The M+G+R Foundation

Novena to St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael The Archangel, loyal champion of God and His people, I turn to you with confidence and seek your powerful intercessory assistance.

For the love of God Who made you so glorious in grace and power, and for the love of The Mother of Jesus, The Queen of Angels, be pleased to hear and act upon my prayer.

You know the value of my soul in the eyes of God. May no stain of evil ever disfigure its beauty. Help me to conquer any evil spirit who may tempt me. I desire to imitate your loyalty to God as well as your great love for Him and His children, my brothers and sisters. And since you are God's messenger for the care of His people, I entrust to you this special request.

Intercede for the conversion of .... (make your daily request - see below: 1, 2, 3...)

1. Hardened sinners

2. Lukewarm souls

3. Members of the clergy and consecrated souls

4. Dying souls

5. Souls in bondage of vices

6. Souls who have left the Christian Faith

7. Souls who are being tempted

8. Non believers, satanists and witchcraft practitioners

9. Children and youth.

To accompany my request to you, dear St. Michael, I pray thus.... (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)

Let us now conclude the novena as we pray....

St. Michael, the Archangel defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou o prince of The Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who prowl around the world seeking the ruin of souls.

St. Michael, hear my petitions and secure my requests in accordance to the Will of God.


Possible Modifications:

(1) The faithful may pray the novena for the same request for the nine days. It does not have to be a different request every day. It does not have to be one the above indicated for the basic original novena. The faithful may offer the novena for whatever worthy intention St. Michael assistance is being sought.

(2) The faithful, when offering this novena for him/her self or another specific individual may change the wording as follows:

cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who prowl around (place here "the world" or "me" or "my daughter/son" or "any specific name" or the individuals we are praying for on that particular day of the novena, like, for example "the souls who are being tempted"), seeking the ruin of ("souls" or "my soul" or "their souls" - depending on who you are praying for). Amen!

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