The First, Second and Third (and Final) Coming of Christ
Let Us Set the Record Straight
Let Us Set the Record Straight
The purpose of this brief document is to help the Faithful understand the differences among The
First, Second and Third (and Final) Coming of Christ.
On the surface it may appear a simple question; however, official errors abound and some of them may be used as part of the falsification of the coming of Christ.
The root of the confusion may be found in a famous excerpt from a sermon by St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1) (Sermo 5, In Adventu Domini, 1-3: Opera Omnia, Edit. Cisterc. 4 {1966}, 188-190) which is used in the Roman Office of Readings for Wednesday of the First Week of Advent. In it, Bernard (2) speaks of not 2 but 3 comings of the Lord. [our underscoring]
On the surface it may appear a simple question; however, official errors abound and some of them may be used as part of the falsification of the coming of Christ.
The root of the confusion may be found in a famous excerpt from a sermon by St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1) (Sermo 5, In Adventu Domini, 1-3: Opera Omnia, Edit. Cisterc. 4 {1966}, 188-190) which is used in the Roman Office of Readings for Wednesday of the First Week of Advent. In it, Bernard (2) speaks of not 2 but 3 comings of the Lord. [our underscoring]
"We know that there are three comings of the Lord. The third lies between the other
two. It is invisible, while the other two are visible. In the first coming he was seen
on earth, dwelling among men; he himself testifies that they saw him and hated him. In the final
coming all flesh will see the salvation of our God, and they will look on him whom they
pierced. The intermediate coming is a hidden one; in it only the elect see the Lord
within their own selves, and they are saved. In his first coming our Lord came in our
flesh and in our weakness; in this middle coming he comes in spirit and in
power; in the final coming he will be seen in glory and majesty."
Bernard goes on to say:
Bernard's version of the Second Coming is not just flawed - it is completely erroneous since his interpretation of John 14:23 is incorrect.
"In case someone should think that what we say about this middle coming is sheer invention,
listen to what our Lord himself ways: 'If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father
will love him, and we will come to him'. There is another passage of Scripture which reads:
'He who fears God will do good', but something further has been said about the one who loves,
that is, that he will keep God's word. Where is God's word to be kept? Obviously in the heart, as
the prophet says: 'I have hidden your words in my heart, so that I may not sin against
Bernard's version of the Second Coming is not just flawed - it is completely erroneous since his interpretation of John 14:23 is incorrect.
This error has become an issue now because Ratzinger has used such quotation in his latest book Jesus of Nazareth - Part 2. (3) It seems that a verse from the Gospel of John was used by Bernard to anchor his erroneous theo logic.
If any one love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him,
and will make our abode with him. [John 14:23]
According to Bernard's definition, that intermediate coming is individualized (depends on the individual) and varies in Time (when the individual allows God in). Bernard's version is no more than what is known as "a conversion", and is certainly not "an intermediate coming of Christ".
Obviously, when a human keeps the Word of God, the Word of God resides in him/her but not bodily - as a Person of the Most Holy Trinity. In residence in that soul, besides the Word of God, is also the Father and the Holy Spirit, for there is only One and Indivisible God.
In other words, when the Holy Spirit of God is within a soul - manifested by the words and deeds of that human being - so is the Father and the Word of God in residence.
The Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity is Jesus, Whose Body was Glorified after His Resurrection - and that Glorified Body is not inside anyone. Of course, He also Is the Word of God in His Divine Nature, and that is what takes up residence in a human at the time of conversion.
That is - the Second Coming, which precedes the Third and Final one, is not what John spoke of in his Gospel verse 14:23. Through John we are only told what "a conversion" is all about.
We have amply covered the true Second Coming as well as the final and Third Coming of Jesus Christ in 158 documents in our Domain. To make things very simple: the Second Coming of Christ is imminent; this is when Christ will come for his faithful people, will end These Times, and will give the Faithful a “new heaven and a new earth.” The Third - and final - Coming of Christ is centuries in the future, when Christ will come to judge the living and the dead, and to end the world. From then on, there will be only Heaven - and Hell.
Those who wish to go into this issue in greater depth may access our documents on line. (4).
We wish to take this opportunity to clearly define our position about Bernard of Clairvaux. We summarily reject his brand of holiness. (2)
Christ's knight deals out death in safety, as I said, and suffers death in even greater safety.
He benefits himself when he suffers death, and benefits Christ when he deals out death. 'He does
not wear a sword without cause; he is God's agent for punishment of evil-doers and for
glorification of the good.
' Clearly, when he kills an evil-doer, he is not a homicide, but, if you will allow me the term, a malicide, and is plainly Christ's vengeance on those who work evil and the defense Christ provides for Christians.
When such a knight is himself killed, we know that he has not simply perished but has won through to the end of this life. The death he inflicts accrues to Christ's profit; the death he receives accrues to his own.
' Clearly, when he kills an evil-doer, he is not a homicide, but, if you will allow me the term, a malicide, and is plainly Christ's vengeance on those who work evil and the defense Christ provides for Christians.
When such a knight is himself killed, we know that he has not simply perished but has won through to the end of this life. The death he inflicts accrues to Christ's profit; the death he receives accrues to his own.
Jesus Christ could have – single handedly or by granting supernatural aid to the Israelites – mowed down every single Roman oppressor of His people. He did not because that is not the Ways of God, the "Ways" God came in the person of Jesus Christ to teach us.
Anyone who speaks and acts as Bernard has in the above quote - be it a Successor of Peter or a Doctor of the Church or an alleged Saint (according to Roman Catholicism) is a liar whose fate is worse than that of a lukewarm soul:
But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my
mouth. [Rev.3:16]
To kill a human being in the Name of God is a blasphemy!
(2) Meet the Bernard You may be
surprised with his brand of "holiness" - he sounds and acts more like a blood thirsty jihadist
than a disciple of Jesus Christ.
(3) Ignatius Press. Paulines Press. 2011
Published on May 7th, 2011

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