The M+G+R Foundation

Albert Einstein's Letter to God

Albert Einstein's Letter to God


The purpose of this brief document is to make readily available the translated full text of what has become known as Einstein's Letter to God. We are also making available a link to an image of the original letter in German.


The famed Einstein's Letter to God (1a) (1b) (1c) really is a letter written by A. Einstein on January 3, 1954, to Eric Gutkind, after reading his book: "Choose Life: The Biblical Call To Revolt" (2)

If we were to assign a name to said letter we would have called it: Einstein's Letter About God. In his letter, Einstein summarily passes judgment on the Holy Scriptures and on what we believe to be God.

His qualifications? Outside of being a brilliant physicist, nothing else. He was even a failure as a human being, as may be discerned from any of his biographies, yet arrogant enough to dismiss God as just "nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses"; and the Holy Scriptures as "a collection of honourable but still exceedingly primitive legends".


Translation from Source (1a):
[Our Highlights]

Princeton, 3 January 1954

Dear Mr. Gutkind!

Inspired by Brouwer's repeated suggestion, I have been reading a great deal in your book in the last few days, and I thank you for sending it to me.

What particularly struck me was this. With regard to our actual attitude to life and to human society we are broadly similar: an ideal beyond the personal that strives for freedom from self-centred desires, strives to make existence more beautiful and enriched, with an emphasis on the purely humane, where inanimate things are only seen as a means to which no dominant role should be granted. (
It is this attitude in particular that unites us as a truly "un-American attitude")

Still, had it not been for Brouwer's encouragement, I would never have brought myself to delve into your book in any way, as it is written in a language that is inaccessible to me.
For me, the word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable but still exceedingly primitive legends.

No interpretation, however subtle, could change that (for me). These rarefied interpretations are by their nature extremely manifold and are in almost no way related to the original text. For me, the unadulterated Jewish religion, like all other religions, is an incarnation of primitive superstition. And the Jewish people, to whom I gladly belong and whose mentality I am deeply embedded in, for me, possess no dignity distinct from all other peoples'. In my experience, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst excesses by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot discern anything "chosen" about them.

In general, I find it painful that you claim a privileged position and try to defend it by two walls of pride, an external one as a human being and an internal one as a Jew.
As a human, you claim to a certain extent a dispensation from otherwise accepted causality, as a Jew a privilege for monotheism. But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza was the first to incisively recognise. And the animistic conception of nature religions is, as a matter of principle, not nullified by monopolisation. Such walls will only lead us to certain self-deceit; but our moral efforts are not advanced by them. Rather the contrary.

Now that I have quite openly expressed our differences in intellectual considerations, it is still clear to me that
we are quite close to each other in what is essential, i.e. in our evaluations of human conduct. What separates us is only intellectual embellishment or "rationalisation" in Freudian language. Therefore, I think we would get along quite well when discussing concrete matters.

With kind thanks and best wishes,

Yours, A. Einstein


As brilliant as Einstein thought himself to be, it never occurred to him, as we pointed out to Professor Richard Dawkins and other Evolution proponents (3), that if any form of religion and spirituality, and the adoration of deities, were part of primitive man, how come man did not evolve out of such "primitive state" during the last million years? On the contrary, religion and spirituality have been enriched and the deities have coalesced into one single Creator of all.

Such reality flies on the face of the Evolution proponents, (4) who are in desperate need of our prayers.

(1a) Translation A
(1b) Translation B
(1c) Image of Letter
(2) Full Text of book
(3) The New Atheism - No Heaven, No Hell, Just Science - Our letter to about Dawkins & Co.
(4) Creation vs Evolution - They only make sense when they are merged into one Theory. Part I and Part II

Related Documents

The New Atheism - No Heaven, No Hell, Just Science - Our letter to about Dawkins & Co.

Science Resurrects God - Full Wall Street Journal Article

About the Noahide Laws and the Talmud

Demonstrating Who Crucified Jesus : The Religious Fanatics of His Day and Not All Jews

About Judaism and Christianity - The Epiphany of the Messiah

Published on November 1st and 2nd, 2012 - All Saints Day and All Souls Day

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