"

En Español:  Los Salvadores del Mundo y sus Problemas de Familia

Originally Published on September 15, 2003 • Enhanced and Reissued on September 20, 2019

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