God speaks through the discovery of Tutankhamon
A Divine Message from 1400 B.C. via Egypt
Brought to mankind's attention on 1922 A.D.
"Read" (1) to mankind again on 2013 A.D.

A Divine Message from 1400 B.C. via Egypt
Brought to mankind's attention on 1922 A.D.
"Read" (1) to mankind again on 2013 A.D.

The purpose of this document is manifold for it may mean something different to different people, depending on the degree of opening of their "Eyes to See" and "Ears to Hear" now.
The one universal purpose of the document is, however, to demonstrate again that God continues to speak to humanity (2) in the hopes that humanity will listen, learn and act so as to minimize the suffering awaits humanity as the result of millennia of spiritual deafness.
Do you ever wonder why God allowed the Rosetta Stone (3) only to be found, and recognized for what it was, on the 18th and 19th Centuries?
Do you ever wonder why, not long afterwards, in 1922, God allowed the discovery of Tutankhamon's tomb (4) after He made sure that said tomb remained untouched for thousands of years, even though the sacking of tombs had been a business for Egyptians for thousands of years? The multifaceted messages delivered to mankind for the End of These Times through the popular "King Tut", in the Name of God, are astonishing - to say the least.
Said messages/reminders/exhortations do not change anything that we have announced - the Apocalypse (5) is well under way and on schedule - they just make everything very clear - past, present and future.
The real mystical importance of said discoveries and interpretations is that it trained a powerful spot light on a forgotten-by-design Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, Amenhotep IV. This Pharaoh changed his name to Akhenaten and has been dubbed by Egyptologists as "The Heretical Pharaoh". Because of Akhenaten's "Heresy," most records about him were erased. However, Tutankhamun's records remained intact for 3500 years to bring said "Heretical" Pharaoh to the attention of the disoriented Faithful. God, knowing how apt humans are to be captivated by legendary beauties, added Nefertiti (6) to the delivery of the message.
The reader may say: "Fine, but what is the connection of 'King Tut' and Nefertiti with the Heretical Pharaoh that generated such a bright light on his long forgotten name?"
As one would expect God to "do these things" - 'King Tut' is no one else than the son of the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his second wife Kiya and Nefertiti was the first wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and appears to be also the mother-in-law of Tutankhamun since he married his half sister.
With the above preamble, allow us to introduce you to the most singular Egyptian Pharaoh - Akhenaten (originally crowned a Amenhotep IV):
His Pharaonic Majesty Akhenaten (7), The
Great (8)
It was his own personal and trusted physician who administered Pharaoh Amenhotep IV the chalice with the poison provided to him by the priests of the Egyptian god Amon. Silence reigned in the royal chambers while rioting and anarchy reigned on the streets. Chaos had taken possession of Egypt.
Such chaos was the result of sixteen years of rule by Amenhotep IV; a period wherein he tried to modify-by-decree all social and religious traditions of the land. His was a revolution from the top which undermined the foundation of Egyptian civilization, provoked a civil war and ended up triggering his own death.
He rose to the Throne of Egypt ca. 1352 B.C. and married very young to the daughter of the King of Mitani - a young maiden of legendary beauty who he named Nefertiti - that is "The arriving beauty". He suffered tuberculosis as well as epilepsy since infancy, thus he had spent much time of his early life in bed. As the product of such suffering and prostration he had visions of a superior world created by One God - Aton, which is symbolized by the Sun.
The Religious Crisis
Therefore, in the sixth year of his kingdom, he abolished polytheism and established one single cult to the god Aton. He even changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten - that is "He who is loyal to Aton". His military chief, Horemheb, his treasury administrator, Ay, and his beloved wife Nefertiti gave him their support.
With this monotheism he intended to bring to an end the practiced polytheism as well as popular superstitions and, above all, end the control the Theban priests, who adored Amon, as the principal divinity, exercised over the population.
The Pharaoh solemnly declared that the doctrines of those priests were wrong; he shut down all their temples and confiscated their property. In addition, he abandoned the capital Thebes and move his court to a new capital city - Akhenaten - that is, "Aton's Horizon" and which is the actual Tell el-Amarna.
The Cultural Crisis
In addition to rejecting any kind of collusion with the nobility, Akhenaten established equality by means of a series of unknown-yet-to-mankind laws that established a pseudo communism or socialism. To begin with, the land taken away from the clerical class was given to the farmers, for whom he had housing built equipped with kitchen and toilet facilities. Imagine this taking place nearly 3,400 years ago!
His purpose was to turn "the humble and poor into princes", just as it can be read in a tomb at Tell el-Amarna. He enacted public health laws, like one prohibiting the cohabitation of man and beast under the same roof; established monogamous marriages; and advised women to only have two children.
Akhenaten was a precursor in many other aspects. For example, he abolished slavery, which was one of the foundations of their economy; he is considered the first ecologist in history since he became the protector of animals by forbidding massive hunting.
It should then not be surprising that so many progressive changes would cause such a profound crisis in a rigid culture so attached to ancient values as the Egyptian culture was.
The (political) party of the god Amon collided with the (political) party of the god Aton. The first group was formed by the disgruntled clergy, stripped of their worldly riches, landowners and courtiers; the second group was made up of plebeians, slaves and farmers. Obviously, the class struggle manifested itself in street fighting and blood baths. Since Akhenaten had dissolved the army, such fighting could not be controlled.
The priests of the god Amon found poison to be an effective way to get rid of the "heretic Pharaoh." Upon his death, they tried to get one of theirs onto Pharaoh's Throne and start a New Dynasty. However, Nefertiti, Akhenaten's widow, Horemheb and Ay managed to get Tutankhaton as the new Pharaoh. Later on, after reconciling himself with the clerics of Amon, he changed his name to Tutankhamun.
The rest, is history, and a very important message for These Times, brought to man, by God, through the discovery of the famous and providentially undisturbed tomb of Tutankhamun.
We wish to comment using a different format from the one previously used in our pages so that the reader can better focus on each issue.
A. Isn't it interesting that, apparently from nowhere and after eighteen dynasties of polytheism, one good day Amenhotep IV seemed to have declared monotheism as the true religion, made it the state religion and acted upon this knowledge with a certainty that few rulers posses? As if that were not amazing enough, his top military and financial men backed him as well as his wife Nefertiti. Did everyone become hallucinatory with him?
History states that: "He suffered tuberculosis as well as epilepsy since infancy, thus he had spent much time of his early life in bed. As the product of such suffering and prostration he had visions of a superior world created by One God - Aton, which is symbolized by the Sun."
B. He composed The Great Hymn to Aton (9) which reads more like an Old Testament Psalm than anything coming from Pharaonic Egypt. As a matter of fact, The Great Hymn to Aton has been compared to Psalm 104. Granted, he utilized the Sun as the manifestation of that one single God but as we read and meditate that Hymn, would the Pharaoh's behavior be much different than when Catholics use an image as the focal point of their adoration and praises, even when they are fully aware that is only a symbol and not an idol? What about when poorly Evangelized Catholics actually treat an image as if it was a true manifestation of an invisible God?
Therefore, Akhenaten's manifestation of his monotheistic belief (using the Sun as a focal point and/or manifestation) was not so far away from the monotheist believer - most specifically Catholics of the 21st Century.
C. Were not Akhenaten's actions quite similar to what Christ taught, which is, of course, the way God intended His Creation to function since its Genesis? As we read in the unearthed and recomposed history of his reign:
In addition to rejecting any kind of collusion with the nobility, Akhenaten established
equality by means of a series of unknown-yet-to-mankind laws that established a pseudo communism
or socialism. To begin with, the land taken away from the clerical class was given to the farmers,
for whom he had housing built equipped with kitchen and toilet facilities. Imagine this taking
place nearly 3,400 years ago!
His purpose was to turn "the humble and poor into princes", ... He enacted public health laws, like one prohibiting the cohabitation of man and beast under the same roof; established monogamous marriages; and advised women to only have two children.
Akhenaten was a precursor in many other aspects. For example, he abolished slavery, which was one of the foundations of their economy; he is considered the first ecologist in history since he became the protector of animals by forbidding massive hunting.
His purpose was to turn "the humble and poor into princes", ... He enacted public health laws, like one prohibiting the cohabitation of man and beast under the same roof; established monogamous marriages; and advised women to only have two children.
Akhenaten was a precursor in many other aspects. For example, he abolished slavery, which was one of the foundations of their economy; he is considered the first ecologist in history since he became the protector of animals by forbidding massive hunting.
Are we to consider such awareness the product of high fever hallucinations? Hardly! Those who would have had the hallucinations would have been the Temple Masters of Jesus' time and the leaders of organized religion of the 21st Century, should such theo-social policies would (have been) / (be) implemented since they present a threat to their privileged life . "Men of God" want a cash-producing and mass-controlling faith expressing system. Nothing has changed. Be it the priests of Amon who poisoned Akhenaten, the Temple Masters who had Jesus crucified or the Christian Faith Administrators of today; wealth and controlling power was, is and will ever be (unless God steps in) the "Name of their Game".
D. Isn't it interesting that H.H. John XXIII, then H.H. Paul VI and very, very briefly H.H. John Paul I seem to have tried to do in the Roman Catholic Church what Akhenaten tried to do in the Egyptian "Church" and God, in the Person of Jesus, tried to do in the Jewish Temple "Church"?
Vatican II tried to un-deify man, including the Popes who had established in the subconscious of the faithful an equivalence with God (the same equivalence practiced by the pre Akhenaten Pharaohs). Vatican II tried to eliminate what had become the virtual adoration of saints through their images and relics by limiting the number of statues and relics in the Churches. Vatican II tried avoid favoring the rich and dictatorial governments in favor of the poor and oppressed. Vatican II (10) tried to make God more accessible to man through the Mass in local vernacular.
Isn't it interesting how untimely both Paul VI and John Paul I died, opening the doors to the return of the pre Vatican II days which in Egypt would have been the pre Akhenaten days? Actually, worse. The saints being placed on altars have been multiplied as if calling the Faithful back to the pre Vatican II de facto idolatry.
Nothing is new under the Sun because satan always work in the same manner (11). Why change? Humans keep falling for the same old tricks over and over again.
And that, brethren, is precisely one of the main messages that God wanted to bring to us at the End of These Times, via the popular 'King Tut.' With the forced change in the trajectory (12) of H.H. John Paul II and the virtual deification of Jose María Escrivá (13) ["The Father", "Our Father", the author of "The Way"] the Escrivite Church is racing forward, yet backward, to "the days of Ramses II" - the Pharaoh that is generally accepted as the Pharaoh of the time of Moses. Of course, they will end up as the Pharaoh and charioteers of Moses days did (14).
May those who have Eyes, See and Ears, Hear! (15)
There is a most interesting archeological and Biblical angle to the theopolitical importance of Akhenaten. As we pondered the abrupt conversion of Amenhotep IV (and being personally conversant with such mystical experience), a thought crossed our path. What could have happened besides a direct-intervention-by-God conversion [as happened with the only male visionary of at Kibeho (16)], that may have caused Amenhotep IV to recognize the reality of one God - the true and only Creator and Sustainer of His Creation? Joseph, Jacob's son, came immediately to mind.
History speaks of Amenhotep IV having been prostrated in bed due to illness and having visions... What if he had prophetic dreams? What if he was the Pharaoh whose prophetic dreams were interpreted by Joseph? What would Amenhotep IV think of Joseph's God - the Only God -, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Any reasonable individual would be inclined to believe that indeed that was "The God". Biblically we are given that hint since the unnamed Pharaoh made Joseph the man in Egypt whose only superior was Pharaoh himself [Genesis 41: 37-45].
To this we must add that the key numerical figure in Pharaoh's dream was the seven years of plenty followed by the seven years of hardship. This would total fourteen years. Akhenaten was Pharaoh for fourteen to sixteen years. There was a popular revolt, undoubtedly fueled by Amon's Priests (nothing has changed, has it?) - anarchy reigned.
Well, if they were into the seven years of famine, it would have been very easy for Amon's Priests to float the rumor that the famine was because the god's were mad at Akhenaten for having changed their religious scheme. Let's face it - you and I may know the story of the Pharaoh's dream but the rank-and-file Egyptian was ignorant as to what was taking place. If today the controlling faction of the Roman Catholic Church Administrators is calling the La Salette (17) secret a lie and have modified the Fátima Secret (18) and the faithful believe it, imagine the uneducated rank-and-file Egyptian of that time. Remember, they also saw their Priests as semi gods so whatever they said, "had to be true" (nothing has changed, has it?).
There are too many spiritual circumstantial evidence to tie Pharaoh Akhenaten with Joseph - evidence that is really stronger than its Archeological equivalent.
Researchers have studied to determine who was the Pharaoh during Moses time and tentatively concluded that it was Ramses II. Less has been done about the Pharaoh during Joseph's supremacy in Egypt, but when we briefly looked into the reliability of allegedly "hard Archeological evidence", we realized that the adjective "hard" was used with much "poetic license".
For example Horemheb, the former military chief for Akhenaten and last Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty claimed, according to Archeological records, that he reigned 27 years, when he was on the Throne for about 13 years (19). How come? He chose to establish his ruling period from the death of Akhenaten and the beginning of the reign of Tutankhamun.
Searching further, we found an interesting treatise connecting Egyptian history and Biblical history (20). After reviewing that well researched document and past experiences we concluded that the "plus or minus" in the years elapsed in that point of history are "Correct pending incoming new information from new archeological finds and/or interpretations of past finds" and that a date can be two to three hundred years off very easily - or even more.
Further investigation to achieve the harmonization of dates and names in the Bible and in secular History is beyond the scope of our function, however, any reasonable research conducted and presented by a reader upon reviewing this documents and links, may be considered for publication if it is the Will of God.
(1) That is - Right Now, as your read this document
(2) As He did, for example, throughout World Wars I and II
(3) The Rosetta Stone is like a dictionary that allowed modern man to read ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs. Found on 1799 and deciphered on 1822. For greater details outside our Domain
Click Here
(4) For professional details, outside our Domain, on the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
Click Here
(5) The Sequence of Events Leading to the End of These Times -
NOT of the world
(6) About Nefertiti outside our Domain
(7) More details, outside our Domain, about
Akhenaten , The Great
(8) He is deserving the title of "The Great" more than those who throughout history, and
for strictly human reasons, have been granted such title.
(10) We do not blindly endorse all changes of Vatican
II - for example - we do not endorse the Celebrant facing the congregation instead of the
altar, the profane music and songs utilized in the Sacred Liturgy, as well as many other
(11) satan's Plan to Destroy Mankind
(13) The real agenda of the leadership of the Escrivites
(15) Who are these?
(16) Supernatural manifestations at Kibeho, Rwanda.
(17) Secret of La Salette
(19) Composite Chronology around the end of the 18th
Dynasty and the beginning of the 19 Dynasty
(20) Interpretation of physical archeological data is very tentative.
Click here for a well researched
example outside our Domain.
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