The M+G+R Foundation

Enough of Marches!  Enough of Petitions!  Enough Politicking!

Just – Pray! Pray! Pray!

Just as Jesus Asked Us to Do!

On April 3, 2001, we received a letter from one of our readers. On the Subject of the letter we read: I need your quick response.

We responded to the writer right away. However, the force with which the response came through us [may those who have ears, hear], have moved us to publish the letter received as well as our response in The M+G+R Foundation Domain.

The letter we received follows: [edited for space]

We have gathered nearly 200,000 petitions calling for a ban on Partial-Birth Abortion –

– but really we need 250,000 to bring this issue front and center in Washington!

Today I encourage you to... and encourage your friends to join us in this fight!

Thank you again for standing with me to preserve precious life!

Our response follows:

May the Peace of God be upon one and all!

We are responding as fast as we are able to, but first, we thank you for the opportunity of again being of service to our Lord and Master – Jesus Christ!

Have you noticed how all forms of mortal sin have increased in the world in the last 20 years? With abortion and child sexual abuse (1) at the lead.

A quick, yet piercing, overview of the situation will lead anyone to believe that evil is stronger than good. That is, it appears that satan is stronger than God – yet, we certainly know that such is not the case since God is above all Creation, even outside the created Universe, and satan must serve Him!  (2)

So what is the problem? Doesn’t the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have infinite Merits? Isn’t the Holy Rosary a most powerful weapon against satan? Aren’t the Sacraments supernatural assistance for man? Yet... satan is gaining ground by leaps and bounds and the world continues to sink in darkness. But why?

In an effort to be super Catholics and obedient to the Magisterium we have somehow left Jesus Christ out of the equation; the equation which will resolve all problems for mankind. (3)

Through Matthew 5:44-46 Jesus Christ commands us:

“But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Heavenly Father, for He makes His sun rise on the bad and the good... For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collector do the same?”

We are also reminded of that same key to the conversion of the world through Luke 6:27-28 and 32-33

You want to stop abortion – any kind? Pray incessantly for the conversion of the abortionists and all of those who promote abortion.

Just “Pray to end abortion” is not what Jesus wants. He does not want marches in front of the abortion clinics nor collection of signatures. He wants us to help Him convert sinners with prayers and through an exemplary Christian life.

What did our Mother say at Fatima and other locations? (4) Pray for the conversion of sinners!

Did He say: “Pray for the victims”? Did She say: “Pray for those already converted”?

No, no, no... a thousand times NO!

The ONLY WAY to turn the tide of sin which is drowning mankind is to PRAY FOR SINNERS AND THEIR CONVERSION !

No, we will not just pray “to end abortion”. We will continue to pray and promote the prayers for the conversion of all those who promote abortion and child sexual abuse as well as for the Divine Illumination of the lawmakers. Only then those evils will be curtailed.

It is that simple!

The Opus Dei, Regnum Christi, Legionaries of Christ, etc., (5) do not have to place their people in the FBI (6) or CIA (7) or the US Congress and Supreme Court, Bank Boards, etc. to bring the world back to God. God does not need worldly power to achieve His ends.

The only behavior that God needs from His children is to pray for, and make reparation on behalf of, sinners and for the faithful to live a truly exemplary Christian life in humility without trying to “lord it over” others. Talk is cheap and activism is just that, “activism”.

We challenge you and all Christendom to obey Our Lord Jesus Christ for once!

In His Name we speak

miguel de Portugal (8)


(1) Opus Dei’s Solution to Clerical Sex Abuse

(2) The Gates of Hell will not prevail but, as part of the journey to its Glorification, the Church will be crucified

(3) The falsification of The Kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism

(4) An index of documents about the ever blessed Virgin Mary

(5) Ecclesiastical Masonry (Secret societies inside the Church) – Who are they?

(6) Opus Dei’s ex-FBI Agent Robert Hanssen Betrays the US

(7) The Possible Opus Dei – CIA Connection

(8) Who is miguel de Portugal

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The Apocalyptic Secrets From the Sacred Scriptures Unfold... As We Understand Their Relationship With Heavenly Messages.

En Español:  ¡Basta de Demonstraciones! ¡Basta de Politiquería! – ¡Rezad! ¡Rezad! ¡Rezad!

Reissued on November 1st, 2001 – Feast of All the Saints – European Union

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2001 - 2024 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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