The M+G+R Foundation

A Modern Monk's Tale

In Loving Memory of John Cavanagh

[August 12, 1939 - September 9, 2012]

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We write "In Loving Memory" as a tribute to John, yet we have only intellectually known about him for less that six hours counting back from the time these words are being typed. How is this possible?, one may ask. Quite simply; once we read his legacy it was obvious that we have known him spiritually (as opposed to intellectually) for many, many years.

Paraphrasing what someone else wrote about John's valuable contribution:

Every once in a while real religious history is written.  Most students of religion know firsthand that when they read the thousands of pages of official religious history, they are simply skimming over the truth.  Avoiding scandal and painting a rosy and unrealistic picture of religious history is what the "party line" demands. Then John Cavanagh happened, as the saying goes.

John Cavanagh was a former Trappist monk who blew the whistle on his Abbot and the Abbot's lovers in the monastery.  The Abbot was removed. But he wasn't the only one punished. The whistle blowers were also pushed out of the monastery under less than Christian conditions. With the troublemakers gone, the Order would create a perfect cover story.

The reasons why we recommend the reading of John's story are to assist our readers in:

(a) Seeing how John Cavanagh found a deeper spirituality and faith after he lost his religion;
(b) Understanding how the real Roman Catholic Church (RCC) Administration operates;
(c) Witnessing the exact opposite of "What would have Jesus done" in each case.
(d) Getting a glimpse of what should be an exception, instead of the rule.
(e) Understanding why those who are truly of God reject such behavior and abandon the RCC.
(d) Acquiring a true feel for the level of brainwash the RCC Administration has achieved on those who ended up under their "care". With the blasphemous lies that there is no Salvation outside the RCC and that the Pope is "Sweet Jesus" on Earth, it is either submit to whatever abuse they are willing to dispense or be dammed. In either case alcohol seems to have been the only way out.

It may only take 30 minutes to read John's story but, we assure you, it will be time well spent in helping the reader not to fall in the final demonic deception: The Manifestation of the False Christ. (1)

John Cavanagh's evocative and personal story was published the day before he died.

Enter into..... A Modern Monk's Tale, by John Cavanagh.

May God Bless you, John, and bring you the peace and fulfillment that you sought among those you believed to be at the service of God.

May you Rest in Peace!


(1) About the False Christ

Published on October 5th, 2012

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