The M+G+R Foundation

Divine Encouragement and Inspiration (1)


January 10th, 2025

God Willing, a new message of Divine Encouragement will be published three days every week, more often Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Our Lord Jesus Christ is reminding and encouraging us thus...

Just go step by step. My will shall be revealed as you go.

You will never cease to be thankful for this time when you felt at peace and trustful, and yet had no human security.

That is the time of the True learning of trust in Me. "When thy father and mother forsake thee, then the Lord will take thee up." This is a literal dependence on Me.

When human support or material help of any kind is removed
, then My power can become operative.

I cannot teach a man to walk who is trusting to a crutch.

Away with your crutch, and My power shall so invigorate you that you shall indeed walk on to victory.

Never limit My power. It is limitless.

miguel de Portugal commented then:

His power really is limitless and we are encouraged to access it. What else could we possibly want?

Take one step at a time and His limitless power will protect and assist you, if you allow it.

Yes!  It really is that simple!

- - - o O o - - -

Update Board - Last published document

Remember, you may share this page with whomever the Holy Spirit of God moves you to.

Those of you who have not extended a hand to assist The M+G+R Foundation in fulfilling the Will of God, and are financially able to do so and are benefiting from it, are now being encouraged to do so.

(1) Although miguel de Portugal was not the original transmission instrument for the above, he assures the faithful, from first hand personal knowledge, that what is read above is true and from Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of God will confirm the validity of our statement to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

En Español: Jesús nos alienta y nos anima

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